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Brief History
by Sam Behling 

In 1876, the territory of Colorado became a state. Less than a year later, Governor John Routt signed a bill creating Routt County. In 1883, the northwest area of Colorado was beginning to experience its foundation of community spirit. William H. Tucker was the founder of Craig, which became the seat for Moffat county. He first came to the area in the spring of 1889 looking for a town site. After his inspection of the Craig area, he knew that money could be made in the valley especially with such enticing prospects as a new railroad to be included in the deal. But financing was needed so he contacted the Reverend William Bayard Craig for the necessary financial help. Craig, hearing about the town site project in turn called Frank Russel and Jerry Hill. All three were enthusiastic about the project.

Together with Mr. Tucker, they organized the Craig Land and Mercantile Company and decided on the name of "Craig" after their chief financier. By November, 1907, the idea of incorporating the town of Craig was taking shape. A citizens meeting was called to consider the proposal. By Tuesday, April 21, 1908, and after much discussion pro and con, the town became incorporated.

In 1911, Senator Cary introduced the Senate Bill #34 providing for the creation of Moffat County, which was carved out of Routt county. The Bill passed and was approved by Governor John F. Shafroth on February 27, 1911.

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American Legion 1941 list of Veteran Burials courtesy of Shelley Booco-Barnes
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American Legion 1945 card file - Children of Veterans courtesy of Shelley Booco-Barnes
Dino Button Archives - CO GenWeb - Moffat County Includes History and Military Records

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A suggested reading list
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Biographies 52 biographies extracted from Pioneer Men of Western Colorado 1905, courtesy of Shelley Booco-Barnes
A-C, D-H, I-M, N-S, T-Z
Dino Button Business Directory Courtesy of Kathleen Anderson.
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Cemeteries & Area Funeral Homes  A list of known cemeteries, plus partial transcriptions and obits.
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Cities, Towns and Places a listing of places

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Won't you help the Moffat County site? See below for further details.
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Maps Historic maps that may help you.
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Migration Patterns   Post your migrations here
Dino Button Moffat County Mining Deaths Colorado required that deaths in the mining industry be reported long before the state required other deaths to be reported.
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Naturalizations 1912-1941 courtesy of Shelley Booco-Barnes
Dino Button Obituaries and Gravestones Courtesy of Phyllis Bingham. Thanks Phyllis!
Dino Button Photos - Moffat County Submit your vintage Moffat County photos for posting. Please note that I can't post photos of unknown people due to time and storage constraints.
Dino Button Queries These have been updated and combined with the Ancestry boards. Post/View queries, bios, deeds, obits, etc. here. Learn to use these as they are a very valuable resource!
Dino Button Research Guide to Colorado Great guide to genealogical research in Colorado. Part 1 and Part 2
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Resources  Where to obtain vital records
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Tidbits Names and tidbits from old Moffat County Newspapers. Courtesy of Kathleen Anderson.
Uncle Sam Volunteers Needed!

Lookup Volunteers - If you have Moffat County materials such as local history books - a lookup now and then would be immensely helpful. Or if you can do a quick lookup at the library from time to time.

Have you got old yearbooks or other documents that would be helpful for Moffat County researchers?

Index Volunteers - Are you willing to index the surnames of a local history? If you are - we will be glad to post them (and give you credit, of course).  

Transcribers - How about taking your daily walk through a local cemetery and transcribing it? Take a clipboard or a tape recorder - you'll be amazed at how interesting and enjoyable this project is. I will post any Moffat County Cemeteries you transcribe.
Let us know if you can help!
Dino Tracks

Should you have any problems, please email the Moffat County Coordinator.


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