Lore From the Colorado Frontier

by Mildred Jacobs Porter

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Abbott, Nell, 186
Adams, Carey B., 165
Albers, Dr. V. L., 76
Albert, Gus, 189
Aidridge, Willis, 13
Aley, Rev. L. C., 58, 65, 99
Alkali Flat, 117
All America City Award, 194, 201
Allen, C. D., 184
Al-Sabah, Kuwait Ambassador, 200
Amsbary, A. E., 34, 72, 74, 75, 141
Anderson, E. B., 52, 54
AnnaDora Opera House, 44, 61, 63, 73, 144, 145, 146, 160
archeology, 11, 12, 13, 16, 142
Archuleta, Rev. Henry, 152
Arch, Nick, 124
armory, 161
Austin, 18, 122, 136, 167, 176
automobile, 114,115, 116, 168, 170
aviation, 118, 119

Bachelor Mine, 63
Bachelor's Den, 143
Bailey, Harvey, 31, 33, 34, 136
Bailey, William, 20, 198
Baldwin, Daniel, 65, 66
bank failures, 166
Bank Night, 174-75
bank robbery, 66, 137
Baptist Church, 99
Barker, J. J., 33, 58, 158
Barnes, Elmer, 183
baseball, 140
Beale, Millie, 170
Beary, J. T., 173
Berry, Bob, 179
Berry, Toots, 179
Bertram, Charles, 130
bicycle, 78, 140
Bill Heddles Ball Park, 189
Bill Heddles Recreation Center, 200
Billstrom, G. A., 57
Blachly, Dellie, 65, 70, 71, 101, 190
Blachly, Lou, 65
Blachly, Trew, 4, 5, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 136
Black Canyon, 43, 47, 55; and Curicanti Needle, 40; and dry ice plant, 57, 123; Dr. Fairfield disappears in, 78; and Falls of Sorrow, 56; and ferry, 44, 45; first boats lost in, 54 float-trip down, 142; Folsom points found near, 12; gar-nets on rim of, 35; geology of, 53, 57; gypsum kilns and, 113; Dad Baird's Halfway House in, 59; oil well in, 123; railroad construction through, 6; and State Bridge, 59; and survey funded, 56; train through, 40; and water access schemes, 54; water diversion from, 56
Blair, Robert, 36, 148
Blue, The, 28, 130
Blue Mesa, 44, 57
Bond, Gene, 148
Bond, Polly, 63
Bonny Reservoir, 52
bootleg stills, 75
boxing, 38
Boyd, Cathy, 156
Boyer, Rev. A. Blanchard, 100
Bradley, Dellie, 5
Bragg, C. P, 79, 158
Braisted, Dr. H. K., 58, 71, 77, 78, 183
Brauneis, Harry, 98
Brickyard Hill, 120
Browning, Russell, 172
Brown, A. Allen, 56, 129
Buckles, Dr. William, 12
Bureau of Land Management, 91
Burgess, Dr. Gerald, 89
Butler, Abe, 8
Buttermilk Creek, 155

Calhoun, Alex, 86, 88
Calhoun, Judge Kelly, 89, 161
California Mesa, 47, 51, 72, 95, 156, 161, 168, 185
Campbell Switch, 44, 197
cannery, 63, 124
Capota, Jim, 50
Carlton, A. E., 127
Carnegie, Andrew, 100, 103, 104
Carr, Ada, 94
Carter, Jimmy, 142
Cassidy, Butch, 66, 67
Castle, Eliza, 6, 42
Castle, Herbert, 5, 6, 42, 43, 48
Castle, Newton, 43, 48, 68, 70, 110
Castle brothers, 43, 44, 62
Catholic Church, 101
cattle, 90, 91
Cedaredge, 154
chain letters, 169
Charlesworth, John R., 160, 161
Chinese, 139, 156
Cimarron, 54
Cinnamon, Jim, 149
Civilian Conservation Corps, 57, 170
Clark, Father, 74, 99
Cleland, Dr. Winfield Scott, 80, 81, 82,83
Cleland Park, 83, 163
Cleland Pool, 83, 188, 200
Clubb, Hartland, 193
coal, 60, 168
Coal-oil Johnnie, 183
Cochetopa Pass, 9, 23
cock-fighting, 141
Cole, J. C., 7,196
Cole's Lake Resort, 197
Colorado, 11, 57, 124, 190, 198
Commercial Park, 201
Community Development Block Grant, 198
Condit, Prof. Philip, 94, 104
Confluence, 3, 7, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 87, 131, 139, 198
Confluence Park, 199, 200, 201
Conklin, Charles, 146
Conklin, Ike, 150
Connelly, John, 145
Coors Beer, 129
Cornelius, Jeremiah, 51
Crabill, Adan, 122
Crabill, Letitia, 133
Crawford, Gov. George A., 3, 4, 7, 30, 33, 109
Crawford, T. B., 136
Crawford, Cob., 112
Crespin, Toby, 152

