Yuma County, Colorado

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Isaac Gilstrap, son Jacob Gilstrap, Jacob's sons Jesse Mumford Gilstrap, Syra Gilstrap , William Floyd Gilstrap, Jaqua

MY GRANDFATHER, ISAAC GILSTRAP, AND FAMILY -- His mother was Isabelle Lee, a great granddaughter of Richard Henry Lee, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Grandfather Isaac's first wife and the mother of all his children, was a Radcliff, whose given name I do not know. I think they had some twelve or fourteen children and about half of them were girls. Grandfather's first wife died from a hemorrhage following the birth of their youngest child. My father, Marion Jasper, was the oldest of the four youngest children, Owen Buchanan next, followed by Sarah and then Thomas J., the youngest. Grandfather soon remarried, but I do not know her name. In any event she did not get along well with the smaller children and they all left home as soon as they could support themselves. Grandfather lived on a farm near Unionville, Missouri at that time. He also was a carpenter and a contractor and built many courthouses in and around that part of the country. I understand the courthouses at that time were all frame buildings. This work took Grandfather away from home a great deal and this may partially have accounted for the fact that the younger children did not get along better with their stepmother and also for the fact that these children got practically no education. I do not remember of ever having seen this stepmother of my father and I do not know what became of her.

A few times before we left Missouri in the fall of 1877, I can recall seeing my Grandfather coming to visit us from over the hill from the East. When I saw him coming I would always run out in the road as far as I could to meet him. He would always get off of his horse and put me on to ride back home. This was a great treat to me and only time I can recall that I ever saw him. I do not recall that I was ever in his house. A year or so after we left Missouri, my Grandfather and several of his children moved to Armel, Colorado. Grandfather died there in 1895 at about the age of 80, which would make his birth around 1816. He was a Civil War veteran as well as four of his sons including my father. One busy day at my office during World War II, a woman came to my office to inquire if I was any relation to the Gilstraps in Armel, Colorado. She said there are a large number of Gilstraps buried in the cemetery at Armel. She said her husband grew up with a later generation of Gilstraps and that he is a very close friend of them. I do not recall the name of this woman, but she said she had a daughter working at a large variety store at the corner of N. Jersey Street and N. John Avenue. She was a bookkeeper there. Jacob Gilstrap, an older brother of my father is also buried at Armel. Around 1908 one of Father's older brothers came to Philomath, Oregon where he soon died, and I think he was buried there. He was ill and wrote me at Sheridan, Oregon about his condition. This man was a preacher for the Unitarian Church and there was a Unitarian Church at Philomath. Also, the Philomath College was run by the Unitarian Church. I do not recall this man's given name or that any of his family was with him, but they might have been. This material also was lost in the Sheridan fire.

I do not recall that I ever saw my Uncle Owen Gilstrap before we left Missouri, but the spring after we came to Oregon, he came up from California where he had recently been married. I do not know how he got to California, but I presume he went with his father to Armel, Colorado and from there to California. Neither do I know the maiden name of his wife, but he called her Lucy. They lived in our home some six months or more. A year of so after they moved out of our home, they moved to near Spokane, Washington where Uncle Owen took up a homestead of 160 acres of rich farming land some ten or twelve miles out of Spokane. They had two boys and I know almost nothing about them. However, the older was born before they left Junction City, Oregon. My father and Uncle Owen were very close friends until my mother and Aunt Lucy had a falling out after which the two families had practically nothing to do with each other for the rest of their lives. I could never understand this. 

I can vaguely recall seeing my Aunt Sarah when we were in Missouri. I think she was married sometime before we left Missouri and her husband was John Shumaker. Soon after we left Missouri I think they drifted into Armel, Colorado with the rest of the family. However, they, with their family, moved to Puyallup, Washington in the late 1880s or the early 1890s. My brother, Owen, visited them as well as our Uncle Owen soon after the turn of this century. My wife and I visited Aunt Sarah and her husband in November 1928. Aunt Sarah died in January of the following year and her husband about ten years later. He spent his final years in the Washington Masonic home. When we visited Aunt Sarah, they were living with their daughter, Mrs. Hope Thomas, and family. Mrs. Effie Gossard, their daughter, who had visited with us earlier in the year in Portland, was at the Thomas home when we were there. Mr. Thomas was killed in a motorcycle accident a year so later. The Thomases had four or five daughters along in the teen age. Since this time I have seen nothing of these people, but I have occasionally heard from Effie.

