HOME TALENT PLAY NETS $50WILL BE USED BY THE TUESDAY STUDY CLUB TOWARD INCREASING THE NUMBER OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY. The Play "Raising Cain" was presented, as advertised, last Friday night at the Wray Theater, by the ladies of the Tuesday Study Club, assisted by the Messrs. Belknap, Grigsby, Mason, Diss and Fisk. The play was well rendered, and it is only to be regretted that they wre not greeted with a larger house. The inclemency of the weather was doubtless the cause of this, but even so, the ladies realized a neat little amount in net proceeds, the library fund being increased by something over $50.00 as a result of the entertainment. The leading roles in the play were taken by Miss Donna Wittmeyer, who as Evelyn Hathaway took the part of Eve; Miss Edna Carlson, known as Anne Dempster in the college, and little Miss Victoria Robinson as Cain. That little Miss Victoria was an artist in her role is acceded by all. The other leading charaters were Manly Norr, editor-in-chief of the "Clarion", the college paper, and David Ward, his assistant, the parts being taken by J. Wellman Grigsby and L.E. Belknap, respectively. Mrs. George Marshall, a member of the club, had entire charge of the directing of the play, and to her is due much credit for the time and work she put into it. As a token of their appreciation of her work, the cast presented Mrs. Marshall with a huge bouquet of roses, which came as a complete surprise to that lady. Just before the closing scene of the play, Miss Junia Frazier, president of the Tuesday Study Club, presented the flowers, in a few well chosen and appropriate remarks. The club feel justly
grateful to the five young men and to little
"Cain" for their faithful assistance in
making the play a success. WRAY RATTLER - May 20, 1915