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Yuma County Pioneer Photographs:

William T. Mauck, Logan.

William cash-claimed a quarter in 33, 3S 43W in 1891.

  Thanks to Jeff Woita


The William Mauck had to have known Albert Kester who was also teaching in Weston.

  • "The Fourth at Weston.
      Exercises will begin at 9 o’clock with music by the band. Procession will form on Race street and march to hall. Prayer by chaplain. Song, "America," by choir. Reading Declaration of Independence, by Miss Florence O’Kane, of Wahoo. Song and music. Oration, W. B. Alexander, of Wahoo. Song and music. Oration, W. T. Mauck. Song and music. Other speakers will be in attendance. Basket dinner at 12 o’clock. At one o’clock, Capt. J. Hannibal Monroe will appear with his ragmuflins. Premiums will be offered for the following amusements: Slow mule race, changed riders. Game of base ball, foot race, 100 yards. Sack race. Egg race. Soaped pole. Greased pig. Fat man’s race. Horse race: distance, 100 yards. Fireworks in the evening. The whole to conclude with a grand ball in Weston Town Hall. Tickets, including supper, $1.50.
      OFFICERS. Capt. Wm. Davis, President. E. B. Woolley, Marshal. R. H. Thomas, Treasurer. J. R. Campbell, Secretary."
    - The Independent; June 23, 1881  

    " At Weston.
      The Fourth was a grand day at Weston. A good crowd turned out at that place and the day was celebrated in an enjoyable way. There were speeches, songs and other exercises interspersed by music by the Valparaiso Brass Band, which was present during the day. Speeches were made by W. B. Alexander, W. T. Mauck, J. K. Vandemark, Capt. Wm. Davis and others. A large bower was erected in the eastern part of town where during the evening the young people "tripped the light fantastic." On the whole the undertaking was a complete success."
    - The Independent; July 7, 1881 

    " William T. Mauck, one of the leading teachers of this county, went to Lincoln on Saturday last with the view of attending the state university which opened its fall term on Tuesday, Sept. 13th. Mr. Mauck ordered THE INDEPENDENT sent to him at Lincoln which certainly indicates to us that he will succeed finely."
    - The Independent; June 4, 1881 

    " Our young friend W. T. Mauck will teach school the present term in district No. 44 known as the Odell district No. 44 known as the Odell district – the school house being about two miles this side of Weston. Mr. Mauck is a good teacher and the patrons of that school have done well in securing his services."
    - The Independent; April 20, 1882 

    The total enrollment of the teachers present at the institute up to the present writing (Tuesday 1:30 p.m.) is as follows: . . .WESTON. W. F. Odell, Nellie Bechtel, Wm. T. Mauck. . ."
    - The Independent; August 17, 1882 

    "W. T. Mauck was gladly welcomed home by his many friends. Come again, Will."
    - The Independent; December 7, 1882 

    " The question for debate in our literary Saturday eve is: "Should the Chinese be prohibited from coming to the United States? Will T. Mauck, Yes.  M. J. Wickard, no."
    - The Independent; February 25, 1886 

    "Will Mauck of the New Era spent Sunday at home.  Will is coming home more frequently than of yore, which the same is heartily approved by his hosts of friends here."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; December 1, 1892 

    "Will Mauck made his regular weekly visit home last Sunday.  Will exhibits the truest type of manhood when he reports to the call to make so many hearts glad."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; December 15, 1892 

    "Will Mauck  came up Sunday to attend church and write news for the New Era."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; February 16, 1893 

    "At their regular meeting, Friday evening, the Knights of Pythias elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Will T. Mauck, D.G.C.; A. H. Lehmkuhl, C. C., N. C. Pederson V.C.; Peter Campbell Prelate; R. C. Carpenter M of W; Dr. Stockert K of R and S; C. E. Lillibridge M of E; J. R. Webster M of F; N. A. Tuveson M at A, and C. E. Lillibridge, R. C. Carpenter and W. T. Mauck trustees."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; November 26, 1896

