Rio Blanco County Historical Society and White River Museum


this is what I remember


Joseph S. Collom...............1      The Thomas Family.................163

The Sweeney Story.............11      William D. and Winifred E. Simms..165

James Lyttle..................15      Lillian V. and William H. Purdy...167

Fred Riley....................17      LaRoy H. Purdy....................172

Allen and Mathes Family.......27      Emma Thomas Family................176

Pat Lynch.....................31      George Lawrence Howey.............177

William H. Clark..............35      The Holland Family................179

Arthur Burtis Critchlow.......38      Edgar A. Parker and Frank Harker
					    Family History..............180
Rebecca and Adam Smith........42
				     The Cure Family....................186
Luke and Mary Devlin..........42
			             Jimmy Johnson......................195
David Smith and Family........44		
			             Emma Thomas Neal...................195
Thomas Baker Family...........47
		    	             Hiram L. Grinstead.................198
Eddie P. Wilber...............49
			             William L. Veatch..................199
Owen H. Lunny.................54		
				     Frank E. Loring....................200
Willard and Gertrude Hauck....55
			             The Maudlin Family.................203
Goldie Tharp Johnson..........56
			             James Nimerick.....................205
Children of E.S.R. Sanderson..57
				     Fred W. Kracht Family..............207
Martha Witchey................62
				     E.J. Wilson History................207
Lena Hartke Moore.............64
			             William Gillaspie Family...........208
Reinhold and Lena Hartke......65
				     Nellie Lutkiewicz Meeks............213
Robert Crawford Family........65
				     Lutkiewicz and Wells History.......215
John Goff.....................68
				     Claude Dobbs.......................217
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Oldland..69	
				     Frank Hicken.......................218
Jennie Brown Spence...........73
				     H. W. Tomlinson....................221
E.L. Davis and Walter M. Brown 
		Family.......103     Michael A. Sorenson................227

Ed Arnold Family.............120     Harold Ewin Amick..................228

A.C. "Al" Ellison............129     Town of Rangely....................231

B. M. Vaughan................136     Fred Nichols.......................233

Baldauf Histories............141     Early Rangely......................233

George Warren Family.........142     Joseph Jacob Studer................234

Katherine Warren Rector......152     Cecil V. Gross.....................235

Nellie Warren Parkes.........154     Mrs. Hefley's Account of Rangely's 
Mrs. Bassett's Children......157
				     Austena May Banta Howell...........243
Julia McDowell...............160
				     Rangely, Colorado..................248
Emily Myrtle McDowell........161
				     James William Rector...............249
Jesse Bassett................162
				     Charles Porter Hill and Caroline E.
James Pearl Story............162	Blakeslee Hill..................253

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