Lake County CO Family History

Lake County


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Towns, Cities and Churches
In Lake County

If you have any information on towns, schools, post offices, historical churches, founding fathers, location, history, etc., please submit the information to me for inclusion on this site.

Feature Name St County Name Type Latitude Longitude USGS 7.5' Map
Adelaide CO Lake pop place 391450N 1061527W Leadville South
Balltown CO Lake pop place 390440N 1061650W Granite
Birdseye CO Lake pop place 391840N 1061337W Climax
Brumley CO Lake pop place 390522N 1063232W Independence Pass
Champion Mill CO Lake pop place 390815N 1063014W Mount Champion
Climax CO Lake pop place 392241N 1061059W Copper Mountain
Everett CO Lake pop place 390404N 1063005W Independence Pass
Kobe CO Lake pop place 390746N 1061851W Leadville South
Leadville CO Lake pop place 391503N 1061731W Leadville North
Leadville Junction CO Lake pop place 391531N 1062021W Leadville North
Malta CO Lake pop place 391346N 1062101W Leadville South
Mount Massive Lakes CO Lake pop place 390908N 1061800W Leadville South
Oro CO Lake pop place 391407N 1061506W Leadville South
Resurrection Mill CO Lake pop place 391407N 1061635W Leadville South
Stringtown CO Lake pop place 391401N 1061907W Leadville South
Twin Lakes CO Lake pop place 390458N 1062253W Mount Elbert

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Coordinator - Betty Baker

Asst. State Coordinators:
 -- Rebecca Maloney
 -- Betty Baker
 -- M.D. Monk

Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research.


Lake County CO Family History