Index to Names on Yuma County Land Patent Maps
This index lists the names from the maps with a link to the township map (or
maps) where the name was found. The township map links point to Adobe
Acrobat PDF maps for each township. For information about the townships
covered by this index see: Original Land Patent
Go to A-C, D-F, G-K, L-O, P,
Q, R, S, T-Z Names.
- Packer,
- Padgham,
Henry F. - T5S R43W
- Page,
Harry - T5S R48W
- Pagel,
- Palmer,
- Paris, Jewell Thomas -
T2N R44W
- Parish,
- Park,
- Parke, John E. - T5N R46W
- Parker,
- Parkins, Burrzeal E. -
T1N R43W
- Parks,
- Patchin, Dennis M. -
T3N R43W
- Parry, Charles G. - T2S R42W
- Parse, Victoria H. -
T1N R45W
- Patee,
- Patrick,
- Patten,
Edward M. - T1N R48W
- Patterson,
- Petteys,
Walter - T4S R45W
- Patton,
James - T3N R43W
- Paul,
Henry - T3S R42W
- Payne,
Ben W. - T4S R46W
- Paynter,
John E. - T4N R43W
- Peacock,
- Pearce,
- Pearsall, Jacob C. -
T1N R48W
- Pearson,
- Peck,
- Peden, William E. -
T5N R43W
- Peek,
Charles M. - T4S R46W
- Peetz,
Alexander - T4S R44W
- Pein,
Christian - T1N R44W
- Pembelton,
Martin L. - T4S R43W
- Pendelton,
- Penn,
- Pennell, Thomas C. -
T2N R46W
- Penner,
- Penton,
- Peperkorn,
Friedrich - T5S R44W
- Peppers,
Roy C - T2N R46W
- Peppmoeller,
Gust - T5S R44W
- Perine, Russel W. -
T4N R46W
- Perkins, Luther -
T2N R43W
- Perkinson,
Joseph E. - T4S R46W
- Perry,
Creed H. - T2S R46W
- Pershing, William S. -
T3N R46W
- Person, Andrew -
T5N R48W
- Persons, Peter M. -
T4N R48W
- Persson, Anders -
T4N R48W
- Pesch, John P. - T4N R48W
- Petefish,
- Peters,
- Petersen, Knud -
T1N R47W
- Peterson,
- Petrie,
- Pevler, Peavler, Peveler,
- Pfiefer,
- Phalen,
Maggie - T4S R46W
- Phares, Enos - T3N R47W
- Phay,
- Phelps,
- Phillips,
- Philpy, Thomas J. - T3S R42W
- Phipps, Frank J. -
T1S R45W
- Phycha, Frank - T3N R46W
- Pickett,
- Pickle, John W. -
T3S R44W
- Pickney, Pinckey,
- Pierce,
- Pike, Robert S. - T1N R42W
- Pilatus,
- Pilger, Felix T. -
T4N R47W
- Pilkington,
- Pinckard,
- Piper,
- Pitt, Lemuel M. - T4N R46W
- Pitts, Louisa - T3S R45W
- Plageman,
- Pleis, Gottlieb - T3S R43W
- Pletcher,
- Plucheck,
- Plumleigh, George W. -
T2N R45W
- Plummer,
- Plymate, Alex -
T1S R42W
- Pollock,
- Polly, Olva S. - T2S R46W
- Pomranka, Fredrick W. -
T4N R47W
- Ponton, Richard -
T3S R44W
- Poplin, Robert G.M. -
T1S R45W
- Poppe, Henry H. -
T3N R46W
- Porter,
- Post,
- Potter,
- Pounds,
- Powell,
- Powers,
- Prather,
- Pratt,
- Prauge, Fred W. -
T4N R48W
- Prentice,
- Preston,
Horace - T1S R44W
- Preuss,
- Prey,
Thomas R. - T4S R44W
- Price,
- Prickett,
- Prill, Ora C. - T3S R46W
- Prince, Charles R. -
T5N R47W
- Printy, John N. -
T2N R48W
- Pritchard,
- Probasco,
- Protsman, Thomas J. -
T1N R45W
- Proudfit,
- Pruden, Anna - T5S R48W
- Pryor,
- Puderbaugh,
Charles A. - T5S R42W
- Pugh,
- Purcell,
Grace (Eastin) - T2S R45W
- Purvis,
John G. - T4S R48W
- Putt,
- Pyle, Pyles
- Raedler,
- Rahricht,
- Raichart, Roscoe L. -
T2N R43W
- Rain,
Jacob - T5S R46W
- Railsback,
