Leadville schools would be an honor to any city in New England.
In Feb, 1878, the first school was opened in a rude log house, where thirty boys
and girls were taught by Mrs. A. R. Undergraff. In eighteen months from that time,
there were twelve public schools and thirteen teachers. One year later, there were
twenty-one teachers and 2,000 pupils. In May, 1881, an elegant school building,
built of brick and highly ornamented with stone trimmings, was completed at an expense of sixty-two
thousand dollars. It is eighty-one feet long and seventy-nine wide, two stories
high above the basement, the latter portion being devoted to play rooms, janitor's room,
and office of the superintendent of the city schools. Each story of the building is
16 feet high, the whole heated by four furnaces in the cellar, and supplied with water and
gas pipes. The erection of this school house was followed by the building of another at a cost of forty-five thousand dollars. In the autumn of 1883, we found two additional schoolhouses [making four in all], which cost forty thousand dollars each. In five and one-half years from the time of opening the first school in the log cabin, we found, by personal observation, a complete system of graded schools, including a thoroughly equipped high school, with nearly two thousand pupils enrolled in four elegant buildings, with a corps of experienced teachers, whose services were obtained only by the payment of a large salaries. To-day [1899] the schools of Leadville lose nothing in comparison with the best schools of the land. No teacher is paid less than twenty dollars a week; and the best paid ones receive forty-two dollars per week. Most of them came from the East, where they had already won a reputation for skilful work in the schoolroom. This section is taken from a book called, "Marvels of the New West", author unknown and was printed in 1899. |
Bonner, Beryl
Medic Sophs
Maclian, William A.
Crawford, Iran C., C.E., "Iran"......Leadville
Sans Souci; C.E. Society [3]; Assistant
Manager "Journal of Engineering" [3]
"I wonder if it is too late to call up Helen?"
Lynch, Elwood Best...............Leadville
Without earnestness no man is ever great or
does really great things.
Thielen, Gertrude Hendrie.......Leadville
Assistant in Mathematics [3]
Studious let me be, and hold high converse
with the Almighty.
School of Law
Bonner, Quentin Dan, "Quint".......Leadville
Sans Souci; Track Team [3]; President
Law School [4]
Aspires to be political boss of Leadville
1912 Coloradoan
Thielen, Gertrude Hendrie
Mathematics, German, Education....Leadville
George Robert Allan | |
Mary A Babich | |
William H Barnicoat | |
Gladys M Bentert | |
Irene S Berger | |
Richard O Biddick | |
Dorothy Biddle | |
John A Bowler, Jr | |
Class Sponsor: Miss Catherine M. Kelly
Amsler, Barbara | Mamich, Mary |
Berthod, Erma | Mascarenaz. Thomas A. |
Bogunovich, John | Mason, Anne |
Bowen, Marion | Mastripolito, Andy |
Carlson, Ruth | Nadon, Albert |
Crawford, Irene | Overman, Marguerite |
Diamond, Catherine | Parlin, Jeanette |
Dunscombe, George | Perme, John |
Fitzsimmons, Charles | Rodriquez, Erlinda |
Frazier, Anna Mae | Salmich, Marjorie |
Haney, Robert | Sarten, Donald |
Harrison, Doris | Schroeder, Norman |
Hayes, Rex | Sjoden, Thomas |
Keplinger, Edith | Slonecker, Ruth |
Lemesany, Eleanor | Sowers, Eileen |
Little, John | Watts, Bryant |
Maler. Jeanette | Whitman, Nancy |
Colors: Royal Blue and White
Class Flower: White Rose
Class Motto: "We are the architects of our future."
Baldessarei, Dorcine | Maich, Robert |
Baldwin, Alice | Martelli, Marie |
Baldwin, Arthur | McCarty, Marie |
Barr, George | McGeehan, Louise |
Barr, John | Mock, Juanita |
Best, Marilyn | Moffett, Donald |
Carter, Mary Catherine | Nelson, Frances |
Domit, Doris | O'Leary, Adeline |
Duffy, Patsy | Popovich, Martha |
Erickson, Jean | Roberts,, Betty Mae |
Fields, George | Schroeder, Thomas |
Fikany, Richard | Stevens, Bette Lou |
Gadberry, Correne | Tholen, Wilhelmina |
Haney, Marjorie | Tomkins, Lucille |
Harris, George | Vidrik, Pat |
Jackson, Beula | Walters, Alma |
Kane, Helen | Williams, Mary Louise |
