Eleanor Hartnett, 10 North 52 West


In 1900 Leavenworth, Joseph Hartnett is 46, born in Iowa, Mary 37 in Canada, Mary 13 in Missouiri, Gertrude 12 , Antonette 9, Joseph J. 8, JOhn W. 6, ELNOR AUgst 1895, Ray 2, and Thomas nine months, all born in Kansas.

In 1910 Leavenworth, Joseph is 55, Minnie 45, Minnie 23, Gertrude 21, Nettie 19, Joseph 18, John 16, ELENOR 14, Ralf 12, Thomas 10, Louise 8, and Ruth 7.
In 1912 Leavenworth, Minnie Devine, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hardnett, married John Joseph Cosgrove of Kansas City. Her brothers Ralph and Thomas Hartnett were acolytes. J. J. Hartnett, Jr. was the best man, John Hartnett was an usher, and Eleanor Hartnett assisted in the dining room>

Joseph Jackson Hartnett 1852-1913 is buried in Leavenworth # 36467980.
So is Mary T. hartnett 1863-1956 # 36533906, dying in Kansas City.

Eleanor claimed 160 acres in sections 5 and 8, 10N 52W, Logan County, in 1917.

Leavenworth, Kansas, March 17, 1919

In 1920 Leavenworth, Nellie M. is 24, a secretary in a public school, with mother Mary 56 widowed and sisters Louise 18 and Ruth 16.

Eleanor is in Tucson, Arizona in 1930, 33, a nurse, working for Leslie Kramer 48 and Mary 43.

In 1940 Tucson, Arizona, Eleanor Hartnett is a professional nurse, 44, partner of Bessie Edwards 45 born in Arkansas, also a nurse.

When her mother Mary died in 1956, the daughters surviving were Mrs. John Cosgrove and Miss Louise Hartnett of L, Mrs. J. A. Zeugin, Miss Nettie Hartnett, Leavenworth, Eleanor Hartnett and Mrs. Ruth Robertson, Tucson, sons J. J. Hartnett of Omaha, J. W Hartnett of Leavenworth, R.R. Hartnett of Memphis, and Thomas L. Hartnett of Glendale, Arizona. Her brother Joseph Devine and George Devine, both lived in Leavenworth.


March 1969 " Eleanor C. Hartnett, of 3347 E. Seneca, suffered a fractured shoulder bone and broken ribs, when her car collided with an auto driven by Aute Richards, 83, of 2950 E. Mabel, at the corner of Tucson Boulevard and Mabel. Mrs. Hartnett was listed in satisfactory condition at St. Mary's Hospital. Police said Mrs. Hartnett was driving north on Tucson Boulevard and Mrs. Richards was ..."

She was in Tucson when her sister died in 1982.

Eleanor C. Hartnett, born August 1, 1895, died July 16, 1989.

She's buried in Tucson Holy Hope Mausoleum # 198582134.

Ruth married John G. Cosgrove, and in 1930 are in Gardena, California, John 31, Ruth 28, Marie A. 1, and newborn John V.
Her sister Bessie has married George A. Panner, and they're in Los Angeles in 1920. Bessie is living with Ruth in 1930, divorced.

Ruth Elena Cosgrove 1901-1954 died in Los Angeles County, father Hartnett, mother Fishel.

Ruth Hartnett is 18 in 1920 Kansas City, Kansas, 18, with brothe John and Mary Hartnett both 33, HJelen 10, Marie 7, and John 4.

1953 Tucson "Miss Mary Patricia Burke became the bride of Fredrick Leighton Robertson in a formal ceremony last Saturday morning in SS. Peter and Paul church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Burke, 1147 E. North st. Mr. Robertson is the son of Mrs. Ruth B. Robertson, 2223 N. Margaret ave., and the late John Douglas Robertson."

Ruth B. Robertson, born August 25, 1902, died March 24, 1998, last residence Tucson.

Mary Louise Hartnett 1901-1998 is buried in Leavenworth # 160088137.