Contributed by Joy Fisher
agt agent
appr apprentice
asst assistant
av avenue
attdt attendant
bds boards
bet between
bkpr bookkeeper
bldg building
blk block
blksmith blacksmith
brklyr bricklayer
carp carpenter
cashr cashier
chf chief
clk clerk
clnr cleaner
com commission
commr commissioner
cond conductor
confr confectioner
cor corner
dep deputy
dept department
dist district
dom domestic
emp employee
eng engineer
e east
es east side
est estate
frt freight
gen general
hd head
hlpr helper
ins insurance
insp inspector
lab laborer
ldry laundry
mach machinist
mech mechanic
mere mercantile
messr messenger
mkr maker
mfr manufacturer
mgr manager
nr near
n north
ne north east
ns north side
nw north west
opp opposite
opr operator
phone opr telephone operator
photog photographer
phys physician
pk park
pl place
pres president
prin principal
pub publisher
P O post office
rd road
real est real estate
repr repairer
res residence
Rev Reverend
rms rooms
sec secretary
solr solicitor
stenog stenographer
supt superintendent
s south
se south east
ss south side
sw south west
tchr teacher
tel telegraph and telephone
tmstr teamster
trav agt traveling agent
treas treasurer
vet surg veterinary surgeon
whol wholesale
wid widow
wkr worker
w west
ws west side
ydman yardman
Additional Comments:
Extracted from:
F. A. McKinney's Durango and Durango District Directory
1911 - 1912
Including the Towns and Postoffices in LaPlata and Montezuma Counties Colorado
and San Juan County, New Mexico.
Containing Complete Alphabetical Lists of Business Firms and Private Citizens,
Miscellaneous Directory of City and County Officials, Churches, Public Schools,
Secret Societies, Commercial Organizations, Street and Avenue Guide, Etc., Etc.,
ALSO A COMPLETE Classified Business Directory
Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1911, by Fred A. McKinney,
in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C
F. A. McKINNEY, Publisher.
400 Main Street, Delta
1338 Lawrence Street, Denver
18 West 27th St., New York City.
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