Yuma County, Colorado

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Yuma County Pioneer Photographs:

John I. and Ruanna (Hamilton) Smith, Wray

In 1850 Tuscarawas County, Ohio, Warwick precinct, John is 28 born in Virginia, Rheane 23 in Ohio, Mary L. 4 Martha I. 1, and William 2, all four born in Ohio.
(one tree says Martha died before 1860.)

In 1860 Cumberland County, Illinois, John is farming, 44, Ruann 33, Louisa 14, William 12, Rose Ann 10, Thomas 8, Lewis 5, - they said all were born in Ohio - Nevada 3, James and Leonard both 1, all three born in Illinois.

In 1870 Moultrie County, Illinois, John Smith is 58, Ruanna 43, Mary L. 23, William H. 22, Rosanna 20, Lewis 15, Navada 13, James A. and Leonard D. both 12, Lucy V. 9, and Albert F. 3.

In 1880 Moultrie County, Illinois, John is 59, Ruanna 52, Nevada 23, and Albert F. 13.

The Iowa census of 1885 Montgomery County has John I. Smith farming in the southwest 40 acres of section 13, 12N 37W. He's 68, born in Pennsylvania, married. James E. Smith is 26, single, born in Illinois.
Ruanna (Hamilton) Smith 1827-1908 is buried in St. Clair County, Missouri # 58156922.

FindaGrave # 58156980.
John I. Smith died at home in Wray Dec 7 at age 95. He came to Wray seven years ago to live with his daughter, Miss Nevada Smith.
John I. Smith was born Feb 18, 1821 near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, the son of William Smith and Susannah Lucy Ann Kridler. In 1824, his parents moved to Wheeling, West Virginia. In 1838, they moved to Coshocton, Ohio. He married Ruanna Hamilton there [the marriage is recorded in Tuscarawas County] on Aug 10, 1845. Six children were born to them in Coshoton. In 1855, they moved to Cumberland County, Illinois where three children were born. In 1861, they moved to Coles County, Illinois where three more children were born. After 25 years in Illinois, they moved to Red Oak, Iowa where they lived for five years. In 1886, they moved to Wray and lived for thirteen years then moved to Missouri where his wife died Feb 19, 1908.
In Jan 1909, he moved to Wray with his daughter Nevada where he lived until he died. Seven children are still living: Mrs Rose Myers of Broken Bow, Neb; Thomas H Smith of Lamar, Missouri; A F Smith of Hutchinson, KS; Nevada Smith, L D Smith, J E Smith and Mrs Lucy Hiser all of Wray.
James E. Smith and Nevada Smith were two of the twelve children of Wray area pioneers John I. and Ruanna Hamilton Smith. The Smith family came to Wray in 1886 and John and Ruanna (then in their 70s) moved back to Missouri about 1900.
Nevada, Lucy Smith Hiser and J.E. Smith stayed in the Wray area.
Ruanna died in Missouri in 1908. John moved back to Wray to live with Nevada and died in 1916.
John I. Smith was born near Pittsburg in 1821, grew up near Wheeling, WV, married Ruanna near Coshoction, OH in 1845. Moved to Cumberland Co., IL, Coles Co., IL, and Red Oak, IA before Wray.

Rose is in Macon County, Illinois in 1880, 29, with Thomas W. Myers 27, farming. Her borther James E. Smith 21 is farming with them.

In 1900 Custer County, Nebraska, Thomas is farming 44, with rose 47 and Charles born Feb 1891 in Illinois.
The History of Custer County, said that Charles' widow Mary Uhlman was residing at Broken Bow in 1919.

In 1910 Broken Bow, Nebraska, Thomas W. Myers is driving an ice wagon, 59, with Rosella 61.

In 1930 Thomas, 78, is now married to Laura E. 62, both born in Illinois.

Rose A. Myers - October 14, 1851- June 16, 1920 and Thomas W. Myers Sept 9, 1853- June 28, 1932 are buried in Broken Bow, Nebraska.


