Lake County CO Family History

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Pages: 1-16 * 17-47 * 48-71 * 72-101 *
102-115 * 116-134 * 135-151 * 152-16 * Index


 "Seventy Years in the Coal Mines" by Philip FRANCIS was published originally without an index.  For better genealogical searching, I have painstakingly created an index of names with page number references.  Names are listed alphabetically in each of the four geographic locations shown below.  Some identifiers are provided in parentheses following the name.  Names are shown as they were spelled in the book (my great grandfather was self-educated).  In some instances, possibly missing or extra letters are shown in parentheses.  When only a given or surname is mentioned, the missing part of the name is shown by a blank line.  A few famous names such as LINCOLN, CUSTER, and SITTING BULL are included, although the names were merely mentioned historically in the book, and the individuals played no role in the author's life.  I am also including a brief index of significant events described in the book.


1861 - Explosion in Old Boreas Slope mine, Schuylkill County, PA 18
1866 - St. Clair Shaft mine, death of boy named PRICE   25
1867 - Beechwood Colliery, Mt. Laffee, accident with deaths  26
Mahanoy City, PA - Confrontation between miners and police  35
1902 - Fraterville Mine explosion, Anderson County, TN      136
1906 - Explosion in Jellico, TN          127
Cross Mountain Mine explosion, Anderson County, TN            141




FRANCIS, Richard (grandfather of author)  13
JAMES, Betsy (mother of William)   74-75


_______, Rhodesy (boy)     24
_______, Shean (possibly Sean)   37-38
BEVAN, Johnny      38
COX, ______(one-legged man killed in mine) 26
ELLISON, _______      36,37
EVANS, John       38
FRANCIS, Louis (son of author)   40,54
FRANCIS, Philip? (father of author)   13-14
  (sister of author)
JAMES, Carrie GOUGE, Carrie     20-21,90,92-95
  (first wife of Thomas JAMES)
GRIFFITHS, Edward (step-brother of author) 18-19
GRIFFITHS, Griff (step-brother of author)  18-19
GRIFFITHS, Joseph (step-brother of author) 18-19
GROODY, _______, Squire     36
HINKLE, _______(boy)     16-17
HUNES, George (killed in train wreck)  30-32
JAMES, Arthur C. (half-nephew of author)  20,22,92-95
JAMES, David (step-father of author)  15,17,20,23-28,
JAMES, Mrs. David GRIFFITHS     18-19
  (step-mother of author)
JAMES, Rebecca? HARRIS? FRANCIS   13-15
  (mother of author)
JAMES, Thomas (half-brother of author)  15,20-21,38,78,83,85-92,95,96
JEFF(E)RIES, Jack      39
KEHOE, Jack       36
KELLY, _______, Mr. (schoolteacher)   16-17
LEWIS, Walter      31-32
LEWIS, Mrs. Walter     33
LINCOLN, Abraham      24
MEYRICK, Richard (from Mahanoy City, PA)  59-60
  (father-in-law of author)
Molly Maguires      35
PARSOLI, Mordi (also spelled PARCELL)  22,90
PRICE, _______(boy killed in mine)   25-26
RAYBOLD, _______, Mrs.     24
REESE, William (from Mahanoy City, PA)  59
RICHARDS, Dave      38
ROGERS, _______(boy working in mine)  25
SHANKLIN, ________ (miner)    31
SYLVESTOR (relatives of Carrie GOUGE)  92
THOMAS, ______, Rev. (Welsh Bapt. Ch.)  34
THOMAS, Henry      24
THOMAS, James (first cousin of author)  29-31,135
WARREN, _______, (Sheriff of Pottsville)  36
WILLIAMS, Jack      39-40
WILLIAMS, Jack, Mrs.     40


ALEY, _______      53-54,59,62
ANDERSON, _______ (mine worker)   80
BRISBANE, _______, General    77
BRISBANE, Frank (from Saginaw, MI)   51,53-54,57-58,75-77
CLARK, _______ (two brothers)    87-88
CUSTER, (George Armstrong)    45
DUN(N), _______      53,59,62,64-65
DUVAL(S), _______ (from California)   70-71
HARRIS, _______      48,50
HILL, _______ (from Connecticut)   89
HILL, Travor      76
JAMES, William (from Joplin, MO)   58,60-74
LLOYD, _______ (from Maine)    68-70
LOVE, _______ (mine superintendent)   79
MEEKER family      66,86
PETERSON, _______ (mine owner)   80-81
PRICE family      66,86
REES, _______ (from Scranton, PA)   72,74
SITTING BULL, Chief     46,66,86
TABORS, _______      46
THOMPSON, _______ (probably an alias)  43,44


