







THE STATE HERALD, Holyoke, Phillips, Colorado


J.H. Painter, Editor and Publisher


11 Sep 1908, Friday, Vol. 22 - No. 7




     On Monday morning Andrew Krause was found dead at his home near Haxtun.      Mr. Dee had purchased some stock from him and was to come after it Monday  morning. When he went to the house and knocked, receiving no answer, he opened the door and the body lay in the middle of the floor and beside it lay a shot gun with which Krause had evidently killed himself.


Coroner Lewis of Holyoke was notified and went to the house with a jury and held an inquest, the jury finding a verdict of death by his own hand.


 His death was a great shock to all who knew him. He had resided on his farm near Haxtun for several years and was well fixed financially. He seemed to be of a cheerful disposition but at times suffered some from poor health.


 He left no clue whatever to his reason for taking his life. He had no relatives  in this state but had relatives at Kearney, Nebraska who were notified but did not arrive at Haxtun till after the funeral which was conducted from the school house on Tuesday, Rev. Jenkins of Holyoke preaching the sermon. Andrew  Krause was highly respected by a large acquaintance to whom, in all probability, the motive he had in taking his own life will never be known.



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Last updated December 2018