Old Farming Photos

Hesse Threshing Crew

Hesse Threshing Crew - Steam Tractor and Threshing Machine
W.B. Coston Collection, scanned by Lee Zion
Don't know the names of anyone in these three photographs except for Will Coston.

That is a horse drawn water wagon to feed the steam engine blocking our view of the tractor. The two men in front of the long drive belt are forking wheat bundles into the threshing machine elevator. Wagon is loading grain separated by the thresher and the tube blows the straw and chaff into a stack to use as livestock bedding.

Below is a photograph of the W.B. Coston Threshing Machine and Crew circa 1910. The same operation outlined above except the crew is feeding the thresher from a hay wagon instead of a stack. That is W.B. on the tractor.

Coston Machine

Below is a photograph of the Coston threshing crew hooked up to move. Steam engine on the right, thresher in the middle with the bunk/cook wagon trailing. That is W.B. in the buggy behind the cook shack.

Hooked up to move

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