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Last updated December 2018




Holyoke Enterprise, Holyoke, CO, January 12, 1939



Body Of George G. Brunken Arrives From Bremerton, Washington


Military funeral services were conducted in Holyoke Sunday afternoon for George Garrett Brunken, 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Brunken, who died Sunday night, January 1, in the naval hospital at Bremerton, Washington.


Prayer was read at the Colver Funeral Home at 1:30 o'clock and service was conducted at the Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church at 2 o'clock with the pastor, Rev. R. Einspahr, officiating. Musical numbers were provided by a male quartet.


Burial was made in the Holyoke Cemetery.


Members of the Holyoke Post No. 90 American Legion marched in a body at the funeral rites, with the colors, color guards and members of the firing squad leading. At the close of the prayer at the cemetery, the salute to the dead was given after which Douglas Trego sounded the taps. Serving as the family pallbearers were Albert H. Beal, George Denbo, Melvin Ellis, Lawrence Heermann, Lester O. Beal of Venango, Nebraska, and Harry Hassler of Amherst.


Among the out of town relatives and friends attending the funeral were Conrad Brunken, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grier and Misses Martha and Mary White of Long Beach, California, Mr. and Mrs. John Brunken and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brunken and son of Hastings, Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rodeman and children of Denver, and Mr. and Mrs. John Brunken and children of Haxtun.


George Garrett Brunken was born April 16, 1911, at Glenville, Nebraska. When he was five years old, the family moved to Colorado. He resided at Holyoke and Amherst until February 14, 1936, when he, with his brother, Conrad, enlisted in the United States Navy, and left for station headquarters at San Pedro, California. The two brothers had been stationed on the U.S.S. Arizona.


The Holyoke youth became ill Saturday night, December 31, but the extent of his ailment was not known by ship authorities until the following morning. He was immediately removed to the naval hospital at Bremerton, Washington, where his ailment was diagnosed as encephalitis. He died late Sunday night. The ship had

left station headquarters a few days prior to the time the youth was stricken, and it was enroute to Puget Sound, Washington.


Survivors are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Brunken of Holyoke; two brothers, Conrad, his shipmate, and John Brunken of Haxtun; six sisters, Mrs. Clarence Nierman and Mrs. Fred Nierman of Amherst, Mrs. Emory Thomas and Miss Freda Brunken of Holyoke, Mrs. Cecil Grier of Long Beach, California, and Mrs. Arthur Rodeman of Denver; and a host of other relatives. One sister, Mrs. James Tomberlin, died at her home at Merino three years ago.


The body of the navy member arrived in Holyoke Friday morning, accompanied by Conrad Brunken.