I have a vivid recollection of attending the funeral of one of my father's sisters by the name of Mary, and I think her husband was Kit Atkinson. This was in the spring of 1877. I also recall that in the summer or early fall of 1877, Uncle Thomas came and stayed all night with us and the next morning he left "for the West." I have no idea where he went and I have no recollection of ever having seen him before or afterwards. When I visited Aunt Sarah, she told me that Uncle Thomas had lived a few years earlier in one of the southern states and I think it was Alabama; she said he had recently died. I have no recollection of hearing that Uncle Thomas was ever married.

MY FATHER, MARION JASPER GILSTRAP, AND FAMILY -- Father was born March 4, 1847, near Unionville, Missouri. When he was fifteen years old past, he gave his age as seventeen and enlisted in a Missouri Company of the U.S. Cavalry. It runs in my mind that the Captain's name was M. S. Ems, but in any event he had trouble getting any pay. After serving about a year and a half in the Cavalry, my father reenlisted in the infantry for a period of three years or during the war. He had served a little over one year when the Civil War closed in the summer of 1865. At that time father was only a few months past eighteen years old. On March 4, 1869, he married Miss Susan Adeline Stockton. They were married on Father's birthday, each sitting on their own horse, by a Justice of the Peace. They often spoke of this and they seemed to regard it as rather of a novel stunt. They settled on a farm of about 160 acres which my mother inherited from her father's estate. This farm was seven miles east of Unionville, Missouri, and three miles due west of Hartford, Missouri. When first married they moved into a log house on the north side of the road, but sometime later Father built a frame house directly across the road from the log house. I do not recall whether my folks said I was born in the old log house or in the new frame house. In any event three of us children were born on this farm, namely William Jasper, July 5, 1870; Ira Wilson, February 22, 1872; and Robert Lee, October 3, 1874.   


A LETTER RECEIVED FROM ZANE FRANCIS GILSTRAP UNIONVILLE, MISSOURI -- The following is a letter from Zane Francis Gilstrap, dated May 8, 1939:

I shall first introduce myself. I am Zane Francis Gilstrap, a son of John L. Gilstrap and a grandson of Jacob Gilstrap, who is a brother of Marion Jasper Gilstrap. I am seventeen years old and will be graduated from the Unionville High School this spring.

I secured your address from a letter which you wrote to C. N. Stockton, Feb. 15, 1934, and which Mr. Stockton gave to my father. I thought you might be interested in hearing from me, and as you mentioned in your letter to Mr. Stockton that you knew little of the Gilstraps, I will tell you what I know of them.

My grandfather, Jacob Gilstrap, a brother of your father died in 1920 at Armel, Colorado. His father was Isaac Gilstrap, who died at Armel, Colorado about forty-five years ago. (I think it was in 1895. W.J.G.) He was a Civil War veteran. His first wife and the mother of his children was a Radcliff. Miss Radcliff (I do not know here Christian name) was a sister of Samuel Radcliff, who has many descendants living here near Unionville.

Isaac Gilstrap's father was Jesse Gilstrap. Isaac's mother's maiden name was Lee. She was a first cousin of Robert E. Lee, the famous Confederate General.

My father, your cousin, is a school teacher. I have two sisters, Mrs. Jewell Traxler of Exlin, Iowa, a former school teacher and Rita Carol Gilstrap, who is now attending the Kirksville State Teacher's College at Kirksville, MO. I have an Uncle Syra Abner Gilstrap living here in Putnam county. Two of Father's brothers are living in Yuma County, Colorado in or near Wray. Mrs. Sara Story, a half-sister of my father , lives near Copworth, Iowa.

Isaac Gilstrap had several brothers who lived in Macon County, Missouri. Many of their descendants are still living in or near Macon County. Abner Gilstrap, a brother of Isaac Gilstrap, was a colonel in the Union Army during the Civil War. Jacob, another brother, was a captain in Abner's regiment.

Perhaps your father has told you all these things, and you know them better than I.  

Miles Mullenix, a cousin of my grandfather, who was also a Civil War veteran, told me what I know about the older Gilstraps. Mr. Mullenix died a few years ago at the age of ninety-three.

Mr. Mullenix told me an interesting tradition which he heard from his grandmother, Mrs. Jesse Gilstrap. rs. Jesse Gilstrap, who was as I had previously mentioned, Isabelle Lee, had a string of gold beads which was given to one of her ancestors, who was a sailor on one of Columbus's ships, by Isabella, Queen of Spain. Isabelle Lee Gilstrap inherited these beads which were always handed down to the oldest daughter, who invariably was named Isabella. These beads were said to have been stolen from my great grandmother by a Negro slave.

