Garfield County Colorado Ancestry

Garfield County


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William and Anna (Lain) Herd

William Herd (1860-1944) and Anna Laing (1856-1948).
William Herd was born in Lochgelly, Scotland. He came from a large family; the fifth of 15 children. Four of his siblings died in infancy; one died at 9 years old; the remaining 9 survived childhood.
Anna Laing was born in Dunfermline, Scotland. She was the fourth of eight children in her family. One died in infancy, and another died at 14 years old.
William met Anna and they became wedded in 1881 in Dunfermline, Scotland. This union immediately produced two children. William was a coal-miner in Scotland and experienced the harsh conditions that were beset upon those that worked the mines. He became involved in demanding "safer" working conditions for the miners, but these demands were met with threats of life and property to anyone that "striked". Wishing for a chance to work in "safer" conditions, William and Anna (with two infants) emigrated to the United States circa 1883. Settling in to Cleveland, Ohio; Anna gave birth to two more children - whom died a year later. William, Anna and the two surviving children then moved to an area near Glenwood Springs, Colorado - presumably because William could be employed in a coal-mine. While here, Anna gave birth to three more children (one died at six years old, one died at 3 years old, and the last one survived childhood). A few years later, William and Anna (with the surviving children) moved about Colorado - presumably because William would go wherever he could be employed in a coal-mine. William became integral in advocating mine safety and workers rights, culminating with a position as a Miner's Union Boss. To raise additional income during this time period, Anna would take in boarders to the Herd household - mostly bachelor miners. Over the next 15 years, Anna gave birth to five more children - all of whom survived childhood. It is unclear when William stopped working in the coal-mines, but years later, he bought some land in Peach Valley and became a farmer. Many years after that, William and Anna sold the farm and moved to New Castle, Colorado to enjoy the remainder of their lives together. In 1944, William passed away and was interred in to Highland Cemetery. He was survived by Anna, three siblings, many cousins, six children, many grandchildren and a few great-grandchildren. In 1948, Anna passed away and was interred in to Highland Cemetery. She was survived by a many cousins, five children, many grandchildren and a few great-grandchildren.

New Castle Colorado Family History

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Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney

State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola

Asst. State Coordinators:   Rebecca Maloney  -  Betty Baker  -           M.D. Monk

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Garfield County Colorado Ancestry