The Pioneer Citizens and Early
History of Mesa County, Colorado
The community of Grand Junction, Colorado, began in 1881 following the deportation of most of the state's western Ute Indian tribes to the Uintah Indian Reservation in the Utah Territory. After "Lo" (the poor Indian) was forcibly removed, white men could not populate the vicinity fast enough. What was once the exclusive domain of the Ute was rapidly usurped by toilers of the tiller's trade. The vast expanses of Gunnison County were divided into Mesa, Delta and Montrose counties. Conditions in the newly founded town of Grand Junction were Spartan, to say the least, but within 30 years the community was as cosmopolitan as any in America. Irrigation canals were constructed and the desert bloomed in profusion until Mesa County became nearly the finest agricultural-producing locality in the country. The whole story is here—from horse blanket-doored hovels to the multi-story Grand Valley National Bank, streetcars and automobiles. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yester-year
Over the years, there have been a number of historically interesting publications concerning Mesa County, Colorado, and the Grand Valley communities in general. These publications have become rare and are, at best, difficult to locate. This work draws selectively from several of these publications and presents the most historically and genealogically significant information from each. Type styles have been selected to approximate the look of the original publications but some spellings and usage have been modernized so as to be less distracting to the reader. Display advertising has reluctantly been largely omitted due to the technical difficulty of reproducing it. Typographical and other obvious errors have been corrected as have misspelled names, incorrect dates, etc., if they were discovered. The four publications comprising this work include:
Title: History and Business Directory of Mesa County, Colorado;
a Description of its Valleys, Ranges, Ranches, Ditch
Systems, Illustrations, and Portraits of Some of the Early
Settlers and Prominent Men.
Publisher: Mesa County
Democrat; 1886; Charles W. Haskell, editor and
proprietor; Grand Junction, Colorado.
Description: 93 pages, engraved
illustrations, portraits, maps.
Title: Grand Junction
News Year Book.
Publisher: Price & Kingsley;
1885; Grand Junction, Colorado.
Description: engraved
illustrations and display advertisements.
Title: Progressive Men of Western Colorado.
Publisher: A. W. Bowen &
Company; 1905; Chicago, Illinois.
Description: 876 pages,
biographical sketches, photographic illustrations.
Title: The Stirring Story of a Western Community—Mesa County, Colorado—
Its Pioneer Days and Its Wonderful Development.
Publisher: Daily Sentinel;
1915; Grand Junction, Colorado.
Description: 72 pages,
photographic illustrations.
The 1886 History and Business Directory of Mesa County, Colorado, provides the foundation for this work. Nearly all the engravings therein have been reproduced and placed throughout the text. The year 1885 has been bolstered with chronology items from the 1885 Grand Junction News Yearbook—these lines all begin with a date and are readily identifiable in the text. Next are included reprints of the Mesa County entries, or entries with Mesa County connections, from Progressive Men of Western Colorado, an excellently written 800-page biographical tome that featured most of the early-day Western Slope movers and shakers. Excerpts from the 1915 Daily Sentinel booklet The Stirring Story of a Western Community concludes the history which ends as America prepares to enter World War One. An effort has been made to include an improved and larger selection of photographs in these pages than was provided in the original works. While I have not indexed every Willie and Susie found in the biographical portraits, I have included the family head as well as all other pertinent Colorado-related names and places which should prove a boon to both genealogists and historians.
Robert W. McLeod
Lakewood, Colorado — February 2004
Betty Baker
Updated Formatting -- October 2022
Index: Use your browser's search function to quickly find surnames, place names and etc.
Page number indicates item mentioned only in
* indicates a biographical sketch of the
c - indicates mention in a caption
n - indicates mention in a note
c - or n - preceding page number indicates item
mentioned only in place indicated—n61
c - or n - following page number indicates item
additionally mentioned elsewhere on page—94c
A.E. Walter & Co., 27
A.W. Walter & Co., 27
Abbey, R.P., 42
Abbott, Ursa S., 45*
Ackerman & Lumsden, 11, 72
Ackerman & Quinn, 27, 42
Ackerman, J.H., 27-28, 72
Adams, Robert L., 45*, 77
agricultural products, 99, 101
Albers, U.L., 13, 28
Allen, J. Henry, 101
Allen, James F., 27
Allen, John, 3
Allen, Thomas, 13
Allison, J.A., 23
Allison, Monroe L., 7-8, 10, 14, 27
Allison, Robert, 23
Allison, Rose, 27, c43
Alma, CO, 81-82
Alta Land & Livestock Co., 67-68
Amsbary, Rev. ____, 28
Anderson & Davidson, 16-17
Anderson, ____ (Captain), 23