Hadley E. - T3N R47W
- Ramseier,
- Ramsey,
- Randall, Rex - T1S
- Randolph, Melvin -
T1S R42W
- Rankin,
- Ransier,
John H. - T3N R48W
- Ranum,
Simon - T5N R43W
- Ranz,
Fred W. - T2N R48W
- Rask,
Nelson J. - T1N R46W
- Ratcliff,
- Rath, Charles L. -
T3N R43W
- Rathbun,
- Rawalt,
- Rawlings, Luke - T1S
- Rawson,
- Ray,
- Read,
David J. - T4S R46W
- Reams,
- Rears, Henry C.F. -
T4N R44W
- Reasoner,
- Rebell,
Julius - T4S R43W
- Rebuhn, Henry C. -
T1N R43W
- Rector, Belle - T5S
- Redding, Oris R. -
T3N R43W
- Redhouse, Emma J. - T2S R46W
- Redmond, Ellen -
T4N R45W
- Redstrom, Andrew A. -
T4N R48W
- Reece,
- Reeck,
- Reed,
- Reeder, Jeremiah -
T1N R44W
- Reedy,
- Reeves, Jesse - T1N R46W
- Regier,
- Rehn,
Mary - T5S R46W
- Reid,
- Reim,
- Reitenbaugh, Nora -
T5S R47W
- Remington,
- Remley,
- Renard, Frank - T2N R42W
- Reneau,
David R. - T1N R44W
- Renfroe,
- Renzelman,
- Resch,
Katie - T5S R46W
- Reuss,
Leopold - T4S R46W
- Reynolds,
- Rezzer,
William M. - T5S R46W
- Rheuben,
James C. - T5S R46W
- Rhoads,
Joe A. - T3N R43W
- Rhodes, Alice M. -
T4N R46W
- Rice,
- Rich, Phillip - T3N R47W
- Richard,
- Richards,
- Richardson,
William B. - T5S R45W
- Richmond,
- Rickets, Henry C. -
T1N R43W
- Ridgeway,
- Ridgway,
- Ridle, Riddle,
- Ridpath,
Frances M.T. - T2N R47W
- Riedesel,
- Rife,
- Rigby,
- Riggle,
Elma B. - T3S R43W
- Riggs,
- Rightsell,
- Riley,
- Rinebarger, Loretta C. -
T1N R43W
- Riniker, Jacob -
T3N R47W
- Rinn,
- Ripper, Karl
J. - T3S R42W
- Ritchey, Frank R. -
T3N R48W
- Ritchie, Robert C. -
T4N R43W
- Rivers, Charles -
T1N R44W
- Roach,
- Robb,
- Roberts,
- Robertson,
- Robinson,
- Robison,
- Roblin, William D. -
T1N R42W
- Rock, Worley A. - T2S R45W
- Rocke, James P. -
T1S R48W
- Rockwell,
- Rodgers,
- Roe,
Jesse - T5S R43W
- Roedler, Paul -
T4N R48W
- Roettger,
Henry F. - T5S R45W
- Rogers,
- Roggen,
Sarah T - T1S R47W
- Roggenbuck,
- Rohrer, Gertie J. -
T2N R45W
- Rollins,
- Rolow,
- Romine,
Columbus H. - T3S R42W
- Romkee,
- Root,
- Rorabaugh,
- Rose,
- Rosecrans,
- Rosenberger, Andrew F. -
T3N R48W
- Rosenkrans,
- Ross,
- Rossiter, Edgar - T2S
- Roth, Jacob - T3N
- Rounds, Leroy - T3S R45W
- Roush,
- Rousselle, Helena -
T5N R44W
- Routon,
- Rowan, Stephen O. -
T3N R44W
- Rowe,
- Rowley,
- Royce,
- Royse,
- Ruberg,
- Rudd, William I. - T5S
- Rudisill, Clarence O. -
T5N R44W
- Rue,
- Rummel,
- Runkle, Alberta - T3S R47W
- Runner, Frank F. -
T5N R48W
- Runyon, Mazie B. -
T3N R46W
- Rupp, Jacob - T3N
- Rush,
- Russell,
- Rutherford, Cyrenius S. - T2S R47W
- Rutledge,
- Rutzer, Joseph J. -
T4N R46W
- Ryan,
- Ryel, Vernon E. - T5S
- Sachse, Walter -
T4N R44W
- Salior, Ella E - T1S
- Salisbury, William -
T3N R46W
- Salladay,
- Salyards, David -
T5N R47W
- Sample,
- Sampson,
- Samson, Thomas L. - T3S
- Sanders,
- Sanderson,
- Sargent,
- Savage,
- Sawyer,
- Scearcy, Clarence T. - T3S
- Schaaf, Eli - T2S R44W
- Schaede,
- Schafer,
- Schatz,
- Schauer,
- Scheel,
- Scheible, William E. - T3S
- Scheler,
- Schelly,
- Schermerhorn, George H.