Daily, William C. (Buster), 111
Darley, Rev. George M., 100
Darling, William, 116
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), 105
Davis, Bradford, 136
Davis, John, 85, 127, 135, 136
Davis, Mel, 135
Davis Clothing Store, 85, 135, 195
Delta, Cob.: Brick and Tile in, 39, 61, 95; canning factory in, 124; concert band in, 196; burning of, 77; flouting mill in, 122; freeze lockers in, 90; Golf Club in, 143, 163; Horse Country Committee in, 199; incorporating of, 31; meat packlng plant in, 90, 123; post office in, 35, 36, 119, 169, 171, 172; service clubs and lodges in, 83, 102, 129, 144; squatter claims surveyed for, 36; and Roundup Club, 190; and town Fathers, 31
Delta County Bank, 34, 136, 137, 179
Delta County Historical Society, 106, 194
Delta County Museum, 107
Delta House, 68, 73, 74, 128
Delta Memorial Hospital, 79
Delta Public Library, 103
Deltarado Days, 128
Delta State Bank, 134
Dempsey, Celia Smoot, 38
Dempsey, Hyrum, 38
Dempsey, Jack, 38, 39, 61, 95, 164
Dennison, Mabel, 67
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, 6, 29, 31, 35, 38, 40, 41, 43, 58, 61, 73, 74, 87, 113, 122, 168
Depot Gang, 81
Depression, 124, 134, 167, 168, 169
Dillard, J. D., Jr., 89
Dingman, Sadie, 169
dinosaur skeletons, 126
Dirty George Creek, 109
Doherty, Deborah V., 178
Dominguez, Father, 18
Doughspoon Creek, 109
Downtown Urban Renewal Authority, 107, 193, 197
drugstores, 75, 76, 77, 89, 99, 189
Duke, George, 58
Durlin, Marty Conklin, 146, 147
Dust Bowl refugees, 170
Dysart, Linda, 190

Ebersol, Doris, 149
Economic Development Administration, 198
Edwards, Ira, 118
Edwards, Paul, 81
Eggleston, R. E., 12, 141
Egyptian Theater, 164, 174, 185, 165
electric power, 111, 112
electric railway, 113
Elliott, Caleb, 182
Energy Impact Grant, 198
Englehart, Richard, 193
Episcopal Church, 100
Escalante, Father, 18
Escalante Canyon, 77, 92, 155, 160, 171, 188

Fadely's Swamp, 81, 139, 196
Fairfield, Dr., 78
Fairfield, Eula King, 38, 39, 145
Fairlamb, Millard, 88, 104, 137, 166, 167
Fairlamb, Millard S. (Sky), 191
Fairlamb, Sam, 78, 158
Fairlamb, Stella Nutter, 106
Fairview Mine Railway, 113
Farmer, J. E., 61
Farmers and Merchants Bank, 63, 65, 66, 68, 64
Farmers' Spree, 128
Fat Man's Misery, 138
Fay, Abbott, 190
Federal Relief Administration, 168
Federated Woman's Club, 102, 186
ferries, 43, 44, 45
fire bell, 110
fire department, 109
fire hose races, 110
Flood of 1884,42,46
flour, 122
Follansbee, Dr. William, 112
Fong, Charley, 156
Forked Tongue Creek, 43
Fort Crawford, 3, 7, 8, 26, 35, 125
Fort Uncompahgre, 20, 21, 24, 44, 130, 199
Fowler, Fred E., 187, 202
Frady, Lloyd, 172
frozen products, 124
fruit and produce, 59, 121
Fruitbelt Railway, 113
Fulghum, Charles, 62
Fults, Amy, 111
funding, 105