Anderson, David, 45*, 67-68
Anderson, Grace, 68
Anderson, Mary, 67
Angora goats, 74
Apache Indians, c94
apples, 66, 76, 85, 99-100
Arch, Matt, 8-9, 31
armory hall, 12
Armstrong, James, 31
Armstrong, William J., 46*
Ashcroft, CO, 47
Aspen, CO, 13, 16-17, 45, 47c, 57, 64, 79, 81, 87
asphalt (see gilsonite)
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, 55, 92
Atkinson, S.L.G., 31
attorneys, 36
Aupperle, D.W., 101
automobiles, c44, 99-100
Avery, William, 31
Azzalia, Frank, 27
Bailey, ____, 12
Bailey, A.T., 13
Baker, Miss ____, 13, c43
Baker's Park, 80
Baldwin, C.W., 84
ballot tampering, 17
Ballou, John (E. or F.), 8, 25
Bangs, Doc, 4
banks, 35, 100-101
Banks, George, 29
Baptist church, 11-12, 14, 26, 28
Barber, L.R., 103
Barbour, J.A., 103
Barbour, Mamie, 103
Barclay, J.A., 101
Barnacle, John, 30-31
Barnette, William, 6, 20
Barnhouse, T.E., 26-27
Barnwell, Alice, 66
Barrett, J.F., 11, 13-14, 18, 25
Barrows, J.W., 32
Baumgardner, William, 27, 42
Baxter Pass, 97
Beale, Edward F., 31
Bear Creek, 92
Beard, J.M.G, c44
Beck, Newton R., 57
Beckert, Ben, 29
bee keeping, 83
Beeson, W.W., 31
Belgium Relief Fund, 101
Bell, W.A., 24
Bement, A., 30
Berg, Charles, 15, 19-20, 23
Bergen, W.H., 31
Berry, ____ (Ute Agent), 2
Berry, Samuel, 102
Bertholf, Elnora, 23
Bertholf, J.H., 95
Bertholf, John M., 23, 46*
Bertholf, Zachariah, 47*
Bethel, CO, 54, 80
Bevier & Mayhew, 7
Bevier, Charles, 4, 47*
Bevier, Edwin, 6-7
Big Creek Reservoir, 59
Biggles, John, 8
Biggs, William, 49*
binding machine, 15-16
Binning, Walter S., 11, 20, 25, 29-31, 42*
Bird's Eye, CO, 90
birth, first, 20
Bisbee, L.H., 31
bison, c33, 102
Black, Thomas J., 99
Black Hawk, CO, 70, 86
Blain and Logan Club, 11, 37
Blair, D.F., 47*
Blain, E., 6
Blain, Nannie, 6
Blair, R.A., 48*
Blakeslee, M.W., 62
Blauvelt, J.S., 6, 25
Bliss, C.P., 27-28, 42
Blue Stone Creek, 20, 24
Bogert, Hank, 48*
Bogue, Joseph, 48*
Bolem, Henry, 48*
Bonanza, CO, 72
Bonholzer, Theresa, 7, 20
Bonton, E.D., 11
Book Cliffs, 19, c25
Book Cliff Coal Co., 17, 25, n35
Book Cliff coal mine, 84
Borschell, W.H., 65
Boulden, J.W., 9-11, 25, 28, 29
Boulder County, 49, 52, 58-59, 65, 71
Boulder, CO, 57-59, 64, 71
Boulevard School (Denver), 41, 87
Bourdette, Willis C., 31
Bourquin, Julia C., 64
Bouten, E.D., 29
Boutwell, L.W., 25
Bowen, J.W., 15
Bowen, Thomas M. (Senator), 37, 86
Bower, Columbus, 95
Bowman, ____ (sheriff), 4
Bradish, J.O., 17, 27-28
Bradish, Levi, 13
Braman, C.J., 27, 42
Brennan, Dennis, 29-31
Brett, C.A., 4, 7, 10-11, 18, 20, 27
Bridgeport tunnel, 9, 11, 92
Bridges, John W., 31
Briggs, William, 49*, 95
Briley, ____, 7
Brink, Joshua Franklin, 7, 10-11, 20, 23, 27, 40*
Bronk, J.P., 32
Brooks, Rev. ____, 11
Brown, J.C., 4, 7-8
Brown, Edward R., law office, 5
Brown, F.P., 17, 27, 39*, 57
Brown, John P., 7, 49*
Bruner, Frederick S., 49*
Bryant, B.H., 11
Buchmann, Max, 49*
Buckhorn ranch, 52
Bucklin & Staley, 18
Bucklin, Staley & Safely, 27, 37-38, 50
Bucklin, Alvin N., 49*
Bucklin, George Champion, 15
Bucklin, George F., 50
Bucklin, Harvey C., 14, 17-18, 25, 27, 62
Bucklin, James Champion, 15
Bucklin, James W., 6-8, 11-15, 18, 20, 25, 37*, 38, 49, 50*,
n51, 95
Bucklin, Mrs. James W., 13
Buckskin Jack (rustler), 4
Buckskin Charlie (Ute Chief), 2
Buena Vista, CO, 59
buffalo (see bison)
Buffalo Dan (rustler), 4
Bull, Heman R., 51*, 79
Bunting, Isaac Newton, 51*, 99
Buntner, Will, 11
Burger, Frank M., 51*
Burger, Julia (Barnheart), 51
Burk, Samuel, 25
Burris & Caswell, 17, 27, 37
Burris, C.W., 11, 18, 28, 37*, 39, 53
Butcher, B.H. (Senator), 36
Butts, Anna, 13
Buzzard Creek, 21, 23
Buzzard ranch, 16
C.H. Barnes, 44
Cactus Creek, 20, 24
Cain, Charles W., 52*, 70
Calahan, H.R., 31
Caldwell, G.W., 73
Caldwell, George S., 10, 27
Caldwell, Isa, 93
Callahan, Theresa, 79
Cameo coal mine, 84
Cameron & Thomas, 27, 42-43
Cameron, ____ (General), 34
Cameron Consolidated mine group (Gilpin Co.), 69
Cameron Golden Circle, 64
Camp Floyd, U.T., 39
Campbell, Allen D., 11, 20, 23
Campbell, John L., 16, 18, 23
Campbell, Susan E., 60
cancer treatment, c44
Canfield, Carl B., 52
Canfield, CO, 52
Canfield, Isaac, 52*
Cannon, Frank P., 27
Canon, Benton, 95, c102
Canon, Harry M., 52*
Cantril, ____ (Deputy U.S. Marshal), 15
Cañon City, CO, 6, 36, 52, 54, 78, 80-81
Carey, B.F., 4, 7-8, 10, 27, 36
Caribou, CO, 86
Carnahan & Van Hoorebeke, 53
Carnahan, James S., 52*, 88
Carpenter, William Thomas, 11-13, 18-19, 25, 27-29, 35*n
Carpenter, Mrs. W.T. [Susan Etta Lewis], 27
Carson, Frank L., 95
Cartmel, William O., 53*
Caswell, Charles F., 17, 39*, 53*, 69
Catalina, Frank, 5
cattle, 82, 85
cattle brands, 17
Cavalry, Colorado Third, 56
Cavanagh, Lizzie, 13
census, 8, 14-15
Central City, CO, 69-70, 80
Chadwick, Charles A., 53*
Chaffee County, 47, 77
Chandler, H.C., 29-31
Chaplin, A.B. 8
Chapman, George T., 54*, 58
Chapman, Mary F., 58
Chapman, William L., 54*, 58
Charlesworth, John C., 54*
Charley (Ute), 2
Cheever, Joseph, 10
Cherrington, Charles E., 95
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad, 13
Chipeta, wife of Ouray, 2
Christen, W.S., 4
Christie mine (Clear Creek Co.), 69
Christley, Walter S., 4, 6-7
churches, 26, 28, 98-99
