Arvada High School Graduating Classes 1904-1920

Soon, each class will have their own page with history, colors, and other information,

along with, if possible, a photograph of the graduating class. But again, this may take

awhile. Thank you.



Graduating Class of 1904

·         Angie Bates

Graduating Class of 1905

·         NO GRADUATES

Graduating Class of 1906

·         Mildred Carne

·         Bessie Garrett

·         Carrie Bates

·         Ealanie Gullette

·         Harold Juchem

·         Peter Schultz

·         George Lercher

Graduating Class of 1907

·         Gracie Jones

·         Cecilia Callicotte

·         Grace Daly

·         Edgar Watson

·         Earl Murchison

·         August Schneider

Graduating Class of 1908

·         Minnie Holly

·         Louise Muench

·         Mary Wheeler

·         Charles Britton

·         Guy Juchem

·         Fred Cantrall

Graduating Class of 1909

·         Pearl Nicholson

·         Olive Watson

·         Virginia Robinson

·         UNKNOWN Scott

·         Kitty Dormer

·         Nettie Doughty

·         Carrie Britton

·         Myrtle Smith

Graduating Class of 1910

·         Alice Greene

·         Stella Wiebelt

·         Emily Bingle

·         Otto Schneider

·         Walter Bright

·         Philip Rogers

Graduating Class of 1911

·         Richard Roberts

·         Albin Swanson

·         Victor Boehm

·         Frank Bush

·         Joseph Clark

·         Herrick Lidson

·         Edwin Doane

·         Jessie Griffith

·         Olga Clark

·         Nell Nicholson

·         Nell Graves

·         Gertrude Weaver

·         Catheriene Owens

·         Gladys Sanderson

·         Irene Wheeler

·         Clinton Rice

·         Marie Delle

Graduating Class of 1912

·         Mina Murchison

·         Lefee Bright

·         Della Moreland

·         Lela Buck

·         Dorothy Newton

·         Sarah Dormer

·         Leona Christian

·         Frank Wiebelt

·         Joseph Benson

·         George Louden

·         Ethel Martin

Graduating Class of 1913

·         Edith Lazenby Champion

·         Byron Willard Strickland

·         Thirza Maude Davis

·         Anna Caroline Redstrom

·         Milton Francis Nicholson

·         Bernice Jane Bishop

·         Annabelle Saidie Smith

·         Walter Olson

Graduating Class of 1914

·         Arthur Apel

·         Edith Baller

·         Frank Bayers

·         Fred Britton

·         Robert Callicote

·         Harriet Eddy

·         Clair Frey

·         Myrtle Griffith

·         Isabelle Hooper

·         Eva Miller

·         Wesley Moreland

·         Ruth Morrison

·         Charles McCory

·         John Olson

·         Clarence Pavelka

·         Hal Ragland

·         Marguerite Rodda

·         Pearl Rucker

·         Saidie Smith

·         Alfred Smith

·         Hattie Weaver

·         Winnie Wheeler


Graduating Class of 1915

·         Maggie Bobb

·         Frances Bailey

·         Fred Bishop

·         Ruth Campbell

·         Claude Cronk

·         Frances Conkling

·         Cecil Greene

·         Carl Kellstrom

·         David Lesher

·         Florence Miller

·         Irene Murchison

·         Phoebe Callicotte

·         Clifford Null

·         Timothy O’Brien

·         Bryan Staley

·         Fred Secrest

·         Herbert Schwamb

·         Caroline Shoech

Graduating Class of 1916

·         Pearl Abbott

·         Mildred Bailey

·         Gertrude Bawden

·         Curtis Bowmon

·         Marie Clark

·         Margaret Cooper

·         Lee Davenport

·         Helen Duncan

·         Walter Edwards

·         Frances Fechner

·         Hazel Goodwin

·         Lucy Griffith

·         Ione Hobson

·         Elva Lucas

·         Viola Kellstrom

·         Irving Kline

·         Leon McCain

·         Lillian McCain

·         Barney McCarthy

·         Howard Miller

·         George Morrison

·         Loren Nicholson

·         Helen Potter

·         Bernice Potter

·         Charles Pett

·         Sarah Ransom

·         Albert Recht

·         May Snee

·         Isabelle Wiebelt

·         Glen Wagner

·         Arthur Vacher


·         UNKNOWN


·         UNKNOWN


·         Hans Finkbeiner

·         Mae Bell

·         Donald Hutchings

·         Sarah Rodda

·         Robert Bilbrough

·         Estalene Secrest

·         Floyd Sebring

·         Addie Moon

·         Wayne Harkness

·         Grace Secrest

·         Gertrude Rhodes

·         Albert Richter

·         Hazel Thomas

·         Paul Belgin

·         Georgina Tiller

·         Ralph Minges

·         Clarice Potter

·         Frank Wideman

·         Grace Miller

·         Robert Swadley

·         Alice Cochran

·         Rudolph Martelon

·         Florence Louden

·         Walter Leeling

·         Edna Mulhollen

·         Hans Pahl

·         Beatrice Garfien

·         Albert Barth

·         Lucetta Fisher


·         UNKNOWN