John Eugene and Anna Elizabeth (Greaves) Lenox

  John E. Lenox, 19, born in Illinois, is in Saline County, Nebraska in 1880, with parents Washington and Martha J.  Susan J. is 18, and George A. is 8.  (George and wife Maude C. (Hoschouer) Lenox are buried in Frontier County # 33086727)

In 1880 Saline County, Annie Greaves is 17, born in Illinois, with parents Benjamin 47 and Susan 37, Carey (Casey) 19 and Susan 15.


He's probably the Eugene Lenox, 24, married to Anna, 22, in 1885 Saline County.  The next household is Washington Lenox 50, Martha J. 51 , and George H. 13.

July 27, 1888 Holyoke newspaper - Fairview items " A Miss Graves, of Saline County, Neb., is visiting her sister Mrs. Lenox."

John cash-claimed a quarter in 10, 6N 49W in 1890.

In 1910 Saline County, John E. is 49, married 29 years to Annie E. 47, born in Illinois.  Their daughter Weir C. 20, a school teacher, was born in Colorado.

1929 FRIEND, Neb . April 27 - Mrs. Annie E Lenox, wife of J F Lenox passed away Friday night, from apoplexy. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. W A Brown, of this city; her mother. Mrs. S F Greaves, sister and brother. W H Greaves and Mrs. C. H. Baker, all of Lincoln.

In 1930 Saline County, John E. is 2idowed, living with daughter Weir E. 41 and her husband Arthur Brown, 41, Nebraska.  Weir has Grace E. 14 and Sarah L. 10.

John Eugene Lenox -1861-1935 and Annie Elizabeth (Greaves) Lenox 1863-1929 are buried in Andrew Cemetry, Saline County.

W.A. and Weir are still in Saline County in 1940, with Sarah.

BROWN, WILLIAM ARTHUR; Mayor and Publisher; b Loup City, Neb July 8. 1889; a of Edward Arthur Brown-
Lavinia Goldsworthy; ed Loup City; Internatl Typographical Sch, Chicago;

m Weir Eugenia Lenox Sept 3, 1913 Friend; d Grace Elizabeth (Mrs Stanley Taylor), Sarah Lavinia;

as a boy aided in off of Sherman Co Times Independent; 1909 bill clk in state legislature, Lincoln; 1990-11 linotype opr, Lincoln Daily Star and Claflin Printing Co; 1911-22 publisher Friend Sentinel in ptrship with father, 1922- publisher since death of father; 1926-27 pres NPA, assn brought natl conv to Neb; NPA representative to N H conv July 1928; mbr bd of edn 3 years; past mbr city coun 3 years; mayor of Friend 4 terms; during World War active in drives for funds and was 4-min man; Meth Ch, mbr state bd of trustees, 1928-32 mbr gen trustee;

father publisher Sherman Co Times Independent, member legislature; off Friend Sentinel 516 Cherry, Friend.


FindaGrave # 79466864 says Weir Eugenia (Lenox) Brown was born Jun 9, 1889 in Sterling, and died 1948 in Saline County.

William E. Lenox cash-claimed a quarter in 2N 53W (Washington County, about thirty miles away) in 1891.

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