claim jumping, 23
Clark, Elizabeth, 17
Clark, Mrs. J.P., 13
Clayton & Sullivan, 37
Clayton, Thomas C., 8, 11, 28, 37-38*
Clegg, John (B. or T.), 8, 10, 25
Cleveland and Hendricks Club, 12
Cleveland, CO, 69, 92
Clifton, CO, 49, 97
Cline, William, 8
coal, 17, 19, c25, n35, 84, 98
Coal Creek, CO, 52, 75
Cobb, Robert, 8, 12, 27
Coe, W.H., 23
Coghill, W.P., 8, 12, 25
Cold Shivers Point, 33
Coleman, C.F., 8
Coleman, F.R., 6
Coleman, S.W., 14, 25, 27, 42
Collbran, CO, 22, 52, 55, 59-60, 62, 67,
71-72, 79, 81, 96-97
Collbran, Harry, c22
Collins, Frank A., 54*
Colorado & Southern railroad, 84
Colorado Land & Loan Co., 37
Colorado City, CO, 91
Colorado as an Agricultural State, 35
Colorado College, 81
Colorado Farmer, 34
Colorado Federation of Womens' Clubs, c42
Colorado Fuel and Iron Co., 90
Colorado Loan & Trust Co., 24
Colorado Midland railroad, 19, c22, n31, 47, 90
Colorado National Monument, 33, 100, 102nt
Colorado Railroad, 15
Colorado River, (former Grand River), n3
Colorado Springs, CO, c2, 34, c47, 49, 57, 62, 65, 69, 72,
83, 86
Colorado State University, 57
Colorado Sugar Manufacturing Co., n97
Colorado Trading Company, 75
Colorow (H.C. Hall), 4
Conant, H., 23
Congressional Record, 51
Connely, W.G., 36*
Conrad, William, 29
Cook, A.P., 13
Cook, Phœbe, 17
Cook, William S., 55*
Cooley, Mary F., 58
copper, 23, 73
Corcoran, George, 55*
Corcoran, Michael, 55
Cornell, L.S., 17
Cost, Lucius, 12, 32, 34*
Cottonwood Lake, 89
Cottrell, John J., 30-31
Covey, Charles H., 55*
Cow Creek, 3
Cowan, Charles, 29, 31
Cowell, George E., 55*, 74
Cox, C.N., 23
Cox, James W., 56*
Crandall brothers, 7
Crandall, Dwight, 7-8, 12, 14, 20, 25
Crandall, S.G., 7-8, 20, 27, 35
Craven, J.B., 6
Crawford, Gov. George Addison, 4, 7-8, 24, 40*, 50, 56*, 61
Crawford, Thomas B., 7-8, 14, 16-17, 24-28, 42
Crilley, John J., 13
Cripple Creek, CO, 64
Cripple Creek Sunday Herald, 64
Cripple Creek Weekly News, 64
Crosby, ____ [D.R.?], 10
Crowley, Tim, 8-9, 25
Crumly, Rev. Harvey D., 57*
Culbertson, T.H., 20
Cummings, James, 9
Cunningham, ____, 10
Currie [Arthur S.] Canning factory, 97, 99
Currie, George A., 12, 17
Curry, Lydia, 52
Curtis, J., 29
Custer County, 62, 83
Cyphers, Amy, 91
dairy industry, 97
Dallas, CO, 13
Daughters of Rebekah, c42, 67
Davidson, James, 28
Davidson, R.G., 9
Davidson, R.L., 27
Davidson, W.G., 14
Davidson's ranch, 15-16
Davis, J.E., 6
Davis, W.I., 19
Davis, Charles F., 21
Davis, George T., 7
Davis, James P., 7, 25
Davis, Jennie and Henry, 6
Dawson, Orville L., 68
Day, Rev. T.S., 11, 14
De LaMatyr, Dr., 17
Dean, Frank E., 102t
DeBeque bridge, 72, 85
DeBeque cañon, c96
DeBeque, CO, n39, 52, 58, 60, 70, 77, 87,
DeBeque, Wallace A. Eugene, 11, 13, 39n
Del Norte, CO, 18, 41, 65, 87
DeLong Bros. & Marsh, 57
DeLong, Horace Tool (Senator), 27-28, 35*, 57*
DeLong, Ira M., 57
Delta County, 37
Delta, CO, 21, 23, 28, c44, 50, 73, 79
DeMary, ____, 14
Denver & Rio Grande railroad, 4, 6-7, 9ct, 11, 15-16, 19nt,
20, 25, 28-30, n31, 39, 42, 50-51, 55, 60, 64, 66, 69, 75,
77, 97, c102, 103
Denver Nursery Co., 76
Denver, South Park & Pacific railroad, 4, 78
Denver Tribune, 64
Denver University, 61
Devereux, M.J., 27
DeWitt, ____, 10
Dickenson, W.P.,
Dickie & Currie, 17, 27, 42
Dickie, D.S., 18, 25, 28
Dinosaur Hill, c9
Ditman, William, 27, 58*
Doan, E.P., 11
Dobie, Henry, 30-31
Dodge, Colonel David C., 24, n31
Dodgion, A.J., 58*
Dolores Cattle Co., 20
Dolores River, 20
Douglas County, 55
Douglas (Ute Chief), 2
Downer, ____, 24
dragline, 96
Dreyer, Abram, 27
Drounsell, Mary, 60
drownings, 4, 9, 12-13, 15-17, 67
Drummey, M.P., 30-31
Duckett, Elbert M., 58
Duckett, James L., 54, 58*
Duckett, John B., 6, 17, 19
Duckett, Sarah J., 58-59
Dudley, William E., 87
Dunlap, H.G., 7, 20-21
Dunlap, Hattie, 20-21
Dunn, Mike, 7
Durango, Colorado, 70
Eagle County, 64
Eagle County Comet, 64
earthquake, 7
Eaton, CO, 53
Eaton, Benjamin H. (Governor), 11, 18
Eaton, Robert, 58*
Edinger, Tony, 3
Egan, P.P., 29
Ela, Wendell P., 11
Elbert County, 58
Elberta peach, 97, n101
Eldridge, Edward F., 95
Elliott, J.R., 12, 27, 41*
Emrick, E.E., 57
Erie, CO, 84
Estabrook, CO, 73
Estes, B.F., 29, 31
Eubank, James T., 69
Eubank, May E., 69
Evans, John (Governor), 57
Everglade mine (Clear Creek Co.), 69
Ewing, S.E., 58*
Exposition of Denver, 19
Fairplay, CO, 54
Fairview, CO (Fruita), 24
Farmers' Alliance, 17
Farrell, Matt, 27, 42
Fearn, Henry, 27, 29
Fellows, O.O., 95
Ferguson, CO (now Silt), 13, 15
ferrys, 4, 6t, 9t, 16, 20
Field Columbian Museum, c9
Fifth General Assembly, 37c
fire clay, 70
First Colorado Volunteers, 91
First General Assembly, 83
Fish, F.R., 11, 16
Fisher, ____, 4
fishing, 100
Fitzgerald, ____, 4
Fitzpatrick, ____, 4
Fitzpatrick, John A., 59*
Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 7, 9
Flavin, T., 31
Fletcher & Peugh, 59
Fletcher, R.E., 20, 42, 59*
Fletcher, Robert E., 27-28
floods, 11, 16
Florence, CO, 52
Florida, Martin, 8-11, 17, 20, 27
flour mill, 59, 98
Fogarty, ____, 18
Folsam, Paris H., 15
Fonda, H.V., 14
Forbush, ____, 3
Fort Collins, CO, 34, 60
Fortune, Mary V., 85
fossils, c9, n102
fraternal orders, 101
Frazier, G.B., 6, 10, 15, 18, 25, 27