    "The town board met in adjourned session, Monday night and transacted the following business:  Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved; a petition from the firemen asking for certain supplies and repairs was read and acted upon favorably by the board; the following bills were allowed and clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same:  Frank Hakel, oil, 95 cents; John Engler $2, special police service on election day; John Moackler Jr. and Arthur March $2 each for services as clerks of election; E. Morse, W. S. Odell, and Frank Vanous $2 each, judges of election.  The board canvassed the vote of last municipal election and declared C. E. Lillibridge, Anton Novak, H. F. Blunk, Joseph Hausner and John Matousek elected for the ensuing year.  On motion, old board adjourned sine die, and the new board was installed and entered upon the duties of their office, Jacob Mauck, Justice of Peace, administering the oath.  New board organized with C. E. Lillibridge, chairman, who made the following appointments which were confirmed by the board: J. R. Webster marshall; D. A. March treasurer; H. B. Hadsall street commissioner; W. T. Mauck clerk; auditing committee appointed by the chairman to examine books of treasurer and clerk is John Matousek and Jacob Mauck.  On motion board adjourned till Monday April 26, at which time the bonds and petitions of applicants for saloon licenses will be examined."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; April 22, 1897

    "Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mauck gave a reception to the pupils of the high school, including the graduating class, and the alumni, Monday night.  Forty five were present and a most enjoyable time it was for all.  The orchestra was present and enlivened the program with some excellent music.  The lawn was lit up with numerous torches.  Ice cream and cake were served at 11 o'clock, after which the alumni effected an organization officered for the coming year as follows:  H. C. Blunk president; Ada Davis, vice president; Jessie Hill, secretary; Carl Stevens, treasurer.  The following committee on by-laws was appointed: Martha Mauck, Ferdinand Pascal, Walter Hill, Hulda Malm, Nellie Madigan.  The next meeting will be held at the residence of Jacob Mauck, Monday night June 21.  The names of different classes are appended:
    Class of '91 - Jessie Hill, A. T. March, Dennis Hayden, Mrs. Emma Samek, Martha Mauck.
    Class of '92 - Maymie Heaton, Mrs. Bitha Mohler, H. C. Blunk, Etta Roda.
    Class of '93 - F. Pascal, Paul Birch, Maude Odell, Mrs. L. Henderson, Mrs. Lizzie March, Carl Stevens, Walter Hill, Gertrude Barnell.
    Class of '94 - Ada Davis, Joseph Frohner, Frank Moackler, Emma Rockafellow, Nellie Madigan, Mable Keay, Lena Miles.
    Class of '96 - Frank Birch, Fred March, Chas. Frohner, Emil Anderson, Chas. Stevens, Otto Anderson, Gusta Anderson, James Moackler, Edward Keay, Roy Carpenter, Ed Rockafellow, Jerry Leffer.
    Class of '97 - Zoe Odell, Hulda Malm, Stella Johnson, Olive Johnson, Anna Reeder, Gustave Hausner, Tena Anderson."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; June 3, 1897

    "D. A. March, Nels Tuveson, C. E. Lillibridge, Dr. Stockert and W. T. Mauck attended Masonic lodge in Wahoo last Saturday night."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; June 17, 1897

    "The annual school meeting was held Monday night and a portion of proceedings strongly resembled what newspapers term a stormy session.  There were 67 voters present according to the poll books, besides several spectators.  Reports of director and treasurer were read and approved.  Voted to have nine months school the coming year and a tax levy of fifteen mills was made.  On vote for moderator three candidates were placed in nomination, Thomas Madigan, John Woita and H. F. Blunk, the present official.  Mr. Madigan received a majority of all votes cast and was declared elected.  The board has elected for the coming year, W. T. Mauck, Misses Lillie Klotz, Anna Gibbs and Mrs. C. F. Stockert.  A remonstrance had been filed with the board against hiring Mrs. Stockert, also a petition was filed in her favor.  At the school meeting the remonstrators asked that a vote be taken upon Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Stockert, to express a choice as to which they preferred as teacher in the schools for the coming year.  A ballot was taken and the vote announced in favor of Mrs. Johnson.  Before adjournment the remonstrators served notice that they would appeal the case."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; July 1, 1897

    "W. T. Mauck is taking a week's outing in Lincoln."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; July 29, 1897

    "The village board met in regular session, Monday night. The only business transacted was the allowing of the following bills: H. F. Blunk & Co., for lumber, $13.55; W. T. Mauck, first quarter clerk salary, $7.50."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; August 5, 1897

