La Plata Directory 1911

Contributed by Joy Fisher

Mining camp eight miles from Hesperus, nearest railroad point. Julia Beach

Beach E N gen mdse
BEACH JULIA Postmaster
Bloodgood Paul R master mech Tomahawk Mines Co
Bollinger Henry C mines and miners' supplies
Boren Gulch Min Co, C C Cornell supt
Brawner Geo F miner
Clark C O
Clemmons Alan assayer Tomahawk Mines Co
Cornell C C justice of peace
Crowdis T J gen supt Tomahawk Mines Co
Cumberland Mining Co, Rogers, Clark & Lindsley (Telluride) mgrs
Dittman G W v-pres Lucky Moon mining Co
Dusenberg Fred miner
Ford A E v-pres Tomahawk Mines Co Ford Jos packer
Gilmore Geo W treas and gen mgr Tomahawk Mines Co
Hammond H N shoemaker
Henry S B livery, stage line
Kromin D mill foreman Tomahawk Mines Co
Lucky Moon Mining Co, E H Lunken pres, G W Dittman v-pres, G W Gilmore treas,
    T J Crowdis Mgr
Lunken E H pres Tomahawk Mines Co
Morrison Robt bkpr Tomahawk Mines Co
POSTOFFICE Julia Beach Postmaster
Price W R photog
Rodgers Frank saloon
Stewart W A supt Valley View Mining Co
Tomahawk Mines Co E H Lunken pres A E Ford v-pres, G W Gilmore treas and
    gen mgr, T J Crowdis gen supt
Valley View Mining Co W A Stewart supt
Watkins R N foreman Lucky Moon Mining Co

Additional Comments:

Extracted from:

F. A. McKinney's Durango and Durango District Directory
1911 - 1912

Including the Towns and Postoffices in LaPlata and Montezuma Counties Colorado
and San Juan County, New Mexico.

Containing Complete Alphabetical Lists of Business Firms and Private Citizens,
Miscellaneous Directory of City and County Officials, Churches, Public Schools,
Secret Societies, Commercial Organizations, Street and Avenue Guide, Etc., Etc.,

ALSO A COMPLETE Classified Business Directory
Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1911, by Fred A. McKinney,
in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C
F. A. McKINNEY, Publisher.
400 Main Street, Delta
1338 Lawrence Street, Denver
18 West 27th St., New York City.

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