A Short History of Creede with photographs
Near the spot where the Rio Grande and Willow Creek are joined are the remains of one of the wildest mining camps ever-Creede. Like many other camps that bear the name of the miner who first discovered its gold, the town of Creede.is no different. In 1889, Nicholas J. Creede was panning along the banks of a stream when he discovered the ore that was to become the Holy Moses Mine. History has it that Creede, upon discovering the ore, cried out the words "Holy Moses." Gold, silver and zinc were all mined in Creede but silver was the dominant ore. Of some note is the name Bob Ford. Ford was the man who shot and killed Jesse James, the well-known Missouri desperado. Ford built and operated a saloon in Creede with considerable success. He was shot and killed by a miner named O'Kelly on a June night in 1892. The reason was never revealed. Submitted by Henry Chenoweth.
From Ute Hunting Ground To Silver Mining Boom Town
Creede: Creede: Ghost Town
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