Bayfield Directory 1911

Contributed by Joy Fisher

A thriving incorporated town in the Pine River Valley ten miles from Ignacio
the nearest railroad point. Bayfield has a population of about six hundred and
the valley of three thousand. The town has a newspaper, bank, flouring mill,
three churches, hospital, drug store, hardware store, a big department store
which would be a credit to a city, besides six other grocery and general
merchandise stores. Two blacksmith shops, three hoteis and a restaurant about
complete the roster of business houses. A band has recently organized, also a
live commercial club, the Bayfield Boosters' and Athletic Club. The stage line
which is operated by Geo J Taylor meets both the morning and evening trains at
Ignacio. Fare one dollar.

    Town officials�Geo J Taylor, mayor; O L Keen, clerk; J E Williams, treas;
John Brakefield, marshal; H J Campbell, police magistrate; S J Vin-sonhaler,
Frank Binder, Roy J Gibbs, Wm Glassner, W R Maloy, Melvin Springer, Trustees.

   School Directors�W J Bates, Anton Olson, Melvin Springer.

Abee Jacob H rancher (Eva)
Akers Clyde student
Akers Frank D rancher (Minnie)
Akers Henry W rancher (Mary)
Akers Iza student
Allan Wm H rancher
Anderson Mrs Dora E rancher
Anderson F H rancher (Sadie)
Armstrong Mrs Bessie
Armstrong Bert D rancher
Armstrong Glenn rancher
Armstrong Lloyd rancher
Asher Jas M rancher
Asher John rancher (Emma)
Asher W B cattleman (Mary)
Babcock Geo K sheep (Eva)
Bailey J C rancher
Baird M Emily (wid Geo)
Baker Jas lab
Baker Lon lab
Baker John lab (Maud)
Baldwin Chas M shoemkr, harness-mkr
Barnes John W barber (Georgia E)
Bartholomew A Leon sawmill
Bates Everett E rancher
Bates Joanna C (wid Edgar G)
Bates Wm J rancher (Cora)
BAY WM A Rancher and Stock raiser P O Box 35, Tel Blue 42 (Laura E)
BAYFIELD BLADE, D L Egger Editor, Tel Pine 91
BAYFIELD BOOSTERS' AND Athletic Club, O L Keen Pres, Roy J Gibbs V-Pres,
    G Al Smith Secy, L E Jenkins Treas
BAYFIELD DRUG STORE (L E Jenkins, O L Keen) Tel Blue 32
BAYFIELD HOTEL, D V Hamilton Propr, Tel Pine 11
Bayfield School, G A Smith prin, Edna F Conner, Emma Garrish, Mabel Valliant
Beals Addison rancher
Beebe Archie F lab
Beebe Harry G paperhngr (Estelle A)
BINDER FRANK General Blacksmith* ing, Horseshoeing, Carriage Work,
    Plow Repairing a Specialty (Catherine M)
Bennett B H rancher (Grace)
Bishop J rancher (Ella)
BLUE FRONT RESTAURANT, Glenn Bros Proprs, Meals at all hours
Black Geo A rancher (Maud)
Black Mrs M A
Bonnell Fred R rancher (Clara)
Bonnell Mrs P G
Brakefield John M lab (Anna)
Branson J Walter sawmill (Maggie)
Brecher Fred rancher
Briggs Edgar E rancher (Susa)
Briggs Floyd rancher
Briggs Geo rancher (Mrs)
Brookover Chas miner
Burtner Mrs Delta
Burtner Mrs Emma
Burtner Jas rancher
Burtner Wm rancher
Campbell Archibald rancher
Campbell Henry J real estate (Jessie M)
Campbell Jerry J lab (Mary J)
Campbell Neil lab
Carmack Sylvester V freighter (Grace)
Colorado Telephone Co Effie Ware local mgr
Conner Edna F tchr Bayfield School
Conrad Henry R sawmill (Florence)
Conrad Jacob
Conrad Morris lab (Maggie)
Cooper Geo B rancher (Edith S)
Copeland Ed rancher
Corrigan Jas F miner
COULSON BROS (D C and V L Coulson) General Merchandise "We buy and Sell
    Everything." Telephone Bayfield 1
