Logan County, Colorado |
Alpheus F. and Emma (Goff) Spoor, 8 North 52 West
In 1850 Oswego County, New York,
Wm. M. Goff is 35
Elizabeth Goff
Mary Goff
Martha Goff
Laura Goff
4, and
Emma Goff
In 1860 Oswego County,
Chas Martin is 47,
Maria Martin
Annette Goff 14,
Emma G. Goff
Clarence Goff
Herbert Goff
Milly Goff
Carrie Goff
Loisa Goff
2, and
Wm. Goff
In 1850 Jefferson County, Wisconsin,
Cornelius Spoor is 50,
Mary Spoor
Gardner Spoor
Alpheus Spoor 9,
Asa Spoor
8, and
John M. Crisloffa
Cornelius Spoor
Apr 1862
Aztalan Cemetery
Milford, Jefferson County, Wisconsin,
In 1870 Liberty County, Texas,
Mary "Speer" is 70,
Elvira Speer 27, born born in Louisiana,
Mary Green
12, and
Phillip Green
Mary Strong Stickle
31 Oct 1895
Aztalan Cemetery
Milford, Jefferson County, Wisconsin,
Henry Filmore Corbello was born to Henry Corbello born in Lake Charles, Louisiana and Elvira Sprores born in Liberty County, Texas on
August 15, 1872 - dying 1940 in Refugio, Texas
In October 1870, A.F. Spoor is on a committee of the Republican Party in Fremont, Nebaska.
March 1872 Fremont, Nebraska " Part of the men who left here in January,
with A. T. Spoor, foreman, to shovel snow on the UPRR, returned on Sunday
night last. They report heavy snow storms still raging in the mountains.
Those that returned are farmers, and were obliged to come and attend to their
work at home; the Company gave them passes both ways; they seem well pleased
with their treatment whilst gone; they got $1.50 per day and board.
A. T. Spoor returns the first of next week with all the men he can get to
go with him.
Alpheus F. Spoor 33, and Emma G. Campbell married
25 Oct 1876 in Plum Creek, Nebraska, recorded in Dawson County.
Possibly: Neil "Cammell" is a railroad laborer in Rawlins Springs, Carbon County, Wyoming in 1870, 30, born in Scotland
In 1880 North Platte, Nebraska,
Alpheus S. Spoor 37 is a railroad conductor, born in New York,
Emma G. Spoor
Mary E. Spoor
Daughter, born in Nebraska,
Naomi Campbell
Stepdaughter born in Iowa,
Douglas Campbell
Stepson, born in Wyoming, and
Walter Campbell
Stepson born in Iowa.
July 1883 Rico (located in present Dolores County,
Colorado, hundreds of miles away from Sterling. " Mrs. A. F. Spoor was a visitor to Sterling last week."
December 1883 " Roadmaster A. G. Spoor, of the
Union Pacific, is one of the most pleasant,
as well as most useful citizens of Sterling."
"The Union Pacific Railway company has done much for
the advancement of Sterling in locating a round house and
the building of a fine hotel and splendid depot there.
The former employs a considerable force of men,
while the depot is an ornament to the town and the hotel,
besides presenting a fine appearance, causes all
travelers to see the place and gives to visitors a
comfortable resting place. Messrs. Weeks & Son,
proprietors of this hotel, are pleasant, accommodating
gentlemen. Mr. P. S. Mahoney, of the Union Pacific, is
one of the institutions of Sterling. He makes himself
most agreeable to all visitors and does much to give
them a favorable impression of Sterling. The News
representative nominates Mr. Mahoney for representative
in the legislature as soon as the new county,
mentioned hereafter, is established.
Mr. George E. Wilson, the veteran agent of the
Union Pacific at Sterling, is a "59er' and is well
known by the pioneers of Colorado. He sold eighteen
years ago the first passenger ticket ever issued by
the Union Pacific."
November 1884
1885 Fort Morgan "Roadmaster Spoor of Sterling, spent a day and night here this week, looking after the business of the Railroad company."
March 1885 Denver "M. C. King, E. L. Minter,
J. C. Packard, B. M. Taylor, J. E. Wallace,
Harry Wallace, M. Litch, S. D. Peer, M. H. Smith,
A. J. Weir, D. B. Davis, W. H. Harris, James Chronnis,
T. L. Watson, A. T. Spoor and H. Schneider, all residents of Sterling, stopped at the Brunswick last night. They all favor the establishment of the new county of Iliff and were in attendance at the committee meeting last evening."
