Yuma County, Colorado

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Yuma County Pioneer Photographs:

The JOSLIN clan -- George H., Royce, Sidney, and father George Isaac

George H. Joslin homesteaded two quarters in 1916, Sidney N. Joslin about two quarters in 1917, and George I. Joslyn two quarters in 1919, and Royce S. Joslin two quarters in 1916.  All were  in 5N 45W.

The Franklin A. Joslyn in 5S 47W homesteaded in 1912, so is not necessarily related.

There is a wealth of information in letters and photos at:


This is a part of it:

This link was inoperative in October 2017. If anyone knows the URL, please send it to us.

Addie Pamela Thorp, March 21, 1856, to Sept. 25, 1918, was married to Sidney N. Joslin on Mar. 28, 1876, and to this union was born eight children:


       Verner Thorp Joslin (married Edna Scanlon)

       Merton Joseph Joslin (married Ida Scanlon)

       De Vier Sidney Joslin

       Muriel May Joslin

       George Hadley Joslin

       Royce Sidney Joslin

       Ora Ellen Joslin, born 11/6/1891  (married Ross Scanlon)

Ina Olive Joslin (9/10/1893 to 9/1/1895, lived only 2 yrs.)**


Note:  Three Scanlons married three Joslins


They lived on the old home place 1 3/4 miles west of what is now Coggon until Mar. 1, 1905.  Pa rented the farm west of Ehler, Iowa, from Jesse Lennox.  We lived there five years.  Then moved to Holyoke, Colorado, in March 1910.  Pa, Ma, George, Royce and I took two railroad cars full of our household goods, four work horses, one colt, and our two ponies, three milk cows, three heifers, one old sow and 50 hens and three roosters, plows, discs, wagons, etc.  George and Royce rode in the car the horses were in so they could watch them and had a water barrel in each car.  They would refill it when the train stopped for water.  Then they’d go to the other car and water and feed the cows and other animals.  It took five days to get there.  We all left Ehler Tues. morning, but when we got to Manchester (Iowa) , Pa, Ma and I went on the passenger train.  We got out there Wed. eve and went to a hotel and stayed.  Pa found an old creamery bldg. that was idle, so he rented that to stay in until we could build down on the homestead.  Pa and George had gone out there the fall before and each of them homesteaded on 160 acres of land.  They ate and worked together, with one well furnishing water for both.  The creamery bldg. had one lg. room floored and different ones had lived there.  He also made arrangements at the livery barn for the horses.  We stayed at the hotel and the boys and cars got in and they unloaded  stock and such like that night.  On Tues. we loaded some posts, wire and some straw and feed for the ponies.  Royce drove team and wagon down where Geo. knew the land was.  Geo. & I were in buggy.  We set posts & built a fence around a small yard and set the tent up there.  Royce went back to town.  That night the coyotes howled and I was scared, I was about 18, but Geo. had the shot gun. 


The boys thought they wouldn’t put a fence up but I was sort of scared out there.  We couldn’t see any place or sign of  life.  Had just followed a sort of trail down there 20 miles from Holyoke.  So we put up two wires anyhow and a good thing we did, for in the night, we heard something hit the fence, ran out, and one of the ponies had untied his halter rope and was loose.

 NOTE:  Ora Joslin Scanlon passed away on Sept. 25, 1984, at the age of 92. 


in 1915 they wrote to relatives :

        What do you think of G.I.  He has squatted on a claim joining George’s on the south.  Has ploughed a furrow around it, built a shack, and has gone up there to sleep tonight so he can go to town with Pa tomorrow and send in his numbers.  That is all one can do at this time.  His time starts tonight tho.  You know he can leave it five months at a time so he can go to Iowa for the winter.  He is quite enthusiastic, he said today to me, “Say sis, had you thought that amongst us all, the Joslin ranch consisted of over 1200 acres.”  Of course it is nothing but grazing land, but one can prove up on it as grazing land now.  Expect every one there will be as surprised as we were.  His shack is about a mile from here.  He says it is just a nice little walk.  Of course he will only stay there once in a while, just enough to hold it.  He says it is quite cosy but some way he can’t keep the old lady at home.  She is gossiping around the neighborhood all the time.  He took his supper with him and took 'rusty' for company tonight.  Said if the old lady came home, he would just lock her in. 


May 1916 "Miss Anna Sarver arrived yesterday from Lincoln, Neb., and is intending to spend the summer in Wray.  Miss Sarver is a sister of Mrs. Royse Joslin, who lives on the F.D. Johnson ranch, just east of Wray.  She is a trained nurse, having graduated from the Everett Sanitarium in Lincoln, and intends to practice in this vicinity."


Royce Joslin, who has been working for Frank Pollock, was kicked by a horse and his leg was broken just below the hip.  He is getting along nicely now.  His sister, Ora, has been caring for him.

1910 census of Yuma County has Sidney N. 56 Illinois, Addie P. 52 Iowa, with George H. 22,   Royce S. 29, and Ora E. 17 - all kids born in Iowa.

Addie is buried in Linn County # 86384409.

The 1920 census has Royce L. Joslin, 30 Iowa married to Resalee, 27 Illinois. 

Next household is Sidney M. 65, widowed, Illinois, George H. son 31 Iowa, and Lucy 28 Kansas.

George Hadley Joslin registered for WWII residing in Sutter County, California, saying he was born January 10, 1888 in Coggan, Iowa, married to Lucy.

California Death Index has him dying November 20, 1971 in Tuolumne.

1916 "Mr. and Mrs. Royce Joslin who have made their home on the F. D. Johnson ranch just east of Wray for the past year, left Sunday evening for Holyoke where they will visit a short time with the latter's parents and then will go on to points in Iowa for a visit with relatives and friends. Upon their return from Iowa, they will spend the winter months in Lincoln, Nebraska, where Mr. Joslin will take a position as fireman on the road. They were accompanied by the two sisters of Mrs. Joslin who spent the summer with her, the Misses Sauver, who will enter training as nurses in the Lincoln sanitarium."

Royce S. Joslin in the California death index was born November 21, 1889 in Iowa and died November 10, 1975 in San Luis Obispo.

Ora married Ross Scanlon, who died in 1971.

Ora died September 25, 1984 in Masonville, Iowa.

 This page is maintained by M.D. Monk.