freight rates, 100
Fremont County, 58, 83, 89
Friends Church, 57
Frisbee, E.W., 31
Fritzler, Thomas J., 59*
frost, 101
Fruit Culture in Colorado, 35
fruit industry, 97-98, 100
Fruit Ridge, 65
Fruita, CO, 11-13, 15; Bronk Park, 24; city
hall, 24nt; 28, c34-35, 44, 49, 54, 59, 66, 69-72, 73-76,
80-82, 86, 90, 92t, 96, c98, 101; Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, 92
Fruita Canal & Land Co., 69
Fruita Garage, 44
Fruita Mercantile Co., 45, 49, 77
Fruita Realty Co., 49
Fruitvale, CO, 84
G.A.R. lodge, 26, 42
Gannon, E.W., 27, 42
Garden of the Gods, 102
Garfield County, 54, 72
Garland, J., 6
Gavin, Harrison Edward, 20, 59
Gavin, John T., 6, 11, 20, 58-59*
Geiger, J.V., 59*
George, Henry C., 50
George Mesa, 66, 90
Georgetown, CO, 53, 64, 73, 81
Georgia Gulch, 80
Gerry & Layton, 7
Gerry, M.B., 11-15, 18
Gerry, W.F., 7, 25
Gibson, J.R., 8, 25
Gibson, George, 60*
Gibson, John, 30
Giles & Garland, 4
Giles & Mitchell, 4
Giles, H.P., 4
Gill, J.O., 23
Gillett, Alex, 13
Gilliam, Jesse T., 60*
Gilmore, ____, 14
Gilpin County, 70
gilsonite, c50, c97
Gipson, Cosgrove, 13
Gipson, W.A., 13
Gleeser, Carl, 15, 28
Glenwood Springs, CO, 13, 18, 60
"Go-Devil," c25
gold, 11, 13, 17, 21
Golden, CO, 64, 69, 92
Golden Daily Leader, 64
Golden, William H., 30-31
Good, J., 31
Gordon Iron Bridge Co. (NY), 18
Gordon, John S., 3-4, 7, 9, 15, 20
Gordon, P.H., 4
Gothic, CO, 48, 70
Goudy, Frank C., 18
Graham, M.N., 4, 6-7, 14
Grand County, 69
Grand Junction: 33
Bank of, 20, 35
Board of Trade, 12-16, 19, 26, 42
Board of Trade Billiard Hall, 40
bricks, 4, 9, 20, 25, 38, 40, 42, 56, 61
Building, Loan & Savings Assoc., 57, 87
business directory (1886), 26
cabin, first, 3
Canon Block, 51
Catholic church, 12-13, 26, 28, 44, 99
Central Drug Store, 43
Chamber of Commerce, 49, 84, 101
Charley (streetcar horse), 5
charter, n51, 97-n98
church, first, 20
city officials (1915), 95
Colorado Telephone Co., 90
Commercial Bank, 27-28, 35
Conservatory of Music, 35
Cornet Band, 10-11
court house, 101
Crawford House, 8
Crystal Theater, 101
Daily News, 101
Daily Sentinel, 51, 93, 99, 101-102
Daily Star, 51, 64
Daily Star-Times, 64
delinquent tax list (1885), 15
federal building, 98
fires, 13
Fruit Growers' Assn., 76, 85, 92, 97, 101
funeral service, first, 51
glee club, 11
Grand Junction & Grand River Valley Railway, 98
Grand Junction Gas & Electric Co., 73, 99
Grand Junction Town & Development Co., 49
Grand Junction Mining & Fuel Co., 84
Haskell's Pharmacy, 5
High School, 43
Hotel Brunswick, 8, 20, 25, 27
House, 4
incorporation, 6
indebtedness, 9, 14
lumber, 4
Lumber Co., 62-63
Majestic Theater, 101
Mandel Building, 13
Mesa Roller Skating Rink, 18
name of, 4
New York Restaurant, 27
News, 7-8, 10, n12-13, 15, 18, 27
Pig's Ear, 4, 62
Pig's Eye, 4, 62
poll tax, 50
postmaster, 6-7, 16, 19, 26, 41, 79
postoffice, 4, 20, 98, 101
Post Office Bookstore, 27
prosperity, 98
Randall House, 8, 20, 27
Reed Building Co., 49
Rio Grande Hotel, 27
Senate Saloon, 43
street cars, 96
street railway, 5
streets, 16; Main 33, 44
surveys, 4, 16, 17
The Fair store, 33, 75
Town Company, 3-4, 6-7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 24
townsite, 4, 7, 24, 50, 56
Union Bank & Trust Co., 76, 87-88
Uranium Building, c100
valuation (1914), 99
water, 4, 40, 98
Water Company, 19, 51
Weekly Star, 64
Weekly Times, 64
Weekly Union, 64
Grand River (later Colorado River), 3n, 9, 20, 97
Grand River Ditch Co., 8, 12-14, 17-18, 31-32t, 34
Grand Valley: 20-21, 41
Canal, 75
District Ditch, 75
Ditch Co., 8-9, 69, 75
Guards, 8, 10-12, 15
house, first, 20
Irrigating Co., 53, 96, 101
National Bank, 49, 75, 90, 98
Pharmacy, 39
Race Association, 19
settlers admitted, 3
Water Users' Assn., 101
Grant, J.B. (Governor), 8
Grant, Ulysses. S. (President), 16
Grasso, Nunzio, c92
Great Salt Wash, 3, 32
Greeley, Horace, 52
Greeley, CO, 34, 52, 82
Green River, n3
Green River, U.T., 9, 13
Green, William, 3-4, 6
Gregory, F.W., 27
Griffith, Rev. Thomas, 16, 19, 28
Gross Medical College (Denver), 64
Grove Creek, 45
Grove Creek Reservoir, 45
Grove Creek Stock Assn., 21
Grove Park Orchard, 92
Guiney, Cornelius M., 60*
Gunnison, CO, 2-3, 13, 28, 30, 37-39, 50, 58, 69, 73, 77-79,
Gunnison County, 2, 7-9, 37, 58
Gunnison River, 4, 11, 20
Hadcock, Thomas H., 27, 42
Haggerty, Katie, 15
Haggerty, Morris, 3-4
Hahn, Henry, 17
Hale, James, 13
Hall, Augustus, 60*
Hall, B.R., 12, 27, 35, 42
Hall, H.C., 4, 7, 25
Hall, J.Armitage, 6-7, 14t-15, 17-18
Hall, James, 23
Hall, Nel, 18
Hallock & Grimes (Denver), 76
Hamilton, James L., 101
Hammond & Kennedy, 18, 20, 27, 42
Hammond, W.I., 6, 12, 20
Hampton, A.K., 12, 23
Hanson, Knud, 60*
Harbottle, W.P., 11
Harding, Warren G. (President), n3
Harlow, John Petal, 4, 6-7, 14-15, 19-20
Harper, S.W., 4, 9
Harris, ____, 83
Harris, J.U., 102
Harrison Bros., 23
Harrison, Samuel, 15, 23
Harrison, William, 95
Hartshorn, William, 26
Haskell, Charles W., 1, 8, 10, 17, 25, 28
Hastings, W.M., 24
Hawthorne, D.C., 61*
Hawxshurst, CO, 21-22
Hawxshurst, George, 7, 19, 21
Hawxshurst, John, 15
Hawxshurst road, 21
hay, 76, 100
Hays, Charles B., 18, 26
Hazelhurst, C., 31
Hazlett, ____, 21
Hedges, Leroy C., 61*