I would be pleased to receive a letter from you as I would like to know something of Great-uncle Marion Gilstrap's descendants.

I am your second cousin,

(signed) Zane Francis Gilstrap

Unionville, Missouri

 Martha Ann (Gilstrap) Ray - 1844-1903, per # 488051315, is buried in Putnam County "Daughter of Isaac Gilstrap and Nancy Ann Ratliff. Wife of John Henry Ray. "

  Isaac Gilstrap, born April 10, 1820 in Lawrence, Indiana, married Nancy Ratliff June 18, 1839 in Macon County, Missouri.

In 1850 Putnam County, Missouri, Isaac is 30, Nancy 26, James R. 9, Jesse M. 7, Martha A. 5, Marion L. 4, and Mary J. 3.

Isaac died Oct 13, 1893 in Armel, Yuma County.  The application for a veteran headstone in 1940 said Isaac was in Company M, 11th Missouri State Militia, serving March 1, 1862 to Sept 13, 1862.  The headstone was to be shipped to J.C. Aughe at Wray to be placed at an unmarked grave at Hale, Colorado.  # 115169737

In 1860 Putnam County, Missouri, Isaac is 40, Nancy 36, with Jesse 18, Martha A. 16, Marion 14, Mary 12, Jacob 10, Sarah E. 8, John 6, Owen $, and Isabella 73, born in Virginia.

Nancy -1823-1863 is buried in Putnam County # 111896313.

In 1870 Putnam County, Isaac is 50, Nancy 45 (Thus must be second wife Jane), John 16, and Owen B. 15, Emily Guffey 11, and Thos Gilstrap 10.  On the same page is the John Shoemaker family.  John is 54, Barbara 45 John 22, Barbara 18, Christine 20, Christian 16, Frederick 14, Mary 10, Phebe 7, and Emma 5.

In 1880 Putnam County, Isaac Gilstrap is 60, Jane 55, Thomas 19, stepdaughter Emily Guffey 20, and Emily Vestil 5 granddaughter.

On the same page is John Shoemaker, 29, his wife Prova J. 19, and Syra 2.  Next is John Shoemaker 62, Barbara 54, Frederick 22, and Annie 14.


Sarah Elizabeth Gilstrap, born 1853, married John C. Shumaker, born in 1850, in Putnam County in 1872.


The Gilstrap Family Cemetery is on a private, rural, land locked parcel in Yuma County, Colorado, therefore; permission is needed from the owners of an adjacent parcel as well as the out-of-state owner of the private cemetery in order to enter both properties.   The cemetery boundary, protected by a 3' tall, twisted wire, ornamental fence is a rectangle measuring approximately 40' X 58', running north/south. The original gate must have been located near the southwest corner along the south side and is lying, partially buried, on the ground. There are 13 headstones/markers located within. The two stones that sat upon bases have toppled and are propped up against their bases inscriptions partially buried. The stones are in good condition. 2/18/2014

Willie Brigham married Martha Isabelle Gilstrap on July 22, 1888, daughter of Jesse and Margaretta, and died in Denver in 1922.  


One tree said Jacob had about fourteen children - and three wives.

"Jacob Gilstrap married Ellen Fowler, daughter of Thomas Fowler and Nancy Elizabeth Baugh, circa 1880"

 Jacob proved up a quarter in 5, 4S 42W in 1893, and timber-claimed one in 1899. The Gilstrap cemetery is in the southeast corner of that section.

1897 :Born- To Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Gilstrap Feb 20 a boy.  Floyd will have to get a larger rig to haul the family in."

In 1900 Jacob is back in Clay County, Nebraska, a "magnetic healer"  born August 1850 in Missouri, married 23 years to Rosa E. Feb 1858 Missouri.  She's had eleven kids, eight living.  William F. Aug 1882, Syra A. Sep 1884, and Gracie Jan 1887 were born in  Missouri, John April 1889, Ira M. Nov 1891, Alonzo Oct 1893, and Ray June 1895 were born in Colorado, then Noah B. June 1898 Nebraska.

Syra A. Gilstrap proved up 160 acres in 9 and 10, 4S 42W in 1911.


1904 Rattler article  on quarantine during an epidemic "Gilstrap had already buried three children inside of a week......"

1909 "Syra Gilstrap is breaking prairie for Ora Shumaker this week."

