Thanks to Kathleen Anderson for contributing the information on this page! This page will be updated as she transcribes information from her old Moffat County newspapers. If anyone else has info to add, please feel free to email me.


Early Moffat County Elections

Surnames include Thorpe, Howard, Maxey, Kuney, Curtis, Rogers, Holloway, Thompson, Williams, Carr, Finley, Hadsell, Clayton, Colburn, Allen, Davidson, Cowgill,

From The Craig Empire newspaper on April 8, 1925
courtesy of Nancy T. Green
Allen Mrs. Wallace Nichsolson entertained at a birthday dinner June 16 for her father, Eben Hamilton, who was 71 years old that day. The guests were James Campbell, 67, Joe Spence, 73, C. E. Allen 73, D. S. Cline 73, K. E. Haines 72 and L. O. Showers 61. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
THE Good Eats Cafe
Largest And Best Equipped Restaurant On the Western Slope
We Serve the Best Of Everything
Meet Your Oil Friends Here Member American Auto Ass'n SLEEP ANYWHERE........EAT HERE---
G.A. ACHENBACH, Proprietor
Jan. 25, 1928, The Craig Courier
Arbogast Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Baker Baker House, Mrs. Cora Baker, prop. March 1926, Craig Courier Newspaper
Bicknell Water has been turned into the Maybell Canal ditch and Mr. BICKNELL is ditch rider.. Everyone has plenty of water and then some. The prospects look good for fine crops this year. May 18, 1916, Moffatt County Courier
Bower Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Breeze Breeze, Mrs. R. A. California Perfume Co., Agent March 1926, Craig Courier Newspaper
Brown Brown, C. E., Restaurant March 1926, Craig Courier Newspaper
Buffam Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Campbell Mrs. Wallace Nichsolson entertained at a birthday dinner June 16 for her father, Eben Hamilton, who was 71 years old that day. The guests were James Campbell, 67, Joe Spence, 73, C. E. Allen 73, D. S. Cline 73, K. E. Haines 72 and L. O. Showers 61. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Cannon Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Carpenter Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Chenery Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Clapp James OLIPHANT was in town Monday to make a filing on a homestead near the CLAPP Ranch on Fortification Creek. April 4, 1914, Moffatt County Courier
Cline Mrs. Wallace Nichsolson entertained at a birthday dinner June 16 for her father, Eben Hamilton, who was 71 years old that day. The guests were James Campbell, 67, Joe Spence, 73, C. E. Allen 73, D. S. Cline 73, K. E. Haines 72 and L. O. Showers 61. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Conway Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Cowan Cowan Drug Store, Frank Cowan, owner and manager March 1926, Craig Courier Newspaper
Davis Price O. Godlove of Williams Fork was issued a license for a new Dodge coupe this week and Ralph K. Davis has a new Ford sedan. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Mrs. Joel Davis, Mgr.
Jan. 25, 1928, The Craig Courier
Eller Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Godlove Price O. Godlove of Williams Fork was issued a license for a new Dodge coupe this week and Ralph K. Davis has a new Ford sedan. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Haines Mrs. Wallace Nichsolson entertained at a birthday dinner June 16 for her father, Eben Hamilton, who was 71 years old that day. The guests were James Campbell, 67, Joe Spence, 73, C. E. Allen 73, D. S. Cline 73, K. E. Haines 72 and L. O. Showers 61. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Hamilton Mrs. Wallace Nichsolson entertained at a birthday dinner June 16 for her father, Eben Hamilton, who was 71 years old that day. The guests were James Campbell, 67, Joe Spence, 73, C. E. Allen 73, D. S. Cline 73, K. E. Haines 72 and L. O. Showers 61. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Holland Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
House Miss Nora House is working at Parr's Grocery, taking the place of Miss Estella Ruggles, who was married Monday. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper


