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September 24, 1909 Rattler "South Eckley - N.T. Gould sold his claim to Ed Armstrong of Kansas, consideration $700.
September 16, 1910 "Ed Armstrong is hauling lumber preparatory to building a new house."
1911 "Ed Armstrong bought a new lister of Yuma merchants last week."
In 1910 Ed L. 45, Illinois and Emma L. 36 Missouri ARMSTRONG are farming by Ecklcy. They have Della A. 17, Fred 15, Frank R. 13, Ralph B. 11, Vera V. 10, and Edward M. 5 - all born in Kansas - they had been in Smith County Kansas in 1900
January 1911 "Mr. E. Armstrong marketed a fine load of cane the other day to Catchpole & Co. at Eckley."
December 21, 1911 Wray "Emmett A. Davis and Miss Della A. Armstrong both of Eckley at the court house by Judge Jennings, with Mrs. Josie O. Mayers, sister of the groom, of Smith County, Kansas, as their witness. We are not acquainted with this couple but wish for them a long happy wedded life."'
December 28, 1911 "Mr. Emmitt Davis and Miss Della Armstrong slipped off to Wray the other day and when Mr. Davis returned he brought Mrs. Davis with him. Now Emmitt just bring us the cigars and we will try and keep the boys from disturbing your rest. The groom is a prosperous young farmer and the bride is a well respected young lady of this neighborhood. May their pathway be strewn with flowers is the wishes of the scribe."
April 4, 1912 "Ed Armstrong and family and Emett Davis and wife visited at Mr. Stalling's Sunday."
April 11, 1912 "Ed Armstrong and wife entertained twenty-six friends and neighbors at dinner Sunday. With Mrs. Armstrong as cook we know they had a fine dinner."
May 9, 1912 "Mr. and Mrs. Ed Armstrong had a wedding anniversary Sunday and quite a number of friends and relatives were present. The guests were Mrs. Armstrong's brother, Wayne Bush and family and their daughter Dell and husband Emmet Davis. Mrs. Henry Goebel and husband, Mrs. and Mrs. Hancock, Burr Glenn and wife and the U.L. Stuck family. All had an enjoyable good time, the day being an ideal day for the occasion."
October 3, 1912 "Ed Armstrong has his well completed and a mill up."
April 18, 1913 "The little son of Ed Armstrong has been brought back from Denver, where he was operated on, and is reported as about as well as ever." They had taken him to Denver the week prior, saying it was for appendicitis.
October 1913 "Bert Hall and son, Pearl Watson, Fred Armstrong and Wayne Bush were husking corn for J.J. Lewis last week." So Wayne must have lived nearby.
May 18, 1916 "Mr. Fred Armstrong and Miss Velma Stevens surprised their friends one day last week by betaking themselves to the county seat, where they were quietly married. This young couple is well known in this vicinity, where they have a host of friends who unite in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life."
March 22, 1917 "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armstrong of near Happyville, are the parents of a little daughter who was born to them Tuesday morning. Mrs. Armstrong was Miss Thelma Stephens and she and her husband have been spending the past three months in Wray at the home of Mrs. Henry Stephens."
March 29, 1917
August 22 1919 Akron "Frank Armstrong of near Eckley Colorado died Saturday from the result of blood poison. He was a member of Co. D. 115th Supply Train. A number of Akron boys of the same Company went down to take charge of the Funeral."
Ralph registered in Eckley, saying he was born July 27, 1897 at To?er, Kansas
Lois Mildred Tillotson, born February 22, 1902 in Alliance, daughter of Merton and Ann Tillotson, the Eckley druggist, married Ralph Burton Armstrong September 17, 1924 in Wray.
In 1930 Ralph and Lois are in Otis, with Joyce A. 3, Mary L. 2, and two month Ruth.
In 1940 Otis they have added Mildred 7, Dorothy 5, Joan 2, and Emma Lou 1.
Barbara Emmalou died at birth April 22, 1925 .
zMaryLee was born January 21, 1928 in Eckley, married James E. Streitwieser June 28, 1948 in Fort Morgan, and died June 26, 2008 in San Jose, California. She's buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Washington.
Ruth Adele born February 20, 1930 in Eckley, died December 10, 1943 in Otis, of kidney failure and rheumatic fever
Joyce Ann was born April 21, 1926 in Wray, and died September 29, 1979 in Yuma.
Joanne Peggy Armstrong was born May 6, 1937 in Yuma, married Edward L. Grubbs in 1949 in Aurora, divorced him in 1950 in Otis. and died March 17, 1986. She's buried in the Tillotson plot in the Eckley cemetery.
Lois died January 7, 1985 in Colorado Springs.
In 1900 Smith County Kansas - BUSH, John October 1844 Pennsylvania, Melissa February 1843 Illinois have had 9 children, five still living. Wayne December 1878 Missouri, Georgia August 1883 Kansas, Barbara October 1885 Kansas, and Jennie May 1888 Kansas.
Wayne married Maggie Biehn (May 31, 1886 in Smith County) on March 22, 1904 in Smith Center.
In 1910 Wayne is in Yuma County, married to Maggie B. 33. They have Marion C, ?, Kansas, Carl 3, Iowa , and Leo ? Colorado.
In 1920 Happyville they have Marvin E. 15, Carl 13, Leo Lalburn 10, Bessie 7, and Harold W. 5. Harold was born February 17, 1915 in Eckley and died September 24, 1990 in Florence, Colorado.
Wayne divorced Maggie Bush in 1924 in Boulder County.
April 5, 1929 Wayne H. Bush married Mrs. Ermina M. Murphy, and in 1936 Boulder Wayne divorced Mimna Murphy Bush.
In 1930 Boulder Maggie is married to Elzie Swift - both 33. Leo, 20, Bessie, and Harold 15 BUSH are with them.
Wayne died September 8, 1960 in Boulder County.
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