1909 "Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gilstrap, February 13, a boy.  The little man took possession of the place as soon as he arrived."  "Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gilstrap's little baby died February 17, it being only four days old.  The remains were tenderly laid to rest in the family cemetery at Jacob Gilstrap's place."

1909 "Mrs. John Shumaker, of Spokane, Washington, is visiting her brother, Jacob Gilstrap, of Armel."

1909 "Mrs. Grace Collins of Olewein, Iowa, arrived in Armel last Saturday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gilstrap."

1909 "Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gilstrap visited her mother, Mrs. Alexander, last week, remaining in Wray for the rip-roaring celebration given by the Wrayites."

1909 "John Gilstrap returned December 24th from a six months' trip to Iowa and Missouri."

1910 "W.F. Gilstrap and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl at their home Tuesday, January 25th."

May 27, 1910 "The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gilstrap died Sunday afternoon and was buried on Monday."

1909 "Mrs. Grace Collins of Olewein, Iowa, arrived in Armel last Saturday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gilstrap."

1912 :Floyd Gilstrap and family have moved on the E.V. Sparks place south of Armel."

1912 "Born- to Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Gilstrap on November 30, a boy."

William F. Gilstrap proved up on a quarter in 24, 3S 43W in 1912 - across the intersection from the Lansing post office.

Grace Gilstrap, daughter of J.F. Gilstrap, married Walter Wilson October 26, 1913 in Newton, Missouri.

John Levi Gilstrap born Sept 2, 1888 at Armel, Colorado, registered in Putnam County Missouri, farming, married with a child.

John 1888-1970 is buried in Putnam County # 14637883, with wife Vera Maude (Abbott) Gilstrap 1888-1960.

In 1920 Lansing precinct, Jacob is 69, Rose E. 61, Syra A. 35, and Noah V. 212.  Cousins Martha E. Cullum 53, widowed, Indiana, Roy G. 16, Kansas, and James E. cousin 9, Kansas.

Martha Ellen (Kelly) Cullum 1866-1935 is buried in Graham County, Kansas, per # 39405862.  She was in Putnam County, Missouri in 1900, married to James D. Cullum, with Edna 13, Asa H. 11, Sarah C. 8, Lora 6, Alpha M 4, and Isaac D. 1.  In 1910 Graham County, Kansas, James D. is 49, Martha 43, Edna 23, Lora 16, Alna 13, Dewey 10, Lootresy 9, Roy 7, and Ethel 5.

On the same page in 1920 Yuma County is William F. Gilstrap, 37, Daisy A. 29, Mable L. 8, Floyd E. 7, Anna F. 6, and Raymond L. 2.

In 1930 Armel precinct, Ellen Gilstrap is 71, widowed, and son Silas 44 is living with her.

Per # 103067607, Syra Abner Gilstrap 1884-1953 died in Saint Joseph, Missouri, and is buried in Putnam County.  His death certificate said he was the son of Jacob Gilstrap, mother's maiden name Fowler, wife Mrs.  Augusta Gilstrap.

Albert N. Story cash-claimed a quarter in 17, 4S 42W in 1891 - touching Willie L. Brigham's claim. and next to Jesse M. Gilstrap's.

Per # 50929602, Albert Newton Storey 1858-1938 is buried in Nampa, Idaho, with Danie M. (Gilstrap) Storey 1862-1952.

H.B. Storey proved up a claim in 18 4S 42W and 13, 4S 43W in 1894.

Hezekiah B. Story 1860-1928 is also buried in Nampa, per # 50925572. "Son of James B. and Elizabeth Story."

SARAH LUELLA  GILSTRAP   was born August 18, 1872 in Putnam Co.., MO, and died January 30, 1946. She married EPHRAIM ABRAHAM STORY October 23, 1890 in St. Francis, KS, son of EPHRAIM STORY and ELIZABETH ANDERSON.

  i.   WALTER AARON  STORY, b. July 03, 1892, Colorado; d. January 1953.
  ii.   LULA ETHEL STORY, b. December 04, 1894, Colorado.
  iii.   EFFIE ELIZABETH STORY, b. December 15, 1896, Colorado; d. 1994, Fontana, CA; m. OTTO JANNSEN.
  iv.   FLOYD WILLIAM STORY, b. December 19, 1902; d. May 14, 1916.
 GRACE  GILSTRAP  was born January 1887 in Missouri, and died Abt. 1918 in Iowa. She married HOWARD EPHRAIM COLLINS, son of SAMUEL COLLINS and RHODA STORY.
 HOWARD EPHRAIM COLLINS:   Buried: Highview Cemetery, Epworth, Dubuque Co., IA
  i.   GLADYS  COLLINS, b. 1915.
  ii.   FLOYD VERNON COLLINS, b. January 31, 1918, Havelock, NE; d. September 04, 1995, Dallas, TX.


