Contributed by Joy Fisher
Small town thirty-seven miles east of Durango on the Denver & Rio Grande R
R. It is surrounded by good farming and stock country. The hardy fruits can be
successfully raised here. Has one general store. H N Linebarger postmaster.
Aisthorpe F C carpenter (Mrs F C)
Autencio M laborer (Mrs M)
Barnett H I rancher (Mrs H I)
Bolton John rancher
Boroughs C T hotel (Lena)
Bradford R R (Tiffany Mercantile Co)
Burgess E E rancher (Mrs E E)
Carlson John E rancher (Mrs J E)
Creswell Smiley supt Pine River Canal Co
Denison C D rancher
Durango Planing Mill & Lumber Co (branch)
Engler F M rancher (Estella)
Foreman B rancher (Daisy)
Grenache T E rancher (Nellie)
Harlan Geo O rancher
Gordon Henry laborer
Hamor Edith
Hetherington H rancher (Mrs H)
Hiatt Elza rancher (Lillie)
Hood Myrtle school tchr
Hott R P rancher (Mrs R P)
Hunt John W rancher (Mrs J W)
Johanson Carl H rancher (Mrs C H)
Kissane B A rancher (Mrs B A)
Klemme J A rancher (Mrs J A)
LINEBARGER HENRY N (Tiffany Mercantile Co) Pres Tiffany Townsite, Land & Water
Co, Notary Public (Martha I)
McBride W F rancher (Mrs W F)
Martinez R rancher (Mrs R)
Mason Fred L rancher
Mills C C rancher (Mrs C C)
Mills L H rancher (Mrs L H)
Myers Mary school tchr
Neal F P laborer
Noble J H rancher (Mrs J H)
Ostrander U D rancher (Mrs U D)
Pargin Chas rancher (Mrs Chas)
Piel John rancher (Mrs John)
Pine River Canal Co, Smiley Creswell supt
Rea W P rancher
Rencher A H rancher (Mrs A H)
Reynolds Mrs L M rancher
Rouse Elmer rancher (Mrs E)
Rouse W W rancher (Mrs W W)
Scheffler Chas blacksmith
Stuart Irvin R rancher (Mrs I R)
Tiffany High School, Anna Webber prin
Tiffany Mercantile Co (H N Linebarger, R R Bradford) gen mdse
Tiffany Townsite, Land & Water Co, H N Linebarger pres and mgr
Tustan Harold laborer
Velasquez P rancher
Webber Albert rancher (Mrs A)
Webber Anna prin Tiffany high school
Weigandt Henry rancher (Mrs H)
Additional Comments:
Extracted from:
F. A. McKinney's Durango and Durango District Directory
1911 - 1912
Including the Towns and Postoffices in LaPlata and Montezuma Counties Colorado
and San Juan County, New Mexico.
Containing Complete Alphabetical Lists of Business Firms and Private Citizens,
Miscellaneous Directory of City and County Officials, Churches, Public Schools,
Secret Societies, Commercial Organizations, Street and Avenue Guide, Etc., Etc.,
ALSO A COMPLETE Classified Business Directory
Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1911, by Fred A. McKinney,
in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C
F. A. McKINNEY, Publisher.
400 Main Street, Delta
1338 Lawrence Street, Denver
18 West 27th St., New York City.
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