Heisen & Co., 27
Heisen, F.G.C., 6-7, 14-15, 42
Henderson, Henry, 4, 7, 9
Henderson, Minnie, 19
Henderson, Robert, 4, 7
Henderson, William J.S., "Colonel", 7, 14, 27, 61*
Henry, Edward, 62*
Henry, T.C., 8
Henry, William, 62*
Herrick, Henry A., 9-10
Herrick, Maggie E., 9-10
Hickman, T.C., 62*
Higgins, Thomas, 62
High-Line Irrigation Ditch, 84
Highline Canal, 69, 96t, 100-101n
Highline Mutual Irrigation Co., 79
highways, 99, 101
Hill, Leonard R., 12, 27, 36*
Hines, John T. (Negro), 11-12, 14, 18, 25
Hinsdale County, 72, 73, 85
Hinton, Mrs. Elizabeth W., 95
Hobson, H.W., 12
Hoff, Charles, 29
Hogback Cañon, 17, 21
Hogg, H.M., 18
Holden, J.C., 4, 15
Holderby, John, 6, 20
Holland, M.D., 62*
Hollenbeck, C.E., 27
Hollingsworth, J.S., 23, 63*
Holmburg, Charles K., 95
Home Loan & Investment Co., 73-74
Hopedale farm, 15
Hopkins, W.A., 31
Horse Mountain, 97
horse thieves, 16-18, 21
Horton, John, 31
Hoskins, Fred, 63*
Hoskins, Owen W., 63*
Hot Sulphur Springs, CO, 69
Hough, A.C., 30
House Bill No. 374, 13
Howard, David L., 64*
Howard, George, 4, 21
Hoyt, A.B., 53
Hudson, ____, 83
Hudson & Sieber, 83
Huerfano County, 45, 58, 76-77
Hughes, B.F., 69
Hughes, Bella M., 88
Hunchback (Ute), 2
Hunt Bros., 11, 27, 42
Huskins, George M., 18, 26, 28
Hutchinson, George A., 8
Hynes & Prairie, 27, 42
Hynes & Waller, 18
Hynes, J.S., 95
Hynes, James, 64
Hynes, Laurence, 64*
Hynes, William F., 64
Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodge (IOOF),
26-27, c42-43, 100
Independent Ranchmen's Ditch Company, 8, 18, 31, 59
Indians, 50, n102
Indian agents, 2, 15, 18
Indian Department, 16-18
Indian school (see Teller Institute)
Ingersoll, ___, 15
Ingersoll, L.F., 27, 39*n
Innis & Hobbs, 20
Innis, William, 10-11, 18, 27, 85
Interior Department, 2-3, 13
irrigation canals, 96, 100
Irwin, Captain ____, 4
Isham, E.L., 18, 27
J.F. Brink & Co., 21
Jackson Machine Co. (Denver), 30
Jackson, ____, 2
Jackson, J.D., 25
Jackson, J.I., n97
Jackson, James M., 8
Jackson, Mrs. M.V.B., 9
James, Jacob, 7
James, Thomas W., 7, 15
Jaquette, Fred C., 64*
Jay, B.F., 12, 27, 36
Jay, Etta C., 13
Jaynes, Alfred T., 65
Jaynes, Chester E., 65*, 77
Jaynes, Edith E., 65
Jaynes, Ezra E., 65*
Jaynes, Lester E., 65*
Jefferson County, 69
Jenkins, Charles T., 66*
Jens, John, 66*
Jensen Creamery, 99
Jensen Lake Reservoir, 66
Jensen, H.H., 66
Jensen, John H., 66*
Jensen, Lee, 66
John F. Moore Fruit Co., 101
Johnson, Clinton, 31
Johnson, Daniel H., 66, 80
Johnson, Freda, 103
Johnson, Frederick, 67
Johnson, Ida, 92
Johnson, Lester C., 66*, 80
Johnson, Mary S., 80
Johnson, Nels P., 66*
Johnson (Ute), 2
Jones, Addie E., 72
Jones, C.M., 28
Jones, Charles S., 95
Jones, Ida, 55
Jones, Jethro, 67
Jones, Roy E., 67*
Jones, Samuel, 16, 18, 23
Julesburg, CO, 53
Kannah Creek, 9, 12, 15, 20, 23,
78, 87, 90, 98
Kannah Creek bridge, 17
Kansas Mesa, 59
Keehn, Thomas, 7, 20
Keith, William, 4, 7-8, 15, 27
Kelly (also Kelley), W.S., 4, 15
Kendall, John, 67*
Kennedy, Barney K., 12-13, 27
Kennedy, Mary E., 17
Kennedy, W.A., 67*
Kenney, Daniel, 67*
Kenney, J.G., 12, 25
Kenney, William, 67*
Kennon, George H., 17, 34
Kent & Campbell, 27, 42
Kiefer brothers, n69
Kiefer, Benjamin F., 68*-69
Kiefer Extension, Grand Valley Canal, 69
Kiefer, Frank D., 68-69*n
Kiefer, Joseph P., 16, n69
Kiler, W.H., 27, 42
Kimball Bros., 20-21
Kimball, C.W., 4, 7, 14, 20, 28
Kimball Creek, 72
King, B., 31
King, C.L., 21
King, C.S., 21
King, F.B., 30
Kingsley, Darwin P., 13-14, 29, 79
Kinney, James O., 69*
Kinsey, S.H., 4, 15
Kinsey, S.W., 27
Kippe & Hoesch, 27
Kistler, John, 31
Kitchen, Cora M., 88
Kitchen, John, 88
Kitchen, Mrs. Eliza (Emerson), 88*
Kluge, Herman W., 102
Knights of Honor lodge, 26, 28
Knights of Labor lodge, 18, 26, 28
Knittle, Edward, 29
Knowles, Frank F., 69*
Knowles, G.W., 27-28, 42
Kokomo, CO, 36, 38, 40
Kountz (also Kunz), Louis, 6-7
Kretchmer, Charles, 83
Krueger, Fred H.C., 28
L.F. Ingersoll & Co., 27, 39
La Fever, Peter, 71*
La Junta, CO, 47
La Plata Smelter (Leadville), 90
La Veta, CO, 65
labor bureau, 50
Lake City, CO, 62, 80, 85
Lamson, Bruce, 55
Lamson, Fannie E., 55
Lane & Merriell, 70
Lane, Eva B., 52, 70
Lane, Matthew, 70*
Lane, Squire G., 17, 27, c44,70*
Lapham, Mary, 51
Larimer County, 91
Larkin Irrigating Ditch, 70
Larkin, John, 70*
Larson, William, 30
Las Animas, CO, 69
Lathrop, Gail, 31
Lathrop, L., 31
Latter Day Saints Church, 68, 92
Laurent, J.A., 70*
law enforcement, 87
Layton, Harry, 27
Layton, J.A., 7, 10, 12, 14-17, 27
Leadville, CO, 40, 48, 52, 54-55, 58, 60, 70-72, 74-75,
78-79, 81, 86, 90-91
Leahy, James, 103
Lee, Howard T., 51, 99
Lee, W.H., 27, 42
Lefever, Peter, 71*
Lesher & Crosby, 27
Lesher, William B., 20
Leslie, Gavin, 75
Lester, Thomas C., 11, 25
Lewis, George, 6, 7, 9
Lewis, George (Negro), 9
Lewis, Mrs. Susan Lucretia, 27
Lex, Joseph, 27
Libbey, Charles, 71*
Linden Fruit Farm, 72
Linell, Nelson L., 71*
liquor, 99
"Little Arcady", 97
Little Book Cliff Railway, 25, cn35, 84
livery stable, 20, 26
livestock industry, 97, 99-100
Loba, T.H., 23
lodges, 26-27
Logan County, 53
Loma, CO, 97
Long Mesa, 97Lord, S., 27
Los Pinos (Indian) Agency, 2
Louisville, CO, 84