COULSON D CARL (Coulson Bros) Notary Public
COULSON VIC L (Coulson Bros)
Craig Mrs Mary
Cudney Mrs Effie L bakery
Cudney Jos H sawmill (Effie L)
Cudney & Conrad (J S Cudney, H R Conrad) saw will [sic]
Cundiff Theophilus rancher (Etta)
Currie G Hugh forest ranger (Grace E)
Dannels Chas N rancher (Gussie)
Dannels Isaac W rancher (Eva)
Darnall Jas M rancher (Maud L)
Daraall Myra (wid J M)
Dartt C H rancher (Belle)
Davenport Jas W gen mdse (Sadie)
Davenport John (Martha M)
DeVault Lisle rancher >
Doolin Wm J mill hd
Doolin Wm T mill hd (Ada)
Downing R L phys
DRURY BERT M (M Drury & Son)
DRURY M (M Drury & Son) (Catherine.)
DRURY M & SON (M & B M Drury) Blacksmiths, Horseshoeing and Carriage Work.
Drury Neil student
DuPee Rev Frank pastor Free Methodist Church (Lillian A)
Duvall Mrs Bertha
Eades E S rancher (Mrs L C)
Eades Emma
Eades Nettie
Edwards Allison rancher
Edwards Oscar rancher
Edwards S B rancher
EGGER DANIEL L Editor Bayfield Blade Tel Pine 91 (M Adele)
EGGER F REEF with Bayfield Blade
Egger Helen
Egger Roy
ELK HOTEL, Mrs E E Pitchard Propr Tel Blue 154
Enriques A rancher
Enriques Faustin rancher
Enriques S A rancher
Everett John.rancher (May)
Farmers' & Merchants' Bank H J Campbell pres, W A Bay v-pres, F A Irwin cashier
Farrell John rancher (Delia)
Faucett A C sawmill
Foley Patrick L ranch hd (Etta M)
Forrest Reece rancher well driller (Ethel)
Foster C Ollie rancher
Foster Mrs N A
Fowler C Armond clk
Fowler Jas W grocer, carpenter (Viola)
Frahm Peter rancher
Free Methodist Church Rev Frank DuPee pastor
Freeman Mrs Mary E
Garrish Emma tchr Bayfield School
Gearhart Harvey H rancher (Mrs)
Gearhart F C
Gearhart Howard
Gearhart Ray
Gilbert Edw C lab
GIBBS BROS HARDWARE CO. (R J F E and H D Gibbs) General Hardware, Vehicles,
    Paints, Stoves and Ranges Etc, Tel White 11
GIBBS FRANK E (Gibbs Bros Hardware Co.
GIBBS HOWARD D (Gibbs Bros Hardware Co.)
Gibbs Jos E rancher (Mary E)
GIBBS ROY J (Gibbs Bros Hardware Co)
Gipson Jas T rancher (Catherine)
Gipson Vades student
Glassner Wm (Murphy & Glassner) (Nettie E)
GLENN BROS (A. J & J F Glenn) Props the Blue Front Restaurant.
GLENN JOSEPH F (Glenn Bros) (Maud)
Glover Ai rancher (Lenta E)
Glover Tillman rancher (Mrs)
Graves Geo rancher (Mary J)
Greathouse Fred O rancher (Mrs)
Green Amelia F (wid Edwin C)
Greenlee Frank rancher
Hamblin Peter rancher (Mrs)
Hamilton Arthur J rancher (Inza)
HAMILTON DANIEL V Propr Bayfield Hotel Tel Pine 11 (Emma L)
Hamilton Earl ranch hd
Hamilton Lee W student
Hamilton Walter
Hammer Virgil rancher (Elsie N)
Hammond Jesse rancher (Rena)
Hammond Roscoe
Hansen Eric ranch hd
Hasleau Ed ranch hd
Hayes John W logger (Bessie V)
Henderson E M rancher (Anna)
Herrera Ben rancher (Fulgencia)
Herrera J N rancher
Herrera V rancher
Hilligus Lucy
Hollar David F rancher
Hollar David S rancher (Alice)
Hollar J Henry rancher (Emma)
Hopkins Ivel tmstr
Huggins May J tchr
Hulbert Frank rancher
Huntsman Lloyd R forest service
Irwin Frank A cashier Farmers & Merchants Bank (Lizzie L)
Isgar Wm rancher (Belle)
James Fred mill hd
James Saml sawmill (Millie)
JENKINS L ERNEST (Bayfield Drug Store) Photographer
Jephcott Frederick Justice of peace, rancher (Nancy)
Jesse Wm rancher
Johnson Dell rancher (Mabel)
Juby John rancher (Libbie)
Kealiher Geo
Kealiher Wm rancher (Mary)