Kelly, Ray | Yakich, Eli |
Klune, Pauline | Zack, Albert, Jr. |
Kutzleb, Katherine | Zaitz, June |
LaBelle, Louise | Zugel, Johanna |
Lofquist, Robert |
Class Flower: Wine Camellias, White Roses
Class Motto: "Not to the top but still climbing"
Anderson, Bernard | Kochevar, Marie |
Arnis, George | Koroshetz, Louis |
Babovich, Mildred | Kutzleb, Edward |
Baldessari, Louis | Lemesany, George |
Bertolas, Ramona | Lollar, Mae Erin |
Bochatey, Catherine | Luoma, Robert |
Bond, Roy | MacLennan, John |
Bott, Margaret | Magura, Blanche |
Bowen, Isabel | McDonald, Joann |
Carter, Arzel | McEachern, Beth |
Carter, Marvel | McKee, David |
Coquoz, Robert | Murcray, Frank |
Copper, Nina Fay | Olson, Kenneth |
Dewar, Charles | Priest, Carl |
Donovan, George | Reynolds, Kenneth |
Eldridge, Howard | Roche, Leonard |
Flores, Esther | Russ, Martin |
Hibschle, Orrin | Sarten, Lila Mae |
Holden, Delores | Saucke, John |
Holmesi, Phyllis | Strell, Lorraine |
Holt, Jean | Thomas, Doris |
Johnson, Jeanne | Tinkle, Violet |
Jones, Mary Jean | Torres, Carolyn |
Kelly, Maryruth | Tull, Frank |
Kerzon, Joann | Vosberg, Kenneth |
Kerzon, Wallace | Zack, Jane |
Kitt, Ray |
Class Colors: Red and Ivory
Class Flower: Red Roses and Gardinias
Class Motto: "Nothing succeeds like success"
Berthod, James | Pederson, Louis |
Coquoz, Evelyn | Randall, Shirley |
Erwin, Zemina | Sarten, Richard |
Fahey, Mary Adelaide | Schrieber, Nancy |
Farren, David | Shimmin, Lawrence |
Fields, Marilyn | Skinner, Donna Jean |
Gay, Raymond | Tatman, Eleanor |
Glenn, Drucella | Thompson, Georgia |
Halkett, Donald | Tucker, Maelene |
Headley, Donna | VanPelt, Dorothy |
Kendrick, Robert | Vidrik, John |
Krasovec, Katherine | Walsh, Kenneth |
Kuss, Adolph, Jr. | Williams, Walter |
Lally, Bill | Wurtz, Thomas |
Lofquist, Viola | Zaitz, Robert |
Malin, Betty | |
Pearson, Florence Mae | |
Pederson, Alpheus |
Class Colors:
Class Flower:
Class Motto:
Arnold, Kenneth | Luoma, Vernon |
Bennington, Robert | Martinez, Mary Lou |
Bost, Joe | Miller, Carl |
Bost, Charlene | Mondragon, Manuel |
Burger, Marie Ann | Neff, Ronald |
Chaney, Betty Jean | O'Leary, Albert |
Clapp, Keith | O'Leary, Alfred |
Cook, John | Ortiz, Randy |
Doyle, Margaret | Ortega, Delifinia |
Dwyer, Rose | Pacheco, Max |
Edmonds, Leonard | Padilla, Mary Lou |
Faidiga, Charles | Pharis, Bob Lester |
Foreman, Elizabeth | Ponikvar, Joanne |
Frankovich, George | Pooler, Charlotte |
Gibson, Marilyn | Purkat, Anton |
Glenn, Lynn | Ranich, Jo Ann |
Grear, Nedra | Roberts, William H. |
Gomez, Susan | Roberts, William R. |
Hinds, Mike | Rutherford, Jim |
Holden, Roxie | Sadar, Frank |
Jackson, Betty Lou | Shaffner, Patricia |
Keating, Elaine | Sigwart, Lee |
Kerrigan, Michael | Sitler, Sharon |
Kirkwood, Edward | Skala, John |
Kochevar, Rose | Thielke, Stanley |
Koken, Robert | Thomas, Jerry |
Kostelic, Sherry | Valdez, Alicia |
Krisman, Ronald | Valdez, Jim |
Lake, Mary Ann | Vidick, Barbara |
Lane, Michael | Webb, Leota |
Larsh, Ray | Wilson, Robert |
Lopez, Antoinette | Yates, Judy |
Zalar, Betty Jean |
Class Colors: Purple and Gold
Class Flower: Gardenia
Class Motto:
Bailey, Lois | Mitchell, Jan |
Bonewell, Roger | Mitchell, Joann |
Bradach, Frank | Mondragon, Leo |
Burk, Gordon | Montgomery, Mary Lou |
Clute, Barbara | Montgomery, Richard |
Conklin, Gordon | Moore, Sherilynne |
Cook, Rosalind | Montoya, Sophie |
Cornella, Donna | O'Connell, Janice |
Dahm, Quentin | Ortega, Rosie |
De Herrera, Alex | Pitts, Merlene |
Faidiga, Frank | Pologar, Beverly |
Faidiga, Marilyn | Poyner, Joycelyn |
Fannon, Patricia | Proll, Beverly |
Ferkovich, Steve | Purkat, Barbara |
French, Tom | Rodriquez, Catherine |
Furman, Sharon | Roll, Susan |
Gabarde, Charleen | Rose, Phillip |
Gordier, Dean | Sanchez, Pat |
Jackson, Charles | Smith, Richard |
Kincaide, Wilfred | Snider, Helen |
Larsh, John | Tafoya, Enos |
Lopez, Tessie | Tafoya, Vivian |
Mascaranez, Virginia | Vidmar, Berndette |
McDermott, Darryll | Weber, Joseph |
McElroy, Jacqueline | Zadra, Margo |
Mehle, Albert | |
Meredith, Craig | |
Meyer, Gail |
© Gail Meyer Kilgore/Michael P. Irwin 2001-