T5N R44W
- Scherrer,
- Scherupp,
- Schettler, Herman C. -
T2N R45W
- Schiesser, Gabriel -
T4N R47W
- Schilling, Charles -
T1N R45W
- Schindler, Conrad -
T2N R45W
- Schlake,
William - T4N R48W
- Schlatter,
John T. - T4S R44W
- Schles, John Joseph -
T3N R43W
- Schlegel,
- Schlodarick, Frederick -
T2S R45W
- Schlosser,
George E. - T4S R42W
- Schmale,
- Schmid, Gerhard J. -
T4N R47W
- Schmidt,
- Schmitz,
- Schmutte,
- Schnebelin,
Seraphin - T3N R47W
- Schneider,
- Schneller,
- Schofield,
- Schollett, Frank F.W. -
T3N R47W
- Schosser,
- Schramm, Raimun VonHorrum -
T2N R48W
- Schroeder, William - T5S
- Schroller,
- Schroyer,
- Schuck, Leonard -
T2N R48W
- Schueller,
Andres - T4N R47W
- Schulz,
William P. - T5N R44W
- Schultz,
- Schutt,
Malissa M. - T5S R43W
- Schweitzberger,
Edna I. - T5S R42W
- Schwick,
William - T1S R47W
- Schwerer, Rosetta A. -
T4N R47W
- Schwintz,
Alpha - T3N R44W
- Scobey,
Judson L. - T3S R48W
- Scofield,
- Scott,
- Scotten, Nathan E. - T5S
- Scribner,
- Scrivner, Albert G. - T1S
- Scudder, Roy L. -
T3N R43W
- Seay,
Barbara - T3S R42W
- Sechrist,
- See,
- Seely, Charles E. -
T5N R47W
- Seibert, Frank E. -
T1N R48W
- Seide,
- Seifert, Caroline -
T2N R46W
- Seigel, Charles -
T1N R42W
- Seip, Sadie -
T5S R47W
- Selby, Jacob L. -
T1N R44W
- Sell,
- Sellers,
- Serl,
Willis H. - T1N R46W
- Serviss,
Daniel S. - T5N R48W
- Seth,
Albert - T5S R43W
- Settle,
- Seward,
- Seymour, Charles N. -
T1N R48W
- Shackley, Lyman H. - T1S
- Shadduck,
- Shafer, Shaffer,
- Shambaugh, Vernon -
T5N R42W
- Shanklin,
- Shannon,
- Shapard, Benjamin F. -
T3N R45W
- Shappell, William M. -
T5N R43W
- Sharo, Mary A. - T1S R43W
- William T. - T2S R44W (Map has "Sharp")
- Sharp,
- Shaw,
- Shay,
- Shea,
- Sheard,
- Shearer, Davis -
T2N R42W
- Sheedy,
- Sheets,
- Sheldon,
- Shellenberger,
- Shelters, Frederick L. - T3S
- Shepard,
- Shepherd, Willie H. - T3S
- Sheridan,
- Sherman, William H. -
T2N R48W
- Sherupp, Frank -
T2S R44W
- Sherwood, Peter Perry -
T1N R43W
- Shields,
- Shier, Benjamin - T3S R43W
- Shill, John Henry -
T2N R42W
- Shinabarger,
- Shinkle,
Asher C. - T1N R43W
- Shipley,
Arthur L. - T2S R47W
- Shipp,
Samuel - T3N R48W
- Shirley,
- Shively,
- Shockey,
Daniel N. - T4S R43W
- Shockley,
- Shofstall,
John C. - T5S R43W
- Sholes,
Orrin H. - T5N R44W
- Shoman,
Lourinda - T5S R45W
- Shore,
Albert H. - T2S R48W
- Shores,
Phillip H. - T4S R44W
- Short,
James H. - T4S R44W
- Shrader, Guy A. -
T4N R43W
- Shriner, Harry -
T2N R43W
- Shroyer,
- Shuel, Abner - T2S R43W
- Shuey, Alexander - T1S R45W
- Shumaker,
- Sieck,
Minnie A. - T4S R43W
- Sigler, Homer D. -
T4N R43W
- Sigwing,
Ralph R. - T3S R45W
- Silver,
Norman B. - T2S R46W
- Silvius,
- Simcoe, Price
- T5S R47W
- Simmons, William -
T2S R44W
- Simpson,
- Sipe,
- Sisler,
Comora - T4N R48W
- Sissell,
George C. - T5S R44W
- Sisson,
- Skeels, Harry F. -
T1N R48W
- Skinner,
- Slagle, John H - T1S
- Slater, Benjamin -
T5N R46W
- Slawson,
Elmer W. - T4N R47W
- Slayton,
Edwin D. - T5S R42W
- Slick, James H. -
T1S R44W
- Slocum, Adolphus -
T2S R44W
- Slover, John W. - T2S R47W
- Smart,
- Smead, Walter H. - T4S R47W
- Smith,
- Smithson,
- Smylie, Lee T. -
T2N R46W
- Smyth, William A.