    "Thomas Madigan, Frank Novak, John Walla, H. B. Hadsall, Scott Case, Peter Anderson, A. T. March and W. T. Mauck were delegates to the republican county convention last Friday."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; August 26, 1897

    "The following is the list of those who went to Omaha Monday night and pledged undying allegiance to King Ak-Sar-Ben:  J. L. Reeder, Carl Stevens, J. R. Webster, R. C. Carpenter, C. E. Lillibridge, Dave Bowen, W. T. Mauck, H. C. Blunk, H. C. Stevens, N. A. Tuveson, Harry Gunter, L. B. Bilan, D. A. March, M. O. Worrall, S. D. Mauck."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; September 2, 1897

    "The school now numbers 150, distributed as follows:  primary, Mrs. Stockert, 37; intermediate, Lillian Klotz, 57; grammar, Anna Gibbs, 27; W. T. Mauck, 29."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; September 20, 1897

    "W. T. Mauck represented the K. of P. lodge of this place at the grand lodge held in Lincoln last week."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; October 21, 1897

    "The town council met in regular session Monday night.  Bill of H. B. Hadsall $4.50, and that of W. T. Mauck, $7.50, were allowed; and the purchase of a new supply of chemicals for the fire engine was authorized.  The marshal was also instructed to notify all residents of Weston to examine and repair flues making them safe against spreading fire."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; November 4, 1897

    "At the meeting Friday evening of St. George lodge No. 95 Knights of Pythias, the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: Peter Campbell, D. C. C.; S. D. Mauck, C. C.; M. O. Worrall, V. C.; Peter Campbell, Prel; Will T. Mauck, K. of R and S.; R. C. Carpenter, M. of W; C. E. Lillibridge, M of Ex; J. R. Webster, M. of F.; N. A. Tuveson M at A; Trustees, R. C. Carpenter, C. E. Lillibridge and Will T. Mauck."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; November 25, 1897

    "Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mauck, Friday, January 20, a girl."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; February 2, 1899

    "In talking with Mr. Samuel Wooley one day this week we learn that he is advertising his forty-acre farm in Mariposa precinct for sale.  This is a portion of the old homestead upon which Mr. and Mrs. Wooley have lived for about thirty years and is well improved, timber, plenty of water, five acres of bearing orchard and all kinds of small fruits.  Mr. Wooley asks a part cash and will give easy terms on the rest.  He formerly held his place at $50 per acre, but now offers it at $45.  Here is a bargain.  For further particulars address Samuel Wooley or W. T. Mauck, Weston, Nebraska."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; March 9, 1899

    "Parties who wish to subscribe for the WASP or pay arrearage on subscription can see W. T. Mauck, who has a true copy of the Weston list and is authorized by the WASP publisher to receive money and receipt for the same."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; April 6, 1899

    "The town board held an adjourned session Monday night at which time the election returns were canvassed and the new board of trustees sworn in.  The official count showed the following elected: John Matousek, A. T. March, J. J. Pospisil, Joseph Jisa and John Woita.  The new board organized by electing John Matousek chairman.  They then made the following appointments: D. A. March, treasurer; W. T. Mauck, clerk; H. B. Hadsall, street commissioner; John Engler, marshall and night watch.  Bills for defraying election expenses were allowed also one of H. F. Blunk & Co., for lumber.  A special meeting was called for next Monday night for examination of saloon keeper's bonds and granting licenses."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; April 20, 1899

    "Dr. and Mrs. Smith, Andrew Bowen and the Weston teachers, Prof. E. L. Uptegrove, Misses Anna Gibbs, Kathyrne Fingado and Martha Mauck, spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mauck last Thursday."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; May 25, 1899

    "At the regular monthly meeting of the city dads Monday night the following bills were allowed: W. T. Mauck $7.50 quarter clerk salary; H. B. Hadsall $12, street commissioners service; S. D. Mauck $2.00 extra police service on July 4th; John Moackler and H. C. Stevens also each $2.00 extra police service on July 4th; Marshal John Engler $35; Trustee A. T. March and the marshal were chosen a committee to purchase another new street lamp."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; August 10, 1899

