In The Company of Cowboys by Mildred Jacobs Porter

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Adsit, Harry B. 8, 35-39
Adsit and Porter 17, 37, 39
Akers, Clark 145-146
Albin, Bert xv, 44-45
Andress, Earnest 51
Andress, Jack 143

Bailey, Nephus 178
Bankston, Bud 103-104
Bankston, Joe 101, 103, 105
Bankston, Neil 77, 78
Bankston, Sam 103
Bankston, Vernon xv, 49
Barnes, Jess 123, 130
Beach. Dora 50
Beach, Elias and Ella 95
Beach, Essie 50
Beach, Floyd 50
Beach, Hattie 46, 49-50
Beach, Will and Ida 50, 95
Bement Ranch 108-109
Bishop, Edward F. 120
Blackburn, Chet 46
Blumberg, Dick 193
Bollinger, Dr. 108-109, 164
Boss, Jay 142-143
Bray, William E. 156
Broiles, Jim 105, 107
Brown, Hoyt 29
Browning, A. M. 126, 132
Bruce, Ace 105
Bryant, William Cullen 62
Bullock 112
Burrows, George S. 120
Butterfield and Christie 195

Cade, Walter 50
Caldwell, Bob 10,46
Calhoun, Alex 2-3,5, 176, 180, 184-185, 195
Carlisle Ranch 2, 178, 180, 182
Cassidy, Butch 37-39
Cassidy, Mike 38
Cassity, Bill 98
Cassity, Tom 50
Chisholm, Duncan 149
Clay, John and Co. 48
Cline, Claireen 23
Cline, W. J. (Bill) 23, 28-29
Collins, Jonce 95
Combs, Bert 54
Copp, Henry 130-131
Crable, Clyde 105, 106, 108
Curry, Alice 97

Dalpez, Jim and Agatha 54
Darling, Henry 156
Davis, Howard 52
Davis, Joe 113
Davis, Joe (no relation) 113
Dawson, Bill 112
Dewey, Admiral 45
Doble, Robert McF. 150
Dolan, Mrs. 168, 170-171
Dunham, Alfred 36, 86
Dunham, Dick 89
Dunham, R. B. 112

Ficklin, Calvin 83
Fields, Dean 80
Fitch, Monte 48
Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Eva 51
Freel, Dick 165, 167, 169-170
Fraser, Burt 45

Gaines, Pat 142, 143
Galloway, Gord 17, 39, 46
Galloway, James 120
Galloway, Sim 89
Garner, Golman 105, 138-139
Garner, Mrs. Golman 105-106
Getty, H. C. (Sheriff) xvi, 167-169
Getty, Herrnan Jr. 167-169
Gonia, John 52
Gove, Frank 130
Graves, Frank 47-48, 50, 97
Gray, Joe 45
Greager, Afton 50
Greager, Albert 44
Greager, "Dewey" 12, 14, 40, 50, 103, 177
Greager, Floyd Beach 23-24, 26, 28-29, 50, 79
Greager, Glen Ivel 48
Greager, Herman and Earnestine 44
Greager, Howard 50
Greager, Jack 47, 54
Greager, Jan (Mrs. Oran) 23
Greager, Keith 50
Greager, La Verna 47
Greager, Oran 23, 25-26, 28-29, 50
Greager, Oswald A. 27,44
Greager, Paul 47
Greager, Rose Marie (Mrs. Floyd) 24, 29-30
Greager, Tillie 44
Green, Lewis 126
Gourley, A. L. 133
Gurley, Charles D. 117, 119-120, 124-125, 129-130, 133
Gurley, Harrietta 125
Gurley, Roderick 124, 130
Guy, A. E. 129, 153, 155-156

