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Research AssistanceVolunteersDo you have a Jefferson County resource? Volunteer to lookup information for others. Email me to me included on this page or to update your contact information Will look up obituaries, marriages and take pictures of headstones. Visits the Denver Public Library Western History and Genealogy Department once a month. Can look up newspaper obituaries or city directory names at the Denver Public Library. Also will look up census records or visit local cemeteries. Will take cemetery photos for local Jefferson County cemeteries. Will send digital photos via email or prints for reimbursement of charges. Will look up the following information: Obits 1890-present; statewide marriages 1860-1940; statewide divorces 1900-1940; gravestone photos - Eastern Jefferson, Denver, Arapahoe. I will look up Arvada CO High School graduates for years 1916,1919,1922,1926, 1928, 1933, 1937, 1939-1940, 1944-48. Inquirers should put "AHS graduates" in subject line. RAOGK Volunteers available to provide research assistance in your area. USGenWeb® Genealogy SocietiesThe following societies have research services available for a fee.
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