Yuma Union High School

1912 Commencement

The graduating exercises of the class of 1912 of the Yuma High School at Cole's opera house last night was attended by an audience that filled the building to its capacity.  In addition to a profusion of flowers, the room was tastefully decorated with the class colors. purple and yellow.

    The opening number of the program was music by Nicol's orchestra.  Miss Henrietta Hoch followed with a piano solo, after which was the invocation by Rev. Breckenridge.

    The oration of Arnold Hoch, the first member of the class to appear, entitled "Lifters, Not Leaners," was followed by music by the Ladies Glee Club, composed of Mrs. T.H. Hooper, Misses Lena and Daisy Buchanan, Elizabeth Brandon, Myrtle Boughman, Elsie Elsey and Henrietta Hoch, with Miss Katie Nicol at the piano.

    The oration of Clayton Buchanan, the second member of the class, entitled "The Worth of Men," was followed by a vocal solo by Miss Boughman.

    The class address was given by County Clerk John G. Abbott, which was followed by a violin and piano duet by Misses Katie Nicol and Etta Ruger.

    John G. Lane, president of the board of education, presented the diplomas to the class, and Rev. Breckenridge pronounced the benediction.

    Each participant of the evening's program rendered his or her part faultlessly.  And especially was this true of the graduates.

    The motto, "Labor is the Price of Success" was proven by the members in the very creditable manner in which they acquitted themselves, proving also that success is the reward of labor, and it was not left to the parents alone to share the pride of their success, for each and every member of the large audience was proud of their sterling manhood, their instructions and the board of education.

    The class address by J.G. Abbott, who is a Yuma boy and who has the distinction of being the only person in the county who attended the first school in Yuma, nearly a quarter of a century ago, was pleasing and befitting, touching upon the higher education oi- the morality of young manhood and good citizenship.


Transcribed from an article in the Yuma Pioneer.

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