Noah V. Gilstrap married Winnie Shumaker Aug 23, 1920, recorded in Yuma County.

In 1930 Noah is 31, married, with  Winnie 26, Mildred 8, Wilbur L. 7, Harvey B. 5, and Virgil N. five months.  The Ancestry index is mixed up, indicating Noah is living with Lee Allen.

Noah is in Yakima County, Washington in 1940, 42, married to Minnie M. 36, Kansas, with Wilbur L. 17 Kansas, Henry (should be Harvey) 15 Colorado, and Virgil 3 Colorado.

Winnie M. Gilstrap died Nov 13, 1977 in Puyallup County, Washington.

Virgil N. Gilstrap, born September 13, 1929 passed away peacefully surrounded by his family, August 18, 2008. Virgil was survived by his loving wife Jeanne C. Gilstrap of 58 years, sister Sue Peterson, children, Pam (Doug) Kiehn, Glenn (Jeri) Gilstrap, Penny (David) Raether, and Mark Gilstrap. grandchildren: Dawn, Shawn, Tristin, Brandon, Chad, Jordin, Logan, 5 great grandchildren. Preceded in death by his parents, two brother, and grandson Jason Coleman. He loved his family and we will miss so much. Services will be held at 11:00 AM Friday, August 22, 2008 at Fir Lane Memorial Park, 924 East 176th St., Spanaway. A celebration of Virgil's life will follow at San Souci Mobile Estates Club House, 11209 127th St. E., Puyallup.   # 125422653.

Harvey Bruce Gilstrap
Harvey B. Gilstrap, 73, passed away on May 30, 1997. Greatest father and grandfather together again with his loving wife, Hilda, and son, Bruce Lee. He was born in Hale, CO. on December 25, 1924. Our (Christ Child). Lived in Puyallup-Tacoma area most of his life. He received a WWII Victory Medal defending our country. Survived by four children, 12 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren; 1 sister; 2 brothers; and a multitude of family and friends. Viewing Tuesday, 1-7 p.m. Fir Lane Funeral Home. Services Wednesday, 2 p.m. at Fir Lane Chapel. Interment to follow in Fir Lane Memorial Park. # 126806056

Possibly Mildred married Lyle Jones, and they're in Cheyenne County, Kansas in 1940, Lyle 21, Mildred 19, with two month-old Connie.

Jacob 1850-1920 is buried in the family cemetery # 125275926.

William Floyd Gilstrap 1882-1971 and Daisy A. Gilstrap 1890-1966 are buried in Wray. #  81615439.


  Jesse was born Nov 17, 1842 in Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri.  He filed for invalid pension in 1878, for service in D. 42nd Missouri Infantry, and Margaret filed for a widow's pension July 23, 1907.

In 1880 Putnam County, Missouri, Jesse is 37, Margaret A. 42, Casendena 17, Martha 15, Laura 12, Susan 5, and Linnie nine months.


Jesse died June 1, 1907 in Benton County, Oregon

1899 Jesse H. Gilstrap timber-claimed a quarter in 20, 4S 42W.

Jesse M. Gilstrap proved up a quarter in 17, 4S 42W in 1892.

Frank W. Hammond timber-claimed a quarter in 8, 1S 42W in 1898.

Linnie C. Gilstrap married Frank W. Hammond January 13, 1900, recorded in Boulder County.

In 1900 Boulder County, Jessie born Nov 1842 in Missouri, married 39 years to Margaret A. April 1835 Missouri.  Neither have occupations.  With them are daughter Linnie Hammond August 1879 Missouri and her husband Frank Hammond Jan 1879 Iowa.. (On the same page is W.L. Brigham born Feb 1861 Missouri and his wife Martha Oct 1866 Missouri.  Their five kids were all born in Colorado.  Martha Isabell (Gilstrap) Brigham 1866-1915 is buried in   Bannock County, Idaho.  Also on the page are Hesechi Story, August 1861 Missouri, Laura Jan 1869 Missouri, Rawlie Oct 1883 Missouri, Albert Jan 1888 Colorado, Elizabeth April 1890 Colorado, Eva Sept 1893 Colorado, and Etta July 1895 Colorado.)