September 6, 1907 "George Carlyle and wife of Bethany, Ohio, have been visiting for several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Smith, Mrs. Carlyle being a sister of the two ladies mentioned."

August 29, 1912 Wray "Mrs. J. E. Graham and Mrs. L. D. Smith received a message Friday informing them of the death of their sister, Mrs. Sarah Carlyle, which occured at her home that day in Bethany, Illinois."
When Sarah Graham died in Wray February 15, 1913 " Besides the husband and children, Mrs. Graham is survived by a sister, Mrs. L. D. Smith, of this city."

July 31, 1913 Wray "Miss Alice Jones is expected to arrive next week from her home in Westville, Illinois, for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. L. D. Smith, and other relatives here."


Albert Franklin Smith, 79, 815 North Washington, Hutchinson, Kansas, died at 12:30 a.m. Friday, December 20, 1946 at his home. He had suffered a stroke Tuesday. Mr. Smith was born in Mattoon, Illinois, Mar. 15, 1867, and had lived in Hutchinson for 33 years. He worked for Wiley's for 18 years, and was retired ten years ago. Survivors are his widow, Margaret, of the home: four daughters, Mrs. Ruth Lewis, of the home, Mrs. D.H. Horton, Lovick, Tex., Mrs. Zoe Leeburg, 1525 North Forest, and Mrs. Ernest C. Stewart, 703 West 14th: three sons, Linas B. Smith, Platte, Mo., Orlie R. Smith, Elkland, Mo., and Loren R. Smith, Willows, Calif.; two brothers, Lynn [Leonard] Smith, Oregon, and James Smith, Wray, Colo., 19 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.."


In 1880 Logan County, Illinois, William is a harness maker, 30, with Sallie 25 born in Tennessee. Cora 5, Otis H. 3 and Roy three months were born in Illinois.

In 1900 they're farming in Woods County, Oklahoma, William Nov 1846 Ohio, Sarah Sept 1854 Tennessee, Otis H. Oct 1877, Roy W. Feb 1880, Mary E. Oct 1884 in Illinois, and Anna M. May 1887 in Kansas.

William H. Smith 1847-1905 is buried in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma # 50021260, with Sarah E. (Hudson) Benefield 1854-1927.


October 11, 1917 "Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hiser, accompanied by the latter's sister, Miss Nevada Smith, left Friday for a visit with their nephew, Arthur Smith, of Elkhart, Kansas. They made the trip in their car."

Lucy Viola (Smith) Hiser 1861-1946 is buried in Wray # 58199297, with Edward Gustav Hiser 1858-1924 # 58214875.
It says another husband was John Hiser 1854-1889, on the same stone in Wray.


Rose Myers is in Macon County, Illinois in 1880, 29, with Thomas W. Myers 27, farming. Her borther James E. Smith 21 is farming with them.

James Smith - Leonard's twin - is in Yuma County in 1900, born January 1859 in Illinois, married six years to Atelia Feb 1860 Illinois.. Homer October 18094 was born in Colorado.

In 1910 Wray, James is a carpet weaver, with Adelia D. and Homer D.

In 1920 Wray, James and Adelia have no occupations. His sister Nevada 62 is with them.

James and Adelia are alone in 1930 Wray.

In 1940 Wray, James is widowed, living with son Homer D. 45 and his wife Ethel 42 born in Ohio. JamEvelyn M. is 18, born in COlorado. Nevada, 83, wit a still with them.

Adelia (Diveley) Smith 1860-1934 is buried in Wray # 58197802, "Daughter to William Diveley and Mary Hulbert."


Alice Katherine Bailey was born March 14, 1852 on a farm near Memphis, Tennessee, and moved with her parents to Mattoon, Illinois, in 1858, moved to Red Oak Illinois in 1877, and married Leonard D. Smith on October 18, 1881. Grace was born . In 1887 they homesteaded near Wary. She died at home in Eeast Wray on April 12, 1928.