KEEN O L Bayfield Drug Store (Lucy)
Keith Mrs Cynthia A
Kemmesies Otto rancher
Kimmel Jas horses (Allene)
King Chas L rancher (Mrs)
Knickerbocker H Bert rancher (May)
Lacy Belle R dentist
Lane Mrs Luella
Lane Saml P lab
Lawson Harry B rancher (Mary)
Lewis Jas rancher
Love J W rancher (Sarah)
Lowell Abner rancher (Ruth)
Lowell Jos P cattleman (Mattie)
Ludewig Chas rancher (Lola)
Ludewig Frank rancher
Ludewig Henry rancher (Emma)
McCord F W rancher (Oma)
McElhaney J P laborer
McGeary Hugh rancher (Elizabeth)
McKennan Emma tchr
McMillan John W rancher (Kate)
Maloy J A lab
Maloy Roy rancher (Fannie)
Maloy Wm R undertaker (Arloa)
Marley Benj F lab (Mattie S)
Marr Jas rancher (Selina)
Martin Chas rancher
Martin F F rancher (Mrs)
Martin Jas rancher
Massengale Albert lab
Meyer Geo rancher (Mattie)
Miller Ord lab
Miller S F rancher (Mrs)
Mills Dorothy tchr
Mills Rev W J pastor Presbyterian Church
Montgomery Edw P carp
Morgan Geo mill hd
Morrison Eleanor student
Morrison Ernest B
Morrison J Robt cattleman (Sallie B)
Morrison Lucy
Morrison Wm R
Morrison W Oscar tmstr (Emma)
Moss John W rancher (Mary)
Mueller Henry A rancher
Murphy John (Murphy & Glassner)
Murphy & Glassner (John Murphy Wm Glassner) livery
Music John ranch hd (Lucy J)
Myers Dan rancher (Kate)
Nelson H J rancher
Nelson Nels rancher
Nevins Frank sawmill (Jessie)
Nevins Fred fireman
Newland Ellis W phys (Edna F)
Newland-Springer Mercantile & Milling Co (E W Newland Melvin Springer)
    gen mdse proprs Pine River Roller Mills
Nulton Theo rancher
Ollmert Chas rancher
Olson Anton rancher (Mrs L)
Ostwald August rancher (Annie)
Ostwald Hugo rancher
Owen Mrs Eliza
Owen Wallace H tmstr Coulson Bros
Owens A J ranch hd
Pace A L rancher (Dora)
Palmer Harvey rancher (Lizzie)
Palmer Jewett coal (Estella)
Palmer Madison with Jewett Palmer
Parks Mrs Lizzie
Parks S M rancher (Lydia)
Patton Geo rancher (Cordelia)
Pawling Geo rancher
Payson E E rancher (Mrs)
Pearson Mrs Harry
Pearson Mrs Lovicia
Pearson Wm M rancher (May)
Peterson Lawrence M rancher (Ida)
Pettijohn Mrs Rosanna
Phillips John rancher
Pierce Chas S rancher (Bessie)
Pine River Roller Mills Newland-Springer M & M Co proprs
PITCHARD MRS ELIZABETH E Propr Clk Hotel Tel Blue 154
POSTOFFICE, J N Springer Postmaster
Presbyterian Church Rev W J Mills pastor
Prewitt Jos (Mrs M L)
Reiman Frank rancher (Etta)
Remley Saml tmstr (Mrs A E)
Riggle R E rancher
Riggs Henry lab
Riverside Home Hotel Mrs Laura Salyer propr
Robbins Hospital
Robertson T J rancher (Mrs)
Rowse Zelma cook Bayfield hotel
Rule Wilbur rancher (Grace)
Salabar Albert
Salabar E G rancher
Salabar R C rancher
Salabar T A rancher
Salabar Y C rancher (Effie)
Salyer Francis M civil eng (Laura)
Salyer Mrs Laura propr Riverside Home
Salyer Myrtle G student
Sanderson Albert rancher
Sapp Geo rancher (Nannie C)
Sapp Louis lab
Schiller Christoph
Schiller Warren rancher (Emma)
Schiller Wesley
Schneider Fred ranch hd
Schutz Henry rancher (Augusta)
Schutz Herman O rancher
Self L Bird clk Coulson Bros (Anna)
Seiver W C rancher (Orah)
Severn Jas Harvey rancher (Ruth)
Shelhamer Albert rancher
Shelhamer Edwin N
Shelhamer Elmer rancher
Shelhamer Mrs M E
Shelhamer John rancher
Shelhamer Lee rancher (Jessie)
Shippy W S rancher (Mary)
Singleton Chas T civil eng (Ruby)
Sleath Jas A (Anna M)