    "At a meeting held at the town hall Saturday night to make arrangements for giving a proper reception to the home-coming soldier boys who enlisted from Weston and vicinity, D. A. March was chosen chairman and Will T. Mauck, secretary.  On motion a committee of five was appointed by the chair on general arrangements consisting of M. O. Worrall, Rev. Lawyer, J. J. Pospisil, J. R. Webster, W. T. Mauck.  On motion the matter of providing a luncheon for the occasion was delegated to the ladies, they to decide the kind, manner of soliciting and serving, time and place.  The chairman appointed the following committee to look after this portion of the entertainment: Mesdames M. Madigan, H. F. Blunk, D. A. March, James Kacirek, Frank Hakel, W. Hagenbuck, J. R. Webster; Misses Nellie Madigan and Gusta Anderson.  This committee as well as the one on general arrangements is empowered to appoint any additional committees needed in carrying out their plans.  J. R. Webster was elected treasurer and solicitor of funds to defray necessary expenses.  The time is very brief and it is desired that committee will be energetic.  Let us all get to work and give our boys a hearty welcome, such as they so richly deserve.  Mustered out yesterday, they will certainly reach home by Saturday night, coming as a regiment on the train provided by the state of Nebraska.  The citizens should be at the train en mass.  The town should be decorated gaily with the national colors and every child should bear a flag in his hand.  Let the whistles blow, bells ring, anvils tire and the band play.
         LATER--Since the above was written it has been learned the First Nebraska will leave for home Saturday morning, and if there is no hitches in the program they will arrive here Tuesday noon.  Our boys will doubtless come by way of Lincoln.  It has been decided to tender them a reception on their arrival home."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; August 24, 1899

    "John and Frank Matousek, C. E. Lillibridge, Andrew Nelson, John Walla, H. C. Stevens, Emil Anderson, Samuel Rockafellow and W. T. Mauck were in Omaha to meet the returning soldier boys."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; September 7, 1899

    "Rev. Johnson moved into the Baptist parsonage Tuesday, W. T. Mauck having vacated and moved to Wahoo."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; October 5, 1899

    "The town board met in regular session Monday night.  The following bills were allowed: W. T. Mauck, quarter clerk salary and postage advanced $7.65; H. B. Hadsall, street commissioner's service $10.50; Chicago Lumber Co. $47.93; J. J. Pospisil, sundries $5.75; John Engler, salary as marshall and night watch and caring for the chemical engine $35.  W. T. Mauck tendered his resignation as village clerk which was accepted and M. J. Wickard was appointed by the board to serve out the unexpired term.  Auditing committee reported which was accepted and committee discharged."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; October 5, 1899

    "W. T. Mauck, of the Wahoo WASP staff, transacted business in Weston, last Friday."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; February 1, 1900

    "Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Worrall visited W. T. Mauck and family in Wahoo Sunday."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; September 6, 1900

    "The following from Wahoo were visitors at St. George K. P. lodge, last Friday night: Ben D. Rupp, Arnold Lemkull, C. S. Collins, R. A. Heaton, James A. Moss, Clarence Henderson, H. M. Clark, Henry Winter, Dr. McCreery, W. T. Mauck, F. R. Clark, J. K, Vandemark, of Valparaiso was also present."
    - The Wahoo Wasp; September 6, 1900

    "W. T. Mauck and daughter, Lucile, visited under the parental roof, Friday night."
    - Wahoo Wasp; November 29, 1900