Gallegos, Alfred, 151
gandy-dancer, 151
Garcia, Jerry, 152
Garfield, President, 8, 29
Garnet Mesa, 34, 37, 44, 46, 53, 65, 66, 86, 185, 189
Garnethurst, 38
Germans, 86, 127, 154, 156
Gheen, Sheriff, 70, 155
Gibson, Lloyd, 130, 131
Gibson, Shorty, 85, 93, 135
Gilbert, Peggy, 200
Glenn, Rosy, 181
gold, 17, 24, 25, 57, 60, 62, 64
golf, 142
Gore, Josephine Beach, 89
Grand Junction, Colo., 32, 35, 61, 73, 75, 80, 91, 116, 127, 141, 144, 149, 167, 177
Grand Mesa, 53, 60, 72, 86, 91, 100, 109, 113, 150
Greeks, 152, 153
Grey, Judge, 75
Gunnison, Cob., 3, 4, 8, 25, 35, 64, 65
Gunnison River, 20, 40, 44, 47, 54, 56, 142
Gunnison Tunnel, 56
Gunnison, Capt. John, 23, 105

Hall, Ark, 42, 59, 148
Hallenbeck, Charles, 193
Hallock, Hubert, 199
Hammond, Henry, 7, 8, 32, 33, 36, 59, 70, 134, 139, 197
Hammond, Rep. Mead, 56
Hanson, Ed, 115
Hanson's Castle, 115
Harrington, Rose, 132
Hart, J. B., 126
Hartig, Genevieve, 115, 178
Hawklns, Earl, 111
Hayden, Ferdinand, 24
Heddles, Bill, 110, 188, 189, 196
Hedgcock, Katharine Amsbary, 72, 106, 127
Hick, Dr. Joe, 78
Hick, Dr. Lawrence A., 76, 78, 100, 114
Hick, Lauri, 199
Hillman, John, 133
Hillman, Lucy, 133
Hillman, Walter, 116, 133, 136, 137, 166
Hillman store, 132
Himes, Carl, 119
hippies, 146, 148
Hispanics, 151, 152
Hodgin, Gordon, 80, 132, 172, 190
Hogan Builders of Colorado, The, 11
hog pen murder, 172
Holly Sugar, 127, 128, 129, 163, 177, 196, 197
honor camp, 181
Horn, 26, 117, 118
horse racing, 139
Hotchkiss, Enos, 89
Hotze, Hank, 142
Howard, Frank, 148
Huerkamp, Tom, 191, 193
Huffington, Della, 30
Huffington, Nelson, 4
Huffington, Oscar, 29, 155
Huffington, Sylvester, 3, 7, 8, 29, 30, 31, 85, 117, 197 Huscher, Betty, 11
Huscber, Howard, 11
Hutchinson, Ruby, 68
Hutchinson, Spud, 87, 92

ice, 123, 110
immigrant car, 125
Industrial Park, 187
"Institute," 100
irrigation, 46, 47, 51, 52

Jackson, Ethel (Lali) Fairlamb, 104
Jaeger, Larry, 178
Japanese, 156
Jarger, Dr. J. H., 34
Jeffers, Elida, 177, 178, 184
Jeffers, John, 136, 177
Jeffers, Welland, 134, 136, 178
Jensen, Dr. James (DinosaurJim), 126
Johnson, Ladybird, 189
Johnson, Rev. J. A., 99
Johnson & Johnson cattle outfit, 86
Jones, Eddie, 126
Jones, Vivian, 126

KDTA, 119
Keirns, Thomas, 73, 145
Kelly, William Cody, 172
Killian, Jack, 86
Killian's Castle, 86
King, Annie, 37, 39, 76, 131
King, A. R., 5, 36, 37, 68, 79, 114, 141, 156
King, Fred, 39, 40
King of Siam, 5
Kittridge, Mary, 172
Koppe, Louisa, 32
Kreutz, M. 0., 194
Ku Klux Kian, 156
Kuwait, 200
Kyffin, Seth J., 166

Lane, Don, 89
Last Chance Saloon, 167, 189, 191, 193, 194, 192
Lauzon, Francis, 54
La Vita Park, 196
Lee, Willis, 73
Leeka, Rhea, 87
Lockhart, Ray, 173
Logan, R. M., 51
Long, Roy, 46
Loring, Col. William, 24
Lowe, Ben, 52, 75, 85, 87, 92, 93
Lowe, Jack, 143
Lowe, Robert, 93
Lowe, Ruby, 87, 92, 114
Lowe, William, 93
lumbering, 125
Lung Chung, 139