In 1885 Weld County, Colorado,
"L. A." Spoor is 42, a railroad roadmaster,
E. G. Spoor 36 Wife,
Edith Spoor
Ethel Spoor
Davin Campbell
D. W. Campbell
Stepson, and
Walter Campbell
November 1886 Sterling " A. F. Spoor has returned from
his extended visit to Maryland."
"April 30, 1887 - The boom at Sterling is waxing
stronger. The Burlington company has made large purchases
in town, and Chicago parties have purchased several
hundred acres adjoining the town on the west, and the
Union Pacific, which has just been laying out a new
addition, has just purchased the Bush tract south of town,
about sixty acres, and yesterday they closed the deal
with A. E. Spoor for eighty acres of his farm at
$6O an acre. Thousands of dollars worth of residence and
business lots are selling every day. The Burlington
graders are at work upon the new line within two miles
of Sterling, and the town is full of contractors.
The Burlington people have rented the skating rink of
George Gunn for a store-room. Farmers are arriving here every day from the East qfter lands."
August 1887 Sterling "Hon. A. F. Spoor and wife left on Wednesday for the mountains, foi the benefit of Mrs. Spoor’s health; which has been quite poorly for some time past."
February 1888 North Platte "A.F. Spoor, of Sterling, Colo., was in the city
Tuesday. Mr. Spoor is now in the real estate business,
for which he is admirably fitted."
February 24, 1888 Holyoke, Colorado
1888 Sterling
April 1888 Fort Morgan "A. F. Spoor, of Sterling, spent several days in town last week. Mr. Spoor is a
prominent ranchman of his town, and is looking up blooded stock for farm."
June 1888 "We want to say to the people west of us, our republican brethern,
that A. F. Spoor, the old Platte Valley pioneer, is still one of our permanent fixtures;
the same out-spoken honest and responsible republican he has always been. Honest and true to his friends,
that is A. F. Spoor. He can forgive, but A. F. Spoor can never forget an insult." Sterling Record.
The Fort Morgan paper added "Mr. Spoor along with others of
Logan county's best citizens have not forgotten the 'old war horse' and his methods."
Alpheus claimed 80 acres in section 32, 8N 52W in 1889.
May 1889 " A. F. Spoor, water commissioner district No. 64, Logan county, and W. F. Coxhead, water commissioner district No. 38, Garfield, Pitkin and Eagle counties, have filed their official bonds. "
June 1890
August 1890 Fort Morgan "Editor Spoor, of the Sterling Republican, was among us on Wednesday night, and we acknowledge a pleasant call."
"Editor Spoor, of the Sterling Republican
, has struck a rich field for missionary labors in his county, and there is a chance for high old times down then* bet ween now an election day."
August 1890 Fort Morgan "Editor Spoor, of the Sterling Republican, has struck a rich field for missionary
labors in his county, and there is a chance for high old times down there between now an election day."
October 1890, Cheely's Democrat, Sterling " Editor Spoor, who has been life long Republican
and is a Republican yet, and editor of the Sterling Republican, says that John Henderson, candidate for
state auditor, will get left in his own county. This sounds bad as it comes from a life-time
Republican and an old soldier. The county is Republican by a small majority and if Henderson carries it
he will do well. John Wilson, editor of the Advocate, shoulders Spoor's
allegations and swears by Tobin's
saloon that he can prove an alibi."
Alpheus Spoor, for service in the 3rd Independent Battery, Wisconsin, received an invalid pension July 15, 1898 from Louisiana.
Likely :
Matilda Kolb married Alvin E. Sopin, "Alvarus E.
Soper" April 24, 1896 in Green County, Wisconsin, and they're in Lafayette
County, Wisconsin in 1900 with two kids, Alvin's father Samuel April 1831 in
Vermont, and Mary "Kulb" born June 1884 in Wisconsin, sister.
"Elwood Soper" 38 and Mathilde 30 are in Washburn County Wisconsin in 1910, but Elwood - Alvin is widowed in 1920, 1930, and 1940.
Found in an early Birchwood newspaper, "Severe Loss by Fire :" "About 4 o'clock Tuesday morning the barn belonging to Elwood Soper was discovered to be on fire. It had gained such headway, nothing could be done to save it or any of the contents, 6 cows, 2 head of young cattle, about 2 ton of hay, some ground feed, a quantity of mangles, corn fodder and 25 chickens. The building was insured for $100 but nothing on the contents. So great was the sympathy of the entire community that before night of that day $78 was raised by friends to buy a cow and feed. The donations ranged from 50c to $1.00 or $2.00." |
FindAGrave 119880222 says Matilda died in 1918, and her mother was Louisa Hoffmeister, father Emanuel Kolb. The Green County index says Mrs. A.E. Soper died April 3, 1918, a resident of Birchwood.
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