Teller County Colorado Genealogy Resources: Libraries

The local libraries and museums have useful reference information. You have to visit these organizations to access the reference material. Alternatively you can contact them to see if they will perform personal research, usually for a fee or donation to the library.


Denver Public Library Western History and Genealogy Collection, Denver

The Denver Public Library's Genealogy and Western History Collection on teh 5th floor of the Central Library offers an array of information from the state and across the country. Their collection of Western History Photos are online and searchable.

Franklin Fergeson Memorial Library, Cripple Creek

This library is located in Cripple Creek in the Cripple Creek/Victor School, 410 No. B Street, Cripple Creek. at the High School. This library has a significant reference material of use to the genealogist including city dirctories of Cripple Creek-Victor, school records (about 1900 - 1965), late nineteenth century Newspapers on microfilm .

Winter Hours (until Memorial Day) Monday - Thursday: 8:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M.; Friday: 10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Summer Hours (Memorial Day - start of school in the fall) Monday - Thursday: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.; Friday: 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Call (719) 689-2800 for information.

Penrose Library, Colorado Springs

Although this library is in Colorado Springs it contains a significant amount of information of value to the Teller County history and genealogy buff. Visit their web site to see what they have to offer and for contact information. The library has an extensive genealogical collection that includes material for all States and is home for the Pikes Peak Genealogical Society (PPGS).

Most of their research material is located in the main Penrose branch.

Tutt Library, Colorado College, Colorado Springs

The Colorado College Tutt Library in Colorado Springs has a considerable collection of local history material. You should contact the library prior to a visit if you want to do research.


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The family historian must master the art of storytelling. What, after all, is truth without anecdote, history without events, explanation without narration--or yet life itself without a story? Stories are not just the wells from which we drink most deeply but at the same time the golden threads that hold and bind--Ariadne's precious string that leads us through the labyrinth that connects living present and the living past.
― Joseph A. Amato, Jacob's Well: A Case for Rethinking Family History

State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola

Assistant State Coordinator:

County Coordinator:  Available