- T5S R47W
- Snell,
- Snider,
- Snodgrass,
- Snyder,
- Soehner,
- Sohrt,
Emma - T5S R44W
- Sollberger,
Albert - T4N R47W
- Sommers, William H. -
T5N R47W
- Soper,
- Soules,
- Southwell,
- Sparks,
- Spear,
- Speicher,
- Speirs,
- Spellman, George W. -
T4N R42W
- Spelts,
- Spencer,
- Sperry,
- Spicer,
George R. - T4S R43W
- Spliethof, Henry -
T4N R45W
- Spooner, Thomas M. -
T1N R48W
- Sponsel,
- Spratt, Harry B. -
T2N R46W
- Sprigg,
- Spriggle,
- Spring,
- Sprout,
- Spurling, Ira - T5S R48W
- Stafford,
- Stager, Charles F. - T4S R48W
- Stahley,
- Staininger,
- Staley,
John W. - T5N R47W
- Stalker, Winfred A.
- T5S R47W
- Stallings,
- Stambaugh, William S. - T2S
- Stanberry, Clifty H. -
T2N R47W
- Stanbrough,
- Stanford, Daniel B. -
T2S R44W
- Starbuck,
James - T5S R42W
- Stark,
Roy J. - T2N R46W
- Starkey,
- Starnes,
- Steadman,
Amos J. - T4S R44W
- Stebbins,
- Steckel, John H. - T4S R47W
- Stecker,
- Steele,
- Steffens,
John - T1S R48W
- Steffy,
Jacob A. - T4S R44W
- Steiner,
- Stehr, Henry W. -
T1N R48W
- Stenberg, Gustaf E. -
T5N R48W
- Steninger, Eli -
T3N R44W
- Stephens,
- Stephenson,
- Sternberg, Fred -
T1S R44W
- Stetter,
- Stevens,
- Stevenson, Walter L. -
T3N R48W
- Steward, James R. -
T1N R44W
- Stewart,
- Stiles,
- Stillwagon,
- Stine,
Nelson Y. (on-line records say Y., but certificate says Nelson V.
Stine.) - T1S R48W
- Stimson,
Mabel (Wakefield) - T2S R45W
- Stinnette,
Edward F. - T3N R47W
- Stinson,
- Stockton,
Charles L. - T5S R45W
- Stoller,
- Stolpe, Lena - T1S R44W
- Stone,
- Stoneburg,
Erick - T5N R43W
- Stoner,
- Storie,
- Stork, William - T1S R44W
- Storm,
- Storts,
Frederick A. - T4S R48W
- Story,
- Stoth,
William H. - T4S R48W
- Stothard,
John E. - T4S R42W
- Stout,
- Strangways,
- Strawder,
Oliver - T1N R46W
- Street,
- Stricker, Bertram B. -
T3N R46W
- Strickler,
- Stringham,
- Strom, Charles A. -
T1S R48W
- Strombeck, John - T2S R43W
- Strong,
- Stubbs,
- Stuck,
- Stuckey,
Mary Ann - T4S R45W
- Stucki,
Christian - T4S R44W
- Stults,
- Sturgeon,
- Sturtevant,
Edward - T5S R44W
- Stutheit,
- Styer,
- Suderman, Sudermann,
- Suedmeyer, Fred H - T1S
- Suey, Walter L. - T3N R45W
- Suiter,
- Sullivan,
Edward J. - T2N R46W
- Summer,
Martin J. - T5S R44W
- Summers,
Calvin L. - T3N R46W
- Sumners, James M. - T3S R42W
- Suthard, Charles E. -
T2N R44W
- Sutherland,
- Sutliff,
Stephen P. - T4S R43W
- Sutton,
- Svenson,
Bengta - T1N R42W
- Swails,
John C. - T3N R46W
- Swan,
Christiena - T2N R47W
- Swander,
Harry E. - T4S R42W
- Swanson,
- Swarts, Swartz,
- Swearingen,
- Sweazy,
- Sweeney, Smith A. -
T1N R44W
- Sweet,
- Swihart, Jacob S. - T3S R43W
- Switzer, Sarah -
T4N R46W
- Symonds, William H. -
T4N R48W
- Sylvester,
Go to A-C, D-F, G-K, L-O, P,
Q, R, S, T-Z Names.
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