       William Thomas Mauck, who has recently retired from the position of postmaster of Wahoo, has filled various public offices of honor and trust and over the record of his official career there falls no shadow of wrong nor suspicion of evil, for his course has been marked by a public-spirited devotion to duty and by ability in the discharge of all the tasks that came to him in office. The concensus of public opinion therefore classes him with the representative residents of Wahoo.
       Mr. Mauck is a native of Indiana, his birth having occurred upon a farm in Gibson county, that state, on the 13th of November, 1859. His paternal grandfather, John Mauck, was likewise a native of Indiana, a fact which indicates that the family was founded in that state in pioneer times. The grandfather spent his entire life there and in Gibson county reared his family, which included Jacob Mauck, the father of our subject. His birth occurred in that county in 1838, and having arrived at years of maturity, he was married in Gibson county in 1858 to Miss Ann Victoria Davis, who was born in Posey county, Indiana. He would have joined the Union army, but was rejected on account of physical disability. However, his loyalty to the Union never wavered and he did everything in his power to advance the cause. In 1873 he came to the west and homesteaded eighty acres in Saunders county, after which he began the development of his farm, which he converted into rich and productive fields. When the town of Western was laid out, he removed there and retired from active life. He was, however, appointed justice of the peace, which office he filled until his demise. His death occurred in December, 1901, but his widow survives and makes her home in Weston. Her father, William Davis, was born in Indiana and at the time of the Civil war joined the Union army, becoming first lieutenant of Company A, Fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, on the 9th of October, 1861. He was promoted to a captaincy June 21, 1862, and in the battle of Chickamauga was severely wounded, after which he was honorably discharged May 23, 1864. He became a resident of Nebraska in 1872 and died upon his farm near Weston, Saunders county, in the early '80s.
       William T. Mauck spent the first thirteen years of his life in the place of his nativity and then accompanied his parents, Jacob and Ann Victoria (Davis) Mauck, on their removal to this county, where, continuing his education, he attended the district schools and also spent one winter as a pupil in the Wahoo high school, while later he matriculated in the State University at Lincoln, which he attended until 1883. He afterward engaged in teaching and also entered upon newspaper work, spending the years 1887 and 1888 in Idalia, Colorado, and in Logan, Colorado, after which he returned to Wahoo and was connected for a time with the Wahoo New Era. Subsequently he was employed on the Wahoo Wasp, a weekly republican paper, but severed his connection herewith when, by vote of his fellow citizens, who recognized his worth and ability, he was called to public office. It was in 1901 that he was elected register of deeds of Saunders county, which position he filled for a term of four years. In 1907 he was appointed postmaster of Wahoo and occupied that position for eight years and two months, retiring on the 1st of June, 1915, with a most creditable record for systematic management, efficiency and fidelity. For one term he was city clerk of Wahoo and for ten years was a member of the school board, serving during that time as president of the board for seven years. It was during this time that the new fifty thousand dollar high school was built. His work in behalf of public education was effective and beneficial, for he believes in holding to high standards in the public schools, and he put forth every possible effort to make the school system a means of thorough preparation for life's practical duties to the young. He has always voted with the republican party, is a firm believer in its principles, and his opinions have long carried weight in its local councils. He has served as secretary and chairman of the county central committee.
       On the 20th of August, 1896, in Denver, Colorado, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Mauck and Miss Frances Juliet Walla, (THE RECORD SAYS WALLER) who was born in Austria and in her infancy was brought to the United States by her parents, Matthew and Frances (Krokal) Walla. Mrs. Mauck served as assistant postmaster for the eight years of her husband's incumbency. Mr. and Mrs. Mauck have a daughter and a son: Lucile Evangeline, who was graduated at the age of sixteen in June, 1915, from the Wahoo high school; and William Theodore, who was born August 18, 1900, and who will complete high school with the class of 1916.
       The family attend the Methodist Episcopal church and fraternally Mr. Mauck is well known as a Master Mason and a member of the Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Mauck is also a member, having occupied the chair of worthy matron. Mr. Mauck is also a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He is loyal to the teachings of these organizations, recognizing their beneficent purpose, and in the membership of the different orders has many friends. In fact, he is a well known resident of Saunders county and one who enjoys the high regard of his fellow townsmen - a well spent life fully entitling him to their warm esteem."

    - The Past and Present of Saunders County, Volume II, Pages 42-45; 1915

In 1880 Saunders County are Matthias and Fannie Walla, with Amelia 16, Ludwick 11, Fannie 4, and Teny 2.

In 1900 Mathias Walla Feb 1830 and Frances Jan 1847, both Austria, have been married 39 years.  With them are Mamie Dec 1881, Emma June 1883, and Rosa Oct 1885, all Nebraska.

1920 Mathias is widowed, with daughter Maymie

Wahoo post office

William T. Mauck, 1907-1915, Mrs. William T. Mauck, assistant; Nelson J. Ludi, 1915--, Mrs. William T. Mauck, assistant.

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