Moffat Co Logo
Axial Axial 6453

Description in 1911: Small town and postoffice in Routt county, 18 miles north of Meeker and 63 miles north of Rifle, the nearest railroad point.
Population 25.

Axial Hotel, Mrs J M Whalin prop.
Colorado Stage and Transportation Co, A E Eees & Son props, M J Taylor agent.
Hugus & Co J W, genl mdse, C H Wolcott local mgr.
Taylor W S, surveyor.
Weyand D C, stage line.
Wolcott C H, postmaster, mgr J W Hugus & Co.

Blue Gravel Craig Northeast Ghost town located near confluence of Blue Gravel Creek and Fortification Creek. It began as a placer gold mining town and at one time had a hotel/restaurant, livery barn, saloon, general store and a blacksmith shop. It was abandoned in the 1870s and no structures remain.
Blue Mountain Rangely Northeast 5823
Brown's Park Lodore School, Big Joe Basin Locale and School
Craig Craig 6197 County Seat. Description in 1911: Growing town in Routt county, on the Yampa or Bear river, surrounded by a fine farming and cattle raising country, which is the principal industry. Large bodies of coal are found nearby. Survey of the Moffat railroad passes through Craig. This will make it the supply point of a country 50 miles to both the north and south. At present best reached
by stage from Steamboat Springs, 50 miles.
Craig Place Canyon of Lodore North 7234
Craig South Highlands Castor Gulch 6394
Dinosaur Dinosaur 5922
Elk Springs Elk Springs 6378
Fourmile Bighole Butte 6398 Gold was discovered on Fourmile Creek by Hugh Morrison in 1891. In 1893 hydraulic mining was begun and several ditches were dug to bring water to the site, including a ditch that ran 38 miles to Dixon, WY. The town was founded in 1894 and grew to a population of of 400. By 1898 the town began to decline and nothing remains except a Colorado Dept of Highways maintenance building.
Goodlys This town was spotted 3 miles south of Timberlake in 1912. Only the ruins of 2 cabins remain.
Greystone Greystone 6660 Historical
Hamilton Hamilton 6243 Description in 1911: Postoffice in Routt county, on mail andd stage route between Craig and Meeker. Reached either via Wolcott or Rifle. Surrounding industry stock raising.
Population 20.

Henning, Nona S., postmaster.
Hamilton Thos. road house.
Weyand D C, prop Craig-Axial Stage Line.

Hiawatha Hiawatha 7149 Historic Oilfield camp
Housel East Timberlake Creek 6749 Located 5 miles S of Goodlys on Housel Creek. Nothing remains.
Iles Grove Monument Butte 6309
Jack Springs Skull Creek 7113
Juniper Hot Springs Juniper Hot Springs 5991 Description in 1911: A postoffice and summer resort in Routt county, on the Moftat Ry. Population 15.

Aborgast A B, physician.
McCausland C M, general merchandise, prop Hot Springs Bath House,
hotel and livery, postmaster.
Wilcox & Wason, stage line.

Lay Lay 6181 Description in 1911: Postoffice and small town in Routt county,
85 miles north of Rifle.
Daily stage from Axial (except Sunday).
Population 20.

Homback C E, carp.
Iron Springs Placer Co, placer mining.
Nutt J W, justice peace.
Wallihan A G, postmaster, U S commissionr, surveyor, photographer; coal mine operator, notary public.
Wallihan Mrs A G, hotel.
Webb J K, carp.
Wilcox & Wasson, stage line.
Wisconsin Coal Mining Co.

Lily A postoffice in Routt county, reached by stage from Rifle, the
nearest railroad point.
Population 14.

Barnes F C, postmaster, genl mdse.
Graham & Co G W, genl mdse.

Lodore Lodore School 5384 Description in 1911: A country postoffice in Routt county.
Population 8.

CHEW J H, postmaster.

Loyd Monument Butte 6401
Massadona Skull Creek 5794
Maybell Maybell 5922 Description in 1911: Small town in Routt county. 100 miles from Rifle, the nearest railroad point. Daily stage. Population 150.

Barber & Son 0 F, coal mine.
Dolly W H, lime mfrs.
Hunt Chas, painter.
Hunt Bros, carpenters and buildrs
Kapple A J, genl mdse and farm implements.
Nutt J W, justice peace.
Peterson S H, prin school.
Templeton James H, notary public; insurance.
Wagner Emma E, postmaster
Wasson & Wilcox, stage line.
Wollihan James, hotel.
Wyatt Chas, blacksmith.

Located 25 miles west of Craig, uranium ore was processed here between 1954 and 1967. The US Department of Energy encapsulated the tailings in a disposal cell in 1998.
Offield Place Sugarloaf Butte 6683
Powder Wash Powder Wash 6722
Robinson Place Hells Canyon 7798
Slater Bakers Peak 7753 Description in 1911: Small town in Routt county, 80 miles from Rawlins, Wyoming, the nearest
railroad point. Agriculture and cattle raising.
Population 50.

Linkletter A E, blacksmith.
McIntosh Robert, general merchandise, harness and saddlery, and postmaster.

Sunbeam Sunbeam 5889
Timberlake B.L. Law built a dredge at the site on Timberlake Creek in 1900. The town was abandoned about 1904 when the dredge burned. Some lode mining was also down near the site at the head of Housel Creek. Timberlake has 5 structures remaining.
Wilson Place Lodore School 5338
Dino Tracks

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