McBride, J. T., 118
McCarty Gang, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 92, 106, 137
McCluskey, William, 193
McComber, Dr. E. K., 77
McGinley, William, 26
McGranahan, George, 8, 99
McGranahan & Butler Emporium, 29, 32, 148, 30
McGrath, John M., 162
McGraw, Joe, 114
Macias, Julia, 152
McKnights Jewelry, 184
McMurray, Adah, 94
McMurray, R. M., 33, 70, 76
Madonna of the Mule, 7, 42
marijuana, 47, 169
Marts, Alvin Lee, 161
Masonic Lodge, 144, 160
Maxwell, John, 38, 39, 165
Meats, Otto, 26, 86, 87
Meeker, Nathan, 25
Meeker Massacre, 26
Meldrum, Andy, 62, 63, 87
Methodist Church, 46, 95, 99, 100
Midland Trail Tour Guide 1916, 117
migrant colony, 128
Miller, P H., 115
mink fur production, 130
Mite Society, 99
Mobray, Jim, 130
Model Block, 108, 134
monastery, 79, 88, 101
Moody, George, 8, 35, 9
Moore, Harry, 174
Morrow Point, 35
Mount Sopris Instrument Co., 187
Mundry, Peter, 61, 62
Mundry Foundry, 62
murals, 172, 193, 194
Musser, Eda, 75, 93
Musser, Jack, 89, 93
Musser, June, 80
Musser, Kelso, 89

National Guard, 159
National Register of Historic Places, 100, 171, 194
Negro Gulch, 139, 155, 156
Nelson, Starr, 104, 114, 117, 118, 169
newspapers, 51, 148, 149, 158, 164, 177
North Delta, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 60, 72, 185, 187
North Fork, 34, 36, 59, 61, 68, 72, 177
Nutter, Anna, 104
Nutter, Charles, 87, 88, 108
Nutter, Eveline, 50, 88, 112, 183
Nutter women, 101, 104

Oasis Saloon, 75
Obergfell, John, 7
Oberlin College, 5,94, 133
Obert, Letitia, 101
O'Brien, Kelly, 194
Operation Enterprise, 202
Osborn, Dr. Tom III, 98
Ouray, Chief, 8, 10, 15, 24, 25, 26, 50
Ouray, Cob., 28, 50, 63, 87, 100
outfitters, 140

Pace, Charlie, 49
Packer, Alferd, 25
Paiute Indians, 15, 23
Paper Works Ink, 194
Parker, Edith Castle, 74
Peach Valley, 18, 47, 51, 169, 183, 185
Perklns, H. E., 79
Peterson, Nina Aldridge, 32
petunias, 186
Pioneer Lawyer, 38
Pleasure Forks, 192, 193
Ploger, Presh, 134
Plumb, Porter, 137
Poor Excuse Bridge, 42, 43
Pope, Mary, 187, 188
Populists, 76, 91
Porter, Julie Gunnison, 105
Presbyterian Church, 100
processing raw products, 121
Prohibition, 75
Project Seven, 109

Quik-Kold, 123

Radcliffe, William, 150
Rawalt, Rep. C. T., 56
Reading Room, 92, 101
Red Canyon Railway, 113
Reed, Don, 124
Reid, Hal, 116, 185
Remington, Avon, 182
Renfrow, Mel, 89, 182
Richards, Ludie G., 98
Ricketson, Henry, 164, 174
Ridgway, Inex, 59
Riley, Clarence, 82
Riley's Zoo, 83
Rivera, Don Juan, 17
river-rafting, 142
Robber's Roost, 67
Roberts Bros., 85, 139
Robertson, W. R., 69
Robidoux, Antoine, 19, 20, 21
Rockwell, Danny, 161
Rockwell, Robert, 89
Rockwell, Wilson, 89, 161
Rollins, Joseph, 34, 60, 126
Rollins Brickyard, 61, 63
Rollins Mine, 60
Rollins Sandstone, 60
Roosevelt, Theodore, 159
Roubideau, 106, 176
Roubideau Canyon, 11, 12, 20, 26, 41, 47, 90, 92, 181
Rural Electrification Administration, 171
Russians, 16, 17, 127, 154, 156
Ryan, E. E., 58