AUSMUS, Harrison      146-148
BATES, _______ (cousin of James CARTER)  111-113
BENNETT, Sam, Dr. (mine owner)   124-127
BOSSIE, _______ (possibly BOCCIA)   132-133
BOWLING, ______ (from Breathitt County, KY) 131
BRENNAN, Tom      103
BROWN, Frederick F., Dr.     144-145,149,158-159
CARTER, James       111
DAVIS, _______, Mr.     136
DAVIS, E. J.      97,99,108
DAVIS, Howell      135
DOMINICK, George D.     Title Page
  (grand nephew of author by marriage)
FINLEY, _______, Dr.     134
FINLEY, _______, Judge     123-124
FRANCIS, Annie MEYRICK (wife of author)  33-35,143-150,155,159
FRANCIS, Louis (s/o author)    100,148,159
FRANCIS, Mary (d/o author)    100
FRANCIS, Paul (s/o author)    148,159
FRANCIS, Thomas (s/o author)    159
GATLIFF, Ancil, Dr. (from Williamsburg, KY) 122-124,129
GATLIFF, Joseph      124
HIGHTOWER, Nice      132
HILL, Iris FRANCIS (d/o author)   143,159
HILL, T. Russ (son-in-law of author)  Introduction,143-144,146,152
HOSKINS, _______      120
HOWE, John (Knights of Labor leader)  131
JEFF(E)RIES, David     97
JEFF(E)RIES, Elizabeth     97
JEFF(E)RIES, John      97
JEFF(E)RIES, Mary (wife of Walter LEWIS)  97
JEFF(E)RIES, Shadrick     97
JENKINS, Arthur (from Mahanoy City, PA)  97
JENKINS, Jonathan (from Maryland)   100
JENKS, _______ (from Stearns, KY)   107
JENKS, _______ (miner)     121-122
JONES, U. S. (Jellico, TN, neighbor of author) 128
Knights of Labor      129-133,135
LAWSON, _______ (Deputy Sheriff)   117
LAWSON, _____ (Sheriff, Whitley County, TN) 118
LEWIS, David (from Mahanoy City, PA)  96,104-106
LEWIS, David (son of David LEWIS)   98
LEWIS, Tom (son of David LEWIS)   98
LEWIS, Walter (son of David LEWIS)   97,104-105
LEYSHON, Thomas  (from Mahanoy City, PA) 98,103-105
LOGAN, _______ (Marshal of Jellico, KY)  102
LYONS, Billie      102-104
MALCOLM, _______ (bricklayer)    105-106
MALLICOAT, John      117-120
MARCUM, Artie      120-121
MOORE, _______      117
MULLINS, John      132
MUSTERN, _______      110
NEAL, _______      121
Odd Fellows       134-135
PERKINS (family related to John MALLICOAT) 118
PHILLIPS, Evan (mine foreman)    98-99
PIETON, _______ (from Maryland)   100
POWERS, Caleb      125
QUIN(N), Dan (from Pittsburg, KY)   130
QUIN(N), Phil (from Pittsburg, KY)   130
RALSTON, _______ (mine track layer)   112
ROBINSON, _______, Mr. (reporter)   160
SARGENT, _______       131
SELLERS, Joe (killed in explosion)   128
SMITH, Louis      Title Page
STONE, Hannah FRANCIS (d/o author)   143-144,149,159
STONE, John (miner)     123
VAN HUSS, J. D., Mrs. (d/o author)   159
 (should be VAN HUSS, I. D., Mrs.
WELSH, _______ (possibly WELCH)   119-120
WHITE, John H. (from New York)   123,157
WHITTAKER, _______, Engineer    125
WILLIAMS, _______      120
WILLIAMS, John W. (son-in-law of author)   96,149
WILLIAMS, Margaret FRANCIS (d/o author)  40,100,148,159
WOOD, _______, Mr. (bookkeeper)   133
WOOLWINE, ______( Marshal of Jellico, TN)  103-104
WILSON, _______ (miner)     113-116
WYNN, Harry (from Mahanoy City, PA)   97,104,106
YONCE, Jim (blacksmith)     133-135
YUNT, Abe       107


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 -- Betty Baker
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Lake County CO Family History