Antlers Barber Shop, L. James, owner March 1926, Craig Courier Newspaper
James Antlers Smoke House, L. James and Mc Anally March 1926, Craig Courier Newspaper
Mack Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Mansfield Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
McAnally Antlers Smoke House, L. James and Mc Anally March 1926, Craig Courier Newspaper
McNurlen Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Melugin Tom MELUGIN, accompanied by his wife and baby, arrived Friday from Moreland, Utah. They will make their home in Craig. April 4, 1914, Moffatt County Courier
Moshier Sam MOSIER thinks one of the requisites of successful farming is a good team, and this week purchased W. H. RICHARDSONS big bays. Sam now has the equipment to plow deep, one of the essentials of successful dry farming. April 4, 1914, Moffatt County Courier
Nelson Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Nicholson Mrs. Wallace Nichsolson entertained at a birthday dinner June 16 for her father, Eben Hamilton, who was 71 years old that day. The guests were James Campbell, 67, Joe Spence, 73, C. E. Allen 73, D. S. Cline 73, K. E. Haines 72 and L. O. Showers 61. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Oliphant James OLIPHANT was in town Monday to make a filing on a homestead near the CLAPP Ranch on Fortification Creek. April 4, 1914, Moffatt County Courier
Parr Classified Ad: Wanted: A lady clerk, medium age, strong, accurate in figures and can lift at least 50 lbs. O. H. PARR Co. Jan. 25, 1928 Jan. 25, 1928, The Craig Courier
Parr's Grocery Miss Nora House is working at Parr's Grocery, taking the place of Miss Estella Ruggles, who was married Monday. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Pleuse Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Prusic Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Richardson Sam MOSIER thinks one of the requisites of successful farming is a good team, and this week purchased W. H. RICHARDSONS big bays. Sam now has the equipment to plow deep, one of the essentials of successful dry farming. April 4, 1914, Moffatt County Courier
Rowe Neal Rowe, a former homesteader in the Great Divide district, returned Tuesday to that country wher he will make his home. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Ruggles Miss Nora House is working at Parr's Grocery, taking the place of Miss Estella Ruggles, who was married Monday. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Severance Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Sheridan Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Showers Mrs. Wallace Nichsolson entertained at a birthday dinner June 16 for her father, Eben Hamilton, who was 71 years old that day. The guests were James Campbell, 67, Joe Spence, 73, C. E. Allen 73, D. S. Cline 73, K. E. Haines 72 and L. O. Showers 61. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Spence Mrs. Wallace Nichsolson entertained at a birthday dinner June 16 for her father, Eben Hamilton, who was 71 years old that day. The guests were James Campbell, 67, Joe Spence, 73, C. E. Allen 73, D. S. Cline 73, K. E. Haines 72 and L. O. Showers 61. June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Still Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Temple Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Townsend Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
VanTassel Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Walker Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Wolf Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo June 27, 1928, Craig Courier Newspaper
Aug. 15 1928 Douglas Mountain Rodeo Sunday, A Big Success Bucking horses, hurdles and races figured in a lively, rodeo put on by Guy Mc Nurlen and the Ralph Maddox place on Douglas Mountain Sunday afternoon, when Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Chenery and Mrs. H. Craig Severance of New York entertained all the Douglas Mountain community, at their camp. About fifty people were there for the picnic dinner and afternoon, sports. Elmer Mack and Dewey Sheridan rode the broncs, Mack taking the money for the best ride and Widowmaker, belonging to Mc Nurlen, being judged the worst bucker. Dr. B. A. Arbogast, Ralph Buffam and George Holland were the judges. Ten horses were entered in the half-mile free for all, Jimmy Buffam winning first on Little Kidb belonging to Mc Nurlen. Mrs. George Eller won the quarter-mile ladies cow pony race over three other entries, on her own horse Flaxie. Mr. Severence took movies of the entire show. Mr. and Mrs. Chenery and Mr. and Mrs. Severence have been camping for a month at Five Springs and sxploring the Lodore Country. The Chenerys are buying land on Douglas Mountain and Mr. Severance, who is an architect, has drawn plans for a log cabin, 32 by 125 ft., on the rim of the mountain over looking a vast territory extending into Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. In the course of his work as engineer, Mr. Chenery has spent some time in each of the 48 states, and he finds the Douglas Mountain territory the most ideal he has seen for his summer home. He plans to spend his summers here, bringing his family and friends. Most of the afternoon guests went on to the Dio Walker home in the evening for a dance. The families who attended the affair were:George Holland and Mrs. Holland's mother, Mrs. Van Tassel, Ralph Buffam, Leslie Buffam, Dio Walker, C. O. Nelson, Ben Townsend, Robert Bower and Harry Still. and Miss Kathleen Cannon, Messrs. Elmer Mack and Ralph Conway of Craig, Earl Wolf of Sheepshead Basin, Dr. B. A. Aborgast, Harry Temple of Snake River, Mr. Pleuse of Craig, Mrs. George Eller, Peter Prusic, Miss Portia Mansfield of Steamboat Springs and the F. R. Carpenters of Hayden.
Dino Tracks

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