In 1900 Laird, Leonard D. Smith is farming, born Jan 1859 in Illinois, married nineteen years to Alice C. March 1852 Tennessee, have Grace G. Sept 1882 in Iowa.

Leonard died in Linn County Oregon March 29, 1951

In 1910 Grace G. is married to Edward D. Neville 32, living on Elm Street in Wray, with Bernice M. 3.
Grace is buried in Corvallis, Oregon 1882-1965 # 2733790.

In 1920 Yuma County, Idalia precinct, Ed is 42, Grace 37, Bernice 13, Valda 9, and newborn Ralph.

Ed and Grace are in Benton County, Washington in 1930, with Ralph 10, and Leatrice L. 7.


In 1900 Moultrie County, Illinois, George Carlyle is farming, born April 1844 in Scotland, married 30 years to Sarah May 1849 in Tennessee. She's had ten kids, all living.
Charles Jan 1873, Cloyde Sept 1876, George P. March 1879, Julius Nov 1880, Thomas Sept 1882, Anne Oct 1884, Rose March 1887, Homer April 1889, and WSalter Feb 1894 were all born in Illinois.

In 1900 Dundy County, Nebraska, Leonard Parsons is farming, born Aug 1850 in Illinois, married 48 years to Jennie P. August 1851 Connectiut. Cora E. April 1873, Arthur S. Dec 1876, Joseph April 1879, and William H. May 1881 were born in Illinois. Emma M. Aug 1886, Grace P. Nov 1888, and Ella B. June 1892 were born in Nebraska.

Jennie Parsons is in Wray in 1910, widowed, 58, born in Connecticut. She's had nine kids, seven living. Ella is 17, born in Nebraska.

In 1910 Yuma County, Laird precinct "area over river" probably meaning on the north side of the Republican River, Joseph W. Parsons is a tenant farmer, 31, born in Illinois, married eight years to Josie 26 born in Nebraska. Mable 6, Helen 3 were born in Nebraska, Jennie 2 in Colorado.

Jennie Adeline (Redfield) Parsons 1851-1916 is buried in Benkelman, Nebraska # 18914220, with Leonard U. Parsons 1850-1901.

April 8, 1910 "Homer Carlyle, who has been working on the Johnson ranch for the past few weeks, had the misfortune to get mixed up in a runaway last Tuesday in which his foot was injured. He is now able to be about with the aid of crutches."

February 24, 1911

January 23, 1913 "Homer Carlyle departed for New Mexico the first of the week, where he goes in quest of health."

May 29, 1913 "Prent" and Charley Carlyle, who live at Bethany, Ill., came last Monday noon in answer to a telegram announcing the sickness of their brother, Homer, who is well known in our city. He was suddenly taken ill last Saturday while at the depot."

June 26, 1913 "Homer Carlyle left Tuesday morning for Boulder where he goes to enter a sanitarium at that place. He will probably be absent from Wray the entire summer but his many friends hope that the change may prove beneficial to him."
"J. O. Graham left Monday morning for Boulder in company with Homer Carlyle who goes to enter a sanitarium in that place. Mr. Graham will return to Denver and be in attendance upon the convention of opticians and jewelrymen which was held yesterday."

August 14, 1913 "Mrs. Ed Foster and three children returned to their home near Max, Nebraska, Monday evening after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Jennie Parsons in East Wray.
Mrs. Homer Carlyle is again in her position as clerk in the Clark Smith store after a months vacation, Miss Katherine Weaver having filled her position during her absence."

March 4, 1915 "Word was received this week that Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carlisle of Bethany, Illinois, were rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy at their home last week."

January 27, 1916 "Mrs. Homer Carlyle and baby left Tuesday evening for their home in Bethany, I11., after having spent two weeks here visiting with her brother, Arthur Parsons, and family. Mrs. Carlyle had been called to Wray by the death of her mother, the late Mrs. Jennie Parsons, which occurred two weeks ago."

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