Garfield County Colorado Ancestry

Garfield County


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Louie Fusckino and Raffaule Flossero

Louie Fusckino (1871-1913)
Lot 529 / Plot 6
Born October 1871 - Italy
Died December 16, 1913 - New Castle, CO
Louie was one of the 37 miners killed in the Vulcan Mine explosion in 1913. The Mine Report provided by the Vulcan said he was 42 years old, married with 4 children. His nationality was Italian and his job in the mine was listed as a trapper.
This is an interesting grave as it is fenced uniquely with an iron cross located inside the fenced grave while the headstone was placed outside of the fence. It is also interesting that the records show a Mr. R. Filso made the purchase of the grave site. Mr. Filso was killed in the same 1913 explosion and is buried next to Louie Fuskino. Perhaps Mr. Filso had a premonition concerning his coal mining job.
There is additional confusion surrounding Mr. Filso. I believe R. Filso is actually Raffaule Flossero born in 1886 and died Dec. 16, 1913 in the Vulcan explosion. There are several examples of foreign names being shortened or simplified by the mining company in those days. The Mine Report says he was 27 years old and single. Flossero is listed as interred in Lot 529, Plot 5. R. Filso is listed as interred in Lot 529 but there is no Plot listed and his year of birth 1886, and death 1913, are the same as Flossero. There is no headstone for Flossero which is likely a result of having no family in the area

New Castle Colorado Genealogy  New Castle Colorado Genealogy

Highland Cemetery New Castle, Garfield County Colorado

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Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney

State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola

Asst. State Coordinators:   Rebecca Maloney  -  Betty Baker  -           M.D. Monk

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Garfield County Colorado Ancestry