Smith Emmett ranch hd
Smith Geo A prin Bayfield School
Smith Geo H rancher (Madge)
Smith Guy kalsominer
Smith Isaac T rancher (Ada)
Smith John C rancher (Mary A)
Smith Robert driver G J Taylor (Nettie)
Smith Rowland A carp (Ruby)
Sommers Miles S rancher (Florence)
Speas Chas
Speas Clav
Springer Bessie clk Postoffice
Springer Cecil
SPRINGER JESSE N General Merchandise, Postmaster (Carrie M)
Springer Melvin (Newland-Springer M & M Co) (Mary P)
Springer Wm clk J N Springer (Alma)
Stauffer Bros (L A & J C Stauffer) grocers
Stauffer Jesse C (Stauffer Bros)
Stauffer Lewis A (Stauffer Bros)
Stevens Len tmstr
Steward F A rancher (Mrs)
Strawn E H rancher (Hattie)
Sullivan Jos rancher (Hattie)
Sutton Claudia W (wid Calvin) dressmkr
Swick C E nurserywan [sic] (Lena R)
Swift Francis T rancher
Swift Saml rancher
TAYLOR GEORGE J Mail Contractor Ignacio Bayfield Stage Line General
    Transfer Tel White 154 (Amanda C)
Taylor John (c) rancher (Mrs)
Taylor Lulu student
Thomas S Bert mill hd (Anna M)
Tinnin Walter H rancher (Cecil)
Townsend Albert J rancher
Townsend Chester A ranch hd
Townsend Edna C student
Townsend Jesse M ranch hd
Townsend Johnetta (wid W A)
Townsend Robt A rancher (Emma)
Trimble Geo lab (May)
Trone G E rancher (Mrs)
Trone Harley E rancher
Tucker Robt lab
Turner Harry T rancher (Belle)
Turner Jas M clk Coulson Bros
Tyckson Fred A rancher (Hamia)
Underhill Alfred rancher (Amanda)
Underhill Elmer
Union Church
Usher Allie J lab
Valliant Mabel tchr Bayfield School
Vandusen Clyde E rancher
Vandusen Ed rancher (Annie)
VINSONHALER SANFORD J Mgr Vinsonhaler & Co Tel White 153 (Ada E)
VINSONHALER & CO S J Vinsonhaler Mgr, Groceries, Grain, Dry Goods, Boots and
    Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishings, Notions, Etc. Tel White 153
Wade Ham mill hd
Ware Effie local mgr Colorado Telephone Co
Welch John G ranch hd
Wells Wm B rancher (Doilie)
Wheeler Geo E rancher (Mary E)
Wheeler Ida M tchr
Whitmore J C rancher (Jane)
Whitney Schuyler C rancher (Carrie)
Whitney Wm W U S Navy
Wieland Jesse logger (Minnie)
Williams Geo ranch hd (Myrtle)
Williams John rancher
Williams John E rancher (Nellie M)
Williams Thos rancher
Wilmer Anton rancher (Fannie)
Wiseman Jas E carp (Lulu A)
Wommer Mrs Elizabeth
Wommer Frank rancher (Hattie)
Wommer Henry rancher
Wommer Jacob rancher (Mollie)
Wommer Louis rancher (Rosa)
W O W Hall
Woods John mill hd
Worrell Wm lab (Catherine B)
Yoder John F rancher
Yoder Ralph rancher (Rose M)

Additional Comments:

Extracted from:

F. A. McKinney's Durango and Durango District Directory
1911 - 1912

Including the Towns and Postoffices in LaPlata and Montezuma Counties Colorado
and San Juan County, New Mexico.

Containing Complete Alphabetical Lists of Business Firms and Private Citizens,
Miscellaneous Directory of City and County Officials, Churches, Public Schools,
Secret Societies, Commercial Organizations, Street and Avenue Guide, Etc., Etc.,

ALSO A COMPLETE Classified Business Directory
Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1911, by Fred A. McKinney,
in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C
F. A. McKINNEY, Publisher.
400 Main Street, Delta
1338 Lawrence Street, Denver
18 West 27th St., New York City.

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