Lowrey, Charles, 7
Lumsden, John J., 13, 17, 27-28, 42, 69, 72*
Lynch, William E., 13
M.E. Church, First, 57
M.E. Church, 16-17, 37-38, 51, 74
M.E. Church (Fruita), 55
M.E. Church South, 7, 12, 16, 19-20, 26, 28
M.E. Church South (Plateau Valley), 23
Machebeuf, Rt. Rev. Bishop, 28
Mack, CO, 50, 97c
Mack Mercantile, c50
Mahany, Albert D., 12, 73*
mail, 21
Makepiece, C.M., 10
Malloy, William, 31
Mann, John B., 73*
Mantey Heights, c46
manufactured products, 99
Marriages, 7, 13, 17, 20
Marsh, William A., 11, 15, 18n, 25-28, 38*, 73*
Marshall, Mary, 103
Martenis, F.K., 31
Masonic lodge (Ancient Free & Accepted Masons), 26-27
Masser, Charles B., 69, 74*, 77
Masser, Gertrude, 77
Masser, Mary C., 69
Masters, George W., 56, 74*
Mathews, John, 4
Mayhew & Shanks, 4
Mayhew, John, 6-7
Mayo [C.H.] & Ender, 62
McAndrews, John, 77
McArthur, D.G., 7, 27
McArthur, J.N., 4, 6, 8, 10
McCaffrey, Thomas, 13
McCain, Frank, 31
McCary, C.P., 73
McCarry, Sarah D., 73
McCune, Addison J., 8, 10, 16, 18, 20, 24-25, 27, 34*
McCune, Julia, 27
McFarland, J.F., 14, 27, 35
McFarland, W.P., 27
McGinley, William M., 3-4, 7, 14-15, 29, 41
McGovern, M., 31
McKay & Stroud, 87
McKay, D., 31
McKay, James N., 46
McKee, M.H., 72*
McKelvey, W.E., 6
McKelvey, W.M., 6
McKelvey, Walter, 7, 94
McKenzie, ____ (General), 3
McKinney, Charles, 72*
McLean, Mrs. L., 27, 32
McMullin, Samuel G., 72*
McNamara, J.J., 103
meat packing, 100
Meeker Massacre, 2, 86
Meeker, Nathan, 1
Merchants Publishing Co. (Denver), 79
Merriam, M.J., 17, 20
Merriell, ____, 70
Merrill, Ellen T., 77*
Merritt, F.F., 99
Mersher, Russell J., 3
Mesa, CO, 22, 48-49, 66, 72, 76, 86, 97
Mesa County: 8-9, 37, 73, 101
Bank, 19, 27, 35, 37-38, 54, 74, 96
Commissioners, 13, 15, 17, 21
Agricultural& Horticultural Society, 12-13
Building & Loan Assn., 51, 73
Democrat, 1, 8, 27
Ditch Co., 14, 18, 31
Fair, n101
Fairgrounds, 101
Horticultural Society, 18
Hospital, 9
Jail, 10, 18
Mail (Fruita), 69
Peach Day, n101
State Bank, 51, 54, 83, 85, 87
Teachers' Convention, 93
Teachers' Institute, 87
valuation (1914), 101
Mesa Lake, 67
Mesa Lumber Company, 76
Mesa Flour Mill, 99, 101
Meserve, Richard, 79
Middle Park, 53, 81
Midland Trail, 101
Miller & Chipman, 27
Miller & Connely, 27
Miller & Nichols, 35-36
Miller, Stirman & Connely, 18
Miller, A.A., 4, 6-8, 14, 17, 25, 27, 36, 40*
Miller, Eben McKean, 75
Miller, Lawrence M., 74*
Miller, W.J., 6-8, 11-12, 14-15, 20, 25, 36*, 40
mining, 17
Mitchell, Charles E., 3-4, 7, 27, n97
Mobley, Richard D., 3-4, 6-8, 10-11, 15, 19, 27, 38*, 50, 95
Molina, CO, 97
Monahan, M., 31
Monolithic National Monument, n102
Monson, Nels C., 75*
Montclair, CO, 71
Montgomery, George, 31
Montrose, CO, n31, 37; First National Bank of, 50; 50, 73,
87, 91, 99, 102
Montrose County, 28
Monument Cañon, 102
Moore, C.C., 17, 27
Moorhead, J.E., 96
Morgan, W.P., 31
Mormon Church (see Latter Day Saints Church)
Mormon Mesa, 54, 86, 89, 91
Morris, Colonel ____, 4
Morrison, C.A., 52
Morris, J.E., 6
Morrison, CO, 92
Mosante, John, 6
Mounson, Nels C., 75*
Mount Lincoln coal mine, 84
Mount Lincoln power house, 79
Mount Lincoln Land & Water Co., 78
Mount Lincoln Ditch, 52, 76
Moyer, William J., c33, 75*
Mullen, Daniel, 4, 7
Mulvihill, Jeremiah, 75*
municipal ownership, 50
Munson, Paul, 3
murders, 7, 9, 16, 18, 83
Naeve, John, 75*
Nathrop, CO, 35
Navajo Indians, c17, 80, c94
Naeve, John, 75*
Neef, Rudolph, 3
Negros, 9
Nelson & Toupain, 11
Nelson, William H., 31
Nesbitt, James P., 15
Nettleton, ____ (state engineer), 18
Nettleton, E.S., 34
Newell, ____, 14
Newman, Edward, 7, 20
newspapers, 101-102
Newton, A.C., 102
Nichols, Henry, 6-7, 12, 27, 94
Nichols, J. Clayton, 3-4, 6-7, 14, 19, 27, 36, 41*
Nicholson, Joseph, 76*
Nishwitz & Mitchell, 7
Nishwitz, William, 4, 7, 14-15
Nolan, J.B., 76*
Nolan, John M., 23
O'Boyle, John, 31
oats, 17, 19
Ohio Bakery (Georgetown), 73oil, 52, 96n
Oldham brothers, 7
Oldham, E.S., 8, 15
Oldham Flats, 93
Oldham, William, 8
Olsen Bros., 27
Olesen, Hans, 15, 27
Olesen, J.P., 14
Olson brothers, 7
Olson, Peter, 7
orchard heater, 101t
Orchard Mesa, 24, 85
Orman [James B.] & Crook, 9
Orr & Trigg, 27
Orr, Robert A., 12, 76*
Orr's long keeper, 76
Orth, Miss ____, 13
Osborn, Florence L., 65, 77
Osborn, Jesse W., 65, 76*
Osborn, William Carl, 45, 77*
Ostrom, Ralph W., 13, 77*, 87
Otto, John, c33, 102n
Ouray, CO, 87
Ouray County, 28, 73, 89
Ouray (Ute Chief), 2ct-3n
Owens, Charlie, 23
Pabor, William Edgar, 19, 24, 34*, c44
Pacific Slope Ditch, 4, 25, 31
packtrain, 17, 21
Paddison, L., 31
Page, James, 77*
Paisley, Frank, 31
Palisade, CO, 4, Bank of, 5, 52, 61, 65,
75, 78-79, 84, 91, 93, 96-97t, 101
Palisade Hotel, 75
Palmer, Asa, 77
Palmer, C.K., 17, 27
Palmer, Ellen T., 77*
Palmer, John, 7
Palmer, William Jackson, 34
Palmetto mine (Lake City), 85
Pamona schoolhouse, 57
Paonia, CO, 4
Papago Indians, c94
Parachute Creek, 20
Paradox Valley, 97
Pardue, McDonald, 27
Parker, Adams & Co., 21
Parker Basin, 67, 88
Parker, M.H., 20
Parker, Thadd, 77*
Parton, J.H., 78*
Patterick, Charles W., 78
Patterick, George N., 78*
Patton, George, 30
Payne & Shackleton, 7
Payne, J.C., 7
Peabody, Mrs. A.L., 12