Jessie 1842-1907, per # 24932657, is buried in Benton County Oregon.

In 1910 Adams County, Colorado, H.B. Story is a teamster, 40, L. P. 40, with Eva 17, Etta 14, Nillie 3, and Dell eleven months.  Margaret Gilstrap, 74, is also with them.

In 1920 Mesa County, Colorado, Margaret is 87, living with daughter Laura Story 50, her husband Hezekiah Story 59, Nellie 13, and Dell 10.

Hezakiah B. Story 1860-1928 (Widower per his death certificate)  is buried in Nampa, Idaho # 50925572.

Dell E. Story 1909-1970 is buried in Portland, Oregon # 22244737.

In 1910 Perkins County, South Dakota, farming, Frank is 31, Linnie 30, with William M. 9, Arthur R. 7, and Louise E. 4. All three kids were born in Nebraska.
In 1920 Denver, Frank is married- but no spouse - no occupation. William is 19, a laborer in a garage, and Arthur 17 has no occupation.
Linnie and Louise are also in Denver in 1920, where Linnie is a seamstress. Linnie might be the Linnie Blakeslee in 1930 Denver, 51, married to Walter S. Blakelee, a laborer in a sugar factory.

Frank Wallace Hammond was the son of William P. and Irene S. (Wright) Hammond. He was born January 2, 1879 in Columbus City, Iowa. He stood six feet tall and had a fair complexion. His occupation was blacksmith
Enlisted July 2, 1898 in Ord, Nebraska. Assigned to Company "B" of 2nd Nebraska Volunteer Infantry. Discharged October 24, 1898 at Ft. Omaha, Nebraska with rank of private. Pension on Certificate C-2-493-277.
Mr. Hammond married Linnie Katherine Gillstrap on January 13, 1900. They had three children - Arthur R. Hammond, William M. Hammond, and Louise E. Hammond. He had lived in Renton, Washington since January 1947.
He and Linnie divorced and she passed away on November 20, 1955. Mr. Hammond, 81, passed away June 28, 1960 at the Veterans' Home with his son William at his side.

Frank Wallace Hammond, born January 2, 1879 in Louisa County, Iowa, died June 28, 1960 in Kitsap County, Washington, and is buried in Washington Veterans cemetery.


Martha married James L. Stephens Oct 19, 1892, recorded in Yuma County.

Martha I. Gilstrap married Willlie L. Brigham July 22, 1888, recorded in Denver (at that time the county seat for the Armel area.)


In 1900 Winnebago County, Iowa, John G. Gilstrap born July 1854 in Missouri, married 25 years to Rachael E. June 1856 Iowa, have Christian I. March 1877, Charles A. Aug 1878, William A. March 1881, Sarah March 1883, John T. Nov 1884, and Annie C. March 1887 Iowa.

In 1910 Hancock County, Iowa, Crystal township, John G. is 55 doing odd jobs, Racheal 54, with William A. 29 and John 25 both tilers.

Rachael is widowed in 1920 Hancock County, 63, living alone.   On the next page is Chris Gillstrap, a real estate agent,  42 Iowa, married to Mate, 41, with John Leroy 15, Arline 12, and Carol 5.

Per # 103974020, John Gilford Gillstrap 1854-1910 is buried in Crystal Lake, Iowa, with Rachel E. (Lentz) Gillstrap 1856-1934.  John T. Gillstrap 1884-1919 is also buried there, # 103974034.

Annie C. Gillstrap, born about 1887 to John G. Gillstrap and Rachel Lentz in Keokuk County, Iowa, married Ervin R. Beaver Nov 10, 1904 in Winnebag County, Iowa. Ervin R. Beaver 1870-1942 and Anna C. (Gilstrap) Beaver 1887-1967 are buried in Cyrus, Pope County, Minnesota # 179714413.

Charles A. Gillstrap, per # 14402790, 1878-1957 is buried in Lansford, North Dakota, with Laura M. Gillstrap 1878-1956.

Christian Isaac Gillstrap, per # 103973989, 1877-1953 is buried in Crystal Lake, Iowa.

William A. Gillstrap, son of John C. Gillstrap and Rachel "Reutz", married Minnie Dunn Dean Dec 13, 1912, in Des Moines, Iowa.

In 1930 William A. Gilstrap, a laborer 49, is in Pocahontas County, Iowa, married to Minnie, 56, a house cleaner, both born in Iowa..

One tree says he died in St. Louis Missouri, 1948, but the death certificate has no relatives or birth date.

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