Lake County CO Family History

Lake County


a proud part of the USGenWeb� Project


Lake County Obits

Obituarities and Death Certificate transcriptions over the years for Lake County.

Obituaries A - C | D - G | H - LM - R | S - Z

MISC | 'Texas Jack' | Death Certificates | Diseases


Obituaries have been submitted or transcribed in various formats over the years. Some are alphabetical, others were submitted after the fact. Sorry, but at this time there is NOT an index, but please feel free to use the SEARCH feature to look for your family surnames.

Miscellaneous Obits - these are obits submitted after the original alphabetical pages were created.

Texas Jack - Quite the character and lots of intersting history here.

Death Certificates - Actual transcriptions from death certificates. Some info may be duplicated from the obits.

Diseases - Definitions of common diseases found on death records


This page was last updated

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Contact Us

Coordinator - Betty Baker

Asst. State Coordinators:
 -- Rebecca Maloney
 -- Betty Baker
 -- M.D. Monk

Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research.


Lake County CO Family History