peaches, 33, 97-98, 101
pears, 99
Pearson, C.A., 4
Pearson, Hattie G., 42
Penneston, J.F., 11
Phillips, John, 6, 14
Phillips County, 53
physicians, 39, c44, 45, 51, 55, 60-61, 74, 78, 83
Pickard, Mattie, 23
Pierce, ____, 18
Piñon Mesa, 11, 15, 18, 20, 81
Pioneer & Historical Society, 14
Pioneer Ditch, 4, 10, 31
Pioneer Extension Ditch Co., 10, 14, 18, 40
Pitkin County, 12, 37, 48
Pitkin, F.W. (Governor), 2
Pitkin Guards, 85
Pitney, William, 3
Plank, John J., 78*
Plateau City, CO, 12, 26, 45, 47, 58, 68,
71, 97
Plateau Creek, 15-16, 20, 46, 97
Plateau Valley, 16, 19-21, 45, 47, 52, 58-60, 68, 72, 77, 90
Poland, J.W., 31
Pope, George, 31
population, 100
Port, John A., 78*
Porter, George, 31
Porter, W.M., 52, 102
Post, C.C., 49
potatoes, 13, 52, 82, 99, 101
pre-emption, 16
preferential ballot, 98t
Presidential Proclamation No. 1126, n102
Price & Kingsley, 26
Price, ____, 18
Price, Edwin, 7, 11, 18, 25, 28, 79*
Price, Lola Eudora, 79
Price, Maude W., 79
Price, N.C., 31
Pritchard, Nels, 13
prohibition, 81, 98-99
Public Utility Bill, 51
public lands, 2
Pueblo, CO, c5, 9, 17, 47, 52, 60, 64, 72, 75-77, 83, 91-92
Purcell, Maggie, 55
Purdy, Lottie, 78
Purdy Mesa, 97
Purdy, Samuel L., 79*
Purnell, Lee, 7
Putney, Joseph J., 79*
Quakers, 57
Quinn, Joseph, 95
Quinn, W.J., 28
Rader, D.S., Rev., 7, 20, 28
radium, c44
railroads, 13, 99
Ramsen, H.A., 6
Randall, Al., 4, 6, 27
Rankin, J.H., 95
Raymond M. (race horse), 69
Ready, P.P., 31
real estate, 35
Reckless, John, 31
Red Cliff, CO, 64
Reed, Charles M., 11
Reed, Maude, 11, 12
Reed, Verner Zevola, 49
Reeder, John D., 31, 90
Reeder Mesa, 97
Reeser, C. Edward, 80*
Reeser, William, 7, 79*
Reingans, Mrs., 12
Reingans, William, 12
Rhinehart, William E., 80*
Rhodes, Matt, 31
Rhone, Henry R., 11-13, 18, 25, 27-29, 38*
Rhone, J.A., 29
Rice Bros., 27
Rice, Jacob H., 7, 14, 27, 42
Rice, Phidelah A., 28, 63, 80*-81
Rice, William, A., 16, 26-27, 80-81*
Ricker, ____(D&RG superintendent), 15
Rinker, Commodore Perry, 84
Rio Grande, 80
Rio Grande Junction railroad, n31
Rio Grande Western railroad, n31, 51
Rio San Rafel, n3
Ripley's Believe-it-or-Not, c102
Riverside, CO, 77
Roan Creek, 13, 18, 20, 24, 54, 58, 81, 86
Roan Creek Stock Association, 18
Roan Creek Toll Road, 11-18, 28, 38
Rob Roy coal mine (Boulder Co.), 52
robbery, 17
Roberts, D., 103
Robertson, J.J., 18-19, 27, 39*
Robins, ____, 11
Robinson, J.H., 16
Robinson, L.S., 6, 14, 20
Rockwell, Fred S., 11, 16, 20, 23, 71
Rocky Mountain News (Denver), 64, 80
roller dam, c96
Romberg, Ed R., 95
Romer, John H., 81*
Rood, H.E., 50
Rose, Nanna R., 65
Rose, Thomas O., 65
Ross, Douglas, 12, 24
Ross, Mark, 7
Roth, Joseph, 81*
Roubideau bridge, 15
Ruby, CO, 4
rural electrification, 101
Russell Bros. & Co., 7, 20, 41
Russell, J.M., 3-4, 6-7, 10, 14, 25, 27, 41
Russell, O. D. "Ode," 3-4, 6-7, 11, 13-15, 25, 27, 94
Russell Gulch, CO, 80
Russellville, CO, 83
rustling, 4, 21
Ryan, Dennis, 29, 31
Ryan, George, 14
S.P. Brown & Co. (Leadville), 71
Safley, ____, 38
Saguache County, 72, 85
Salida, CO, n19, 30, 39, 63, 73, 80, 90
saloons, 4, 7, 9, 43, 98
Salt Wash, 16, 32
Salt Creek, 17
Salt Lake City, U.T., 29, n31, 76
San Juan County, 41, 73, 76, 80
San Miguel Bank (Gunnison), 50
San Miguel County, 28
San Juan District, 37, 40, 60, 70
San Luis Valley, 76, 86
Sand Creek Massacre, 56, 89n
Sanders, L. Anna, 27
Sanders, T.C.F., 27
sawmill, 20, 60, 77
Schieswohl, Jacob, 92
Schmidt, H., 7
Schmitt, Adrian, 81*
Schneckenberger, M., 15
schools, 6-7, 11, 13, 15, 17-18, 20, 27, 34, 41, 43, 72, 87,
93t, 99, 101
Schwartz, William, 82*
Scott, Theodore W., 82*
Scott, Thomas B., 82*
Scott, Ben, 4
Scoville, S.J., 27, 42
Scribner, J.E., 10, 27
Sebert, Jacob, 31
Sebert, Matt, 31
Sedgwick County, 53
Selgrath, Frank, 29
Servant, Rev. Father, 13, 28
Seuss, ____, (state senator), 14
Shackleton, George H., 7, 11, 16-17, 25
Shaffer, W.E., 11-13, 25, 28
Shafroth, John F. (Senator), 98
Shanke, L.N., 21
Shanks, Charles F., 6-9, 19, 25, 28
Sharp, Harry, 29, 31
Sharp, J.T., 14, 18, 25, 29, 31
Sharp, Milo B., 82*
Shavano (Ute), 2
Shaw & Bailey, 12
Shay locomotive, 25, n35, 97
sheep, c97, 101
Shelledy, Annie, 57
Shields, George, 7
Shields, James, 7
Shinn, Ed, 29
Shrewsbury, L.S., 27
Sieber Cattle Co., 83
Sieber, Charles R., 83*
silver, 13, 23
Silver Cliff, CO, 75
Silverton, CO, 16, 28, 70
Sinbad Valley, 73
single tax, 50
Skiff, F.J.V., 32
Smith Bros., 23, 83-84
Smith, Aura L., 84
Smith, Burrell, 78
Smith, D.E., 33
Smith, E., 11
Smith, Frank R., 83*
Smith, George, 83*
Smith, George Peyton, 16, 83*, 85
Smith, George W., 11, 17, 25, 83*-84n
Smith, Hervey D., 84*
Smith, Ira, 16, 23
Smith, James Hulme, 83-84*
Smith, Jeff., 31
Smith, Milton P., 84
Smith, Newton N., 6-7, 10, 13-14, 27, 94
Smith, Nellie R., 78
Smith, O.F., 31
smudge pot, 101t
Snipes, CO, 56, 59, 74, 91
Snyder, Benjamin J., 30-31, 95
Snyder, William, 14
Soloman, J.B., 27
South Park, 75, 83
Southern Methodist church, 11
Southern Ute Agency, n3
spelling match, 17
Spencer, Harry, 16
Spencer, John F., 16, 18, 28, 85*
Spencer, Mrs. John F., 27
Spencer, William D., 85*
Sprague, P.D., 3
St. Luke Hospital (Denver), 61
St. Joseph Catholic church, 28, 44
