Rio Blanco County Historical Society and White River Museum



Freeman E. Fairfield...........1         Frank N. JoHantgen...............129
Freeman E. Fairfield Meeker              Henry August Wildhack............130
   Charitable Trust............3         Perry and Nina Boies.............131
Meeker, Colorado, November 		 Edward T. Boies..................131
   1887........................4         John Fletcher Hay................132
"Another Stray Day"............5	 The Egry Family..................133
The Town of Meeker.............6	 The Black Family.................134
					 Agnes Allen Watkin Henry.........137
PART I: INTERVIEWS OF WHITE		 The R. O. Family.................137
         RIVER PIONEERS                  Reuben Orville Reynolds..........139
					 Charlie Collins..................140
Russell Harp..................8		 George Samuel Allsebrook.........141
Ruth Taylor Jordan and Verda		 Fay M. Babcock...................143
   Taylor Shaw...............12		 The Henry Smith Family...........144
Hammy Sheridan...............14		 The John R. Smith Family.........151
Maggie Jones Ralston.........16		 Charity A. Smith.................155
Fred Nichols.................18		 Fred Smith.......................159
Richard G. Lyttle............21		 Shepard-Stadtman Family..........161
Arthur Amick.................26		 The John Kincher Family..........163
Dorothy Herring..............32		 Fred Mobley......................168
Maggie Cassidy...............36		 The Wharton Family...............170
Karl Metzger and Florence		 Leona Clubine....................172
   Metzger Franks............38		 Joseph N. Neal...................173
Thomas F. M. Burke...........42		 Hugh Brown.......................174
Harland Dudley...............45		 Martha Johnson...................174
Jack Wix.....................52		 Reverend H. A. Handel............177
Wilda Woods..................56		 Remininscences of George A. Wear.178
Ben Gillaspie................61		 Thomas B. Scott..................180
Freddie Frizell Gordon.......66		 The Love Family..................181
Jack Wallace.................68		 The Caldwell Family..............181
Frank A. Brewer..............69		 John Robert Jacobs...............183
Damon Adams..................72		 The Dunlap Family................183
Alonzo Porter................73		 John and Bertha Lockhart.........184
Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Kirkpatrick		 Sam and Estella Wright...........186
			     74		 The Slifka Family................187
Ray Filener..................78		 Mildred Brooks Budge.............188
Dorothy Kehrberger...........80		 Justice John R. Clark............190
John Paul Wiese..............84		 I God Molly Rink.................190
Eugene Voletzel..............88		 Paul Ferdinand Jenson............191
Regas Halandras..............89
Eleanor Service..............94
W. O. Richards...............97


Thomas Baker................104		 J.W. Hugus and Company...........192
Reuben Oldland..............104		 Meeker Bank Robbery..............194
John Ernest Oldland.........105		 The Meeker Hotel.................195
E. S. R. Sanderson..........105		 History of St. James Episcopal
Lila Celia Underwood........109			Church....................197
Ed P. Wilber................109		 The History of Lime Kiln Hill and
Harp Brothers Helped Shape     			Its Pioneer Settlers......199
	Colorado History....115		 Pioneer Memories Recalled by Maggie
The LaKamp Family...........117			Cassidy and Harry Miller..200
The Robert Crawford Family..119		 The Office of County Superintendent
Burr C. Howey...............119						  203
Childhood Memories of Kittie		 Meeker Herald Articles...........204
	Hall Fairfield......120		 Early Day Prices in Meeker, CO...206
James William Rector........122		 Who Was or Is The First White Child
James Adams Watson..........126			Born Within Rio Blanco Co.206
Mary Allsebrook Smith.......127		 

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