Gunnison County CO Ancestry

Gunnison County

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Newspaper tidbits


White Pine Cone,
Gunnison September 2, 1892

transcribed by Betty Baker


Bad Wreck on the Union Pacific Near Pine Grove.

There was a bad wreck on the South Park branch of the Union Pacific Monday evening by which Fireman H. Van Dern lost his life. The first train left Denver at 5:05 o�clock. At 7:40, when near Crystal Lake, three miles from Pine Grove, the engine and baggage car left the track. It is thought that a switch was left open. The engine was badly demolished and the fireman�s body was buried under the wreck. No passengers and none of the trainmen, excepting Van Dern, were injured.


The Corpse of a Murdered Man Found Near Florence

The badly decomposed body of an unknown man was discovered near the Florence and Cripple Creek wagon road a few days ago. The man had evidently been murdered as his skull had been beaten in, and there were pools of blood near by. It was impossible to identify the corpse from anything found on it and most of his clothes had been burned in a camp fire.


Jack Porter, a well-known cowboy, who has been on the range for a number of years, was arrested at Trinidad Saturday night and lodged in jail, charged with cattle stealing near Cinyton, New Mexico. It is said that Porter is one of a gang that has been engaged in the cattle stealing business on rather an extensive scale, and that about 800 head of range cattle have been stolen and placed in the market. The names of several well-known men are connected by rumor with the gang, but the evidence will not warrant the publication of their names. There is considerable excitement in cattle circles over the affair, and developments will be watched for with a great deal of interest.


William S. Howe, one of the Archuleta county commissioners, and also largely interested in sheep raising in the county and near the New Mexico line, was shot and killed on the 25th. For some time it has been understood that trouble existed between Mr. Howe and Jose Montaya, a sheep raiser and herder. The trouble, it is claimed, originated over county matters. Thursday Howe went to Montaya�s ranch, a few miles from Pagosa Springs. The two had some words and Montaya shot.

Howe died in a short time after the shooting. Montaya was arrested and placed in jail. He came from Del Norte some time ago and is well known.


A most deplorable accident is reported from Grand Junction. The baby of R. C. Wells was left asleep in its crib while the mother was in an adjoining room. After awhile she returned and found the little one dead. The child has slid down through the horizontal bars at the bottom of the bed, the head being caught by the top rail which was around the crib. The body was hanging within three inches of the floor, the head thrown far back by the weight of the body.


Sunday at 6 o�clock, as the men were quiting work, Charles Lamont, a carpenter employed by McFarlane brothers in the construction of the San Miguel Consolidated 120 stamp mill in Bear Creek, fell from the ore floor to the ground and struck on his head on one of the heavy sills, crushing the skull so badly that death ensued at 11 p.m. The accent was caused by stepping on a loose board that tipped with his weight.


Marshal Camp of Greeley has captured Frank Lewis and Frank Williams near the Kansas Line, who were driving a span of mules stolen near Greeley. Marshal Camp is certain that they are the men who attempted to rob the Union Pacific train near Brighton.


There are 35,000 Indians in Arizona.

It is rumored that one of the Hawaiian islands has been sold to England.

President Harrison bagged a lot of grouse a few days ago. Mrs. Harrison is improving.

Three powder magazines at Gainsville, Texas, blew up on the 26th and six persons were injured. Caused by lightening.

The omnipresent Daltons robbed a station agent in Indian Territory on the 24th. They secured $1,500 and escaped. A posse is after them.

Frank P. Sargent, grand master of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, says that the firemen will not strike to aid the Buffalo switchmen unless all the other railway orders strike.

Sheriff Mason of County E. Oklahoma, telegraphs that he has seized 2,500 head of Texas cattle being driven through the Cherokee strip, and is after more. This is in accordance with the instructions issued by GOVERNOR SEAY when the strip was opened. The settlers demand that the cattle be shot and trouble may result.

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State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola

Asst. State Coordinators:   Rebecca Maloney Betty Baker    -         M.D. Monk

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Gunnison County CO Ancestry