saddlery shop, 134
Sales, Rich, 200
Salt Lake City, 23
Salt Lake Trail, 9, 20, 24, 44
Sampson, Cash, 52, 93
Sanders,J. Frank, 63, 64, 92, 110, 124
Santa Fe, 9, 18, 19, 21
Schall Chemical, 121-22
Schmaltz, Anna, 153, 154
Schmaltz, Anton, 153, 154
Schmidt, Winifred Castle, 48
Schmidt Hardware, 134, 163
schools, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 96
Sebrock, Steve, 197
Schwartz, Doris, 88
Schwartz, Lawrence, 88
Scottie's Cabins motel, 44, 190
Seaton, Tom, 141
Servite Order, 88
Shakespeare Club, 101
Shaver, Bill, 74
Shea, Rebecca Peterson, 153
sheepmen vs. cattlemen, 87
Shields, Paul, 83, 188
Siecrest, Myrtle, 167
Siecrest Electric, 163, 167
Silver Panic, 86, 88, 90, 92, 137
Simpson, Ray, 63, 68, 69, 70, 150
Sinnock, Scott, 53
Skinner, Elmer, 125
Skinner, S. W., 125
Skyland Foods, 124
Smith, Cap. Henry A., 159, 160
Smith, George H., 62
Smith, John B. (Canyon), 57
soap kettle murder, 173
Somerset, 73
speak-easies, 169
Speas, Victor, 125
Speedie, Linda, 190
Springer, Rosalie, 167
Sprung, SheriffJ. L., 114
Squaw Hill Pass, 7, 54
Standish, 0. T., 150
Stanford, Ray, 114
Starr Nelson Airport, 118
state prison, 181
States, George W., 5, 42, 48, 58 

Stephens, Esther, 104, 106, 123, 146, 191
Stephens, George, 63
Stephens, Nellie, 30, 84
Stephens, R. W., 121
Stephens, W. 0., 3, 7, 8, 30, 31, 35, 46, 51
Sterns brothers, 158
Stockham, Dr. Albert H., 134, 137, 164, 166
Stockham Hardware Store, 134
Stone, Mortimer, 127
Stoody, Bob, 131
Story, Dovie, 185
Story, John, 185
Stroud, Pat, 199
sugar beets, 126
sulfur, 57
Sunshine School, 87
Sweitzer, Morgan, 186
Sweitzer Lake, 186

Taft, President, 56, 74, 107
telephone, 112, 113, 122
television, 119
Thliveris, Andy, 153
Thunder Mountain Lives Tonight, 189, 190, 199
tin can factory, 124
Tom's Inn, 167
"Town Daddy" ball teams, 141
Towne, Eph, 119
Townsend Plan, 169
trapshooting, 143
Triangle Theater, 146, 147
Triantos, Johnnie, 153
tuberculosis, 33, 73, 88, 94, 103, 145, 160, 182

Unaweep Canyon, 34
Uncompahgre & Gunnison Valley RR, 113
Uncompahgre-Grand Valley railway, 113
Uncompahgre House, 33, 95
Uncompahgre National Forest, 91
Uncompahgre Plateau, 33, 118, 188; and Divide Road, 170; and Escalante, 17; geology of, 53; and Johnson & Johnson cattle, 84; McCarty gang on, 67; Roberts outfit on, 85, 139; sawmills on, 34, 125; sheepmen on, 87; stone circles on, 11; Transfer Road on, 126; Ute race tracks on, 16
Uncompahgre River, 22, 25, 30, 43, 47, 51, 62, 82, 122
Uncompahgre Uplift, 53
Uncompahgre Valley, 3, 7, 24, 51, 52, 170
Underwood, Dr. R. C., 78
U.S. Soil Conservation, 198
Ute Council Tree, 9, 105, 14
Utes, 8,10, 34, 48, 50, 85; ambush freighter, 4; attack Fort Uncompahgre, 21; and Castles, 48; and Chief Ouray, 25; Chief Shavano's son killed, 4; and Chief Uncotash, 22; and Chipeta, 48-51, 56, 49; and Colorow, 26; and horses, 12, 13, 16; and Meeker Massacre, 26; and race tracks, 16, 109, 155; and slave-trading, 15; treaties of, 3, 24, 25, 26; and White River, 25

Valley Symphony Orchestra, 146
Vanderpool, Allison, 79
Vanderventer, M. C., 31, 34
Variety Theater, 164
Villa, Pancho, 127, 151, 160
vinegar, 125
Violet, William, 155
Voutaz, Frank, 181
war, 24, 25, 79, 127, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 200
water, 80, 81, 83, 108, 109, 186, 198
waterwheels, 46
Webb, Ernest, 116
Wells, Gene, 149, 177
Western Slope Memorial Hospital, 79
Western Tanning Co., 130
Wetzel, Ed, 84
Whitchurch, Cecil, 119
Wigram, Lionel, 154
Wilder, Fred, 105
Wilson, George, 134
Wilson, Margaret, 72
Wolbert, H. H., 68
women, 101, 102, 103
Wootton, Uncle Dick, 22, 23
Works Progress Administration, 171

Yankee Girl Mine, 62, 63, 87
Young, Brigham, 23
Young, Mrs. James, 114

Ziegler, Mudge, 113



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