stage service, 16, 18, 50, 57
Stahl, S.H., 10
Staley, Lorin A., 13-14, 18, 25-26, 38*
Stall, Samuel, 31
state bridge, c5, 13-14, 17-19t, 34, 37, 50
State Agricultural College (Ft. Collins), 20
Steamboat Springs, CO, 82
Steear, Thomas, 20
Steele, Charles W., 7, 12, 19, 24
Steele, Gracie and Frank, 6
Stein, Edward, 31
Steinmann, George, 6
Stevenson, ____, 13
Stewart, Lemuel T., 86*
Stewart, Mansir, 86*
Stimson, General ____, 12
Stirman, E.I., 14, 36
Stirman, Miller & Connely, 17
stockmen, first, 20
Stoddard, George, 86*
Stolze, August F., 86*
Stolze, Henry, 86
Stone, David T., 18, 27, 41*, 87*
Strange, Versa, 103
strawberries, 15
Stroud, Bert, 15
Stroud, H., 6
Stroud, Harrison E., 6-7, 10-11, 15, 19, 27, 39*, 77, 87*,
Strouse, Morris, 27, 28
Struthers, Alexander, 84
Stump Creek, 2
sugar beets, 69, 97n, 99, 102
sugar factory, 69, 72, 97, 102
Sullivan, J.F., Sr., 87*
Sullivan, P., 31
Sullivan, Walter S., 27, 37*, 90, 95
Sulphur Springs, 7
Summer Camp, 83
Summit County, 79
Sunday school, 94
surveys, 3-4, 11, 13, 24
Sutton, ____, 24
Sutton, L.A., 103
Sweney, Joseph P. (justice), 87*
Symes, G.G., 12, 16
Taft, William Howard (President), n102
Talbot, W.H., 11-12, 25, 28
Taylor & Coghill, 20
Taylor, A.G., 95
Taylor, Arthur George, 88*
Taylor, Edward T. (Congressman), 98
Taylor, H.F., 29, 31
Taylor, Harry, 10, 12
telephone, 100
telescope, c44
Teller Institute, 13, 16, 17t-19, 40, 51, 61, 72t, 94c, 102
Telluride, CO, 48
temperature, 13, 93
Temple, R.W., 12, 13, 15-18, c43
Temple, Mrs. R.W., 13
Thatcher, John, 83
Thatcher, Mahlon, 83
Thatcher, T.R., 28
The Independent Lumber Co., 5
"The Land I Love" (poem), 95
Thomas, C.S., 12
Thomas, W.A., 14, 27, 29
Thompson, James, 7
Thompson, M.C., 88*
Thompson, Margaretta, 9
Thornburg, Major, 2
threshing machine, 16, 66
Thurston & Allison, 20
Thurston, George W., 6-8, 25, 27
Toupaine, Felix, 27, 42
Towers, Frank, 31
Towers, George, 29
Traveler's Insurance Co., 18
treaties with Utes, 2
Tribune-Republican (Denver, CO), 16-17
Trinidad, CO, 69, 91
Triplett, W.F., 103
Troublesome (race horse), 69
Tunish, Anna, 82
Tupper, Henry, 95
Turface, David, 4, 6
Turner, Myrtle, 45
Turrell, Ovid V., 6, 14
U.S. Railroad Administration, c47
Uintah Railway, 50, 97t
Uintah Reservation, 2c, 19
Unaweep Cañon, 16, 19, 23, 97
Unaweep Stock Company, 23
Underhill, Nannie (Blain), 6, 93
undertaking, n17, c42
Union Colony, CO (Greeley), 34
unions, 16-17, 100
University of Boulder (C.U), 64
uranium, 99
Ute, CO (later Grand Junction), 4, 50
Ute Indians, 1, 2t-3, 13, 16c, 19, 86, c94
Vail, Stephen, 31
Van DeVentner, Emmett, 3
Van DeVentner, Merrett, 3
Van Hoorebeke, Charles, 88
Van Hoorebeke, Eugene, 88
Van Hoorebeke, Gustave, 53, 88*
VanHock, John, 81
VanHorn, S., 25
VanMeter, M.L., 31
Vaughn, John, 13, 15, 27, 42
Vega, CO, 60
vegetables, 20
Victor, CO, 64
Victor Weekly News, 64
Vincent, D.C., 31
Virden, Daniel, 17
Virden, Louis Edward, 17
Virden, Minnie, 60
Virden, Thomas, 88*
Vorbeck, H.F., 95
W.H. Williams, 27
W.M. Williams & Co., 27
Wade, Samuel, 4
Wadsworth, Mrs. A.R., 42
Wagner, H.C., 69
Walker, Cullen F., 89*
Walker, James F., 89*
Walker, R.H., 102
Walker, Walter, 99
Wallace, Lew, 29
Waller, Henry, 13-14, 25
Walling, ____ "Doc", 23
Walling, Zac, 23
Wallis, C.H., 95
Warner, M. Rush, 4, 12
Warren, ____, 4
Washburn, ____, 12
water, 20, 31, 99
watermelons, 24
waterspout, 16
waterwheels, 46t, 70, 85
Watson, Jeff, 95
weather, 99, 101t
Weaver, Rev. W.D., 11, 13, 28
Webb, D.M., Jr., 89*
Webb, D.M., Sr., 89
Webster, F.C., 25
Welch, Stephen R., 89*
Welch, Thomas, 31
Weld County, 58
Wellington, Amanda (Bowers), 46
Wellington, John A., 46t
Wellington ranch, 46t
Wellington waterwheel, 46t
Welsh, F.B., 95
Welshouse, J.O., 31
Wenzel, William, 7
Western Colo. Cattle Growers' Assn., 13
Western Real Estate & Securities Co., 49
Western Stock Growers' Assn., 11, 16
Western Sugar & Land Co., 102t
Westlake, W.B., 10
Westmoreland, P.H., 7, 25
Weston, Kate, 58
Wet Mountain Valley, 54, 59; German colony, 83
Weyer, J.W., 27
Wheeler, Samuel N., 55, 89*
Whitaker, Fred L., 16
White, ____, 50
White, Allison, 25
White, Julius, 18
White Cañon, U.T., 13
White River (Indian) Agency, 1
White River Road, 17
White River Stock Association, 17
White Talk mine (Clear Creek Co.), 69
Whitehead, Melvin O., 17n, 20, 27
Whitewater Creek, 20
Whitewater, CO, 4, 11, 16-17, 28, 48, 58,
60-62, 76-77, 97
Whitewater bridge, 85
Whitewater Valley, 23
Whitley, Agnes A., 90
Whitley, James, 90*
Whitsell, Charles M., 90*
Whitsell, James H., 90*
wholesale industry, 97, 101
Wickware, Frank T., 16
Wiel & Fitzpatrick ferry, 4, 9, 20
Wiel, Joseph, 7, 9
Wien, Thomas, 15
Wieser, William, 102
Williams, M.E., 39
Williams, Thomas, 4, 7, 16, 36
Williams, W.H., 27, 42
Wilmot, B., 29
Wilson, R.C., 12
wind, 19
Winter, J.T., 90
Winter, Walter, 90*
Wise, R.C., 91*
Wister, George, 91*
Witcher, Rev. Father, 7, 20, 28
Wolf, John, 91*
Wood, Rufus A., 91*
Woodmen of the World, 100-101
Worthery, Tom, 4
Wright, C.F., 27
Wurtz, Henry G., 91*
x-rays, c44
Y.M.C.A., 98, 100
Yates, William, 29
Yeaton, Arlie B., 92*
Yessen, John H., 92*
Young, Sally, 9
Youngman, Charles, 8, 25
Zimmerman, C.Z., 29