Hadley, Dr. 169
Hamby, Mr. 195
Hammond, Allan 113-114, 135
Hammond, Matt 111-112
Hammond, Norman 113
Hampton, Chas. (Preacher) 44
Hampton, Emma Florence 44
Hampton, Mid 45
Hankins, Lawrence 163-164
Hardman, Francis xvii, 76
Hart, John 48
Herndon, Grace xvii
Hosley, Clarence 148
Huff, Asa46
Huff, Bill 46
Huff, Henry (Indian) 46, 89, 144-147
Huff, James 144
Hughes, Dan Sr. 52, 74, 161
Hughes Brothers 160
Hurd, Arvilla 96
Hurd, Baley 49, 50, 92-98, 100-105, 107-110, 170
Hurd, Emmett 49
Hurd, Lois 100
Hurd, Mamie 49-50, 96, 98, 101, 104, 107-109
Hurd, Wilma Lyle 97
Hutchins, "Salida Hutch" 183

Johnson, Frank 120
Joseph, Edwin 174
Joseph, Horace 15, 185

Kemp, S. A. 124
Keske, John 145-146
Keske, Mrs. John 145-146
Knight, Henry 48
Knight, Paul 54

Lamb, Jack 195
Landers, Joe 183-184, 186, 189-190, 193
Larson, John 125
Lavender, David 16
Lavender, Ed 16, 52, 142, 166-167, 195
Lavender, John 104-107, 167-169
Loveridge, Don 78

Mair, Charley 108
Mair, Ronald 168
Mattiotti 47
Maupin, Earnest (Em) 49, 98, 100, 109-110
Mayall, Fred 127, 174-175
McAdams, Johnny 7
McCall, Bud & Norma 76
McCarty, Tom 37
McKee, E. L. 123
McKeever, Richard "Dick" 47
Mickelson, Perry 150
Moore, "Bood" 88
Morgan, "Butch" 7
Morgan, Frank 7
Morgan, Frank Jr. 7
Morgan, "Wolf' 135-136
Morton, John 19-21
Morrison, William D. 123
Musselman, Roy 137

Neale, Al 186
Nelson, W. H. 128, 150
Netherton, Ed 74, 76, 78, 80
Neathery, Richard "Dick" 47, 121
Neathery, Theophilus 121
Nix, Mrs. James 19-21
Nix, James 87, 175
Nyswonger, Dan 144

Orr, Cy 46

Pace, John 193
Parker, Robert Leroy 36-38
Pileher (Sheriff) 166
Pitts, Edward 46
Powell, Moses W. 120, 129

Randall, W. M. (Billy) 3-6, 8-10, 12, 17, 39, 46, 177
Redd, Charley 195
Reed, Edgar 101
Richardson, Arthur 45,50
Richardson, Howard 112-113
Riley, George 146
Royce, Don 76
Royer, Sam 139
Rullison, Mort 142-143

Sandy, J. E. 124
Satley, Alvin 76
Scorup, Al 113
Selby, Billy 176, 195
Scott, John 46
Sharp, Abe 178-180, 183
Sharp, Fred xv, xvii, 12-13, 46, 78, 177-178, 180-181, 187-189, 193
Sharp, Hank 178-180
Skalla, Anton 125
Skidmore Bros. 126
Smith, Jimmy 45
Souther, William 87, 175
Spradlin, Henry 157
Spradlin, Sam 152
Stoddard, Mabel 114
Stokes, John 52
Stoner, George 49
Sullivan Bros. 168-169
Swain, Steve 46

Talbert Family 46
Tidd, Dr. 109
Tracy, E. A. ("Tub") 146-147
Turner, Mel 46, 86

Valient, Bob 57
Vossburg 114
Vincent, Merle 166

Wallace, Ruby 112
Walsh, Elmer 52
Walters, Dan 47
Warden, Clark 46
Warner, Matt 36-37
Warrick, Guy (Sheriff) 60-61
Watkins, "Bally" 193
Watt, Harry 45, 50-5I
Weining, Richard "Dick" 80
Wells, Buckley 150
Wescott, Augustus (Gus) 101-102
Wescott, Jack 106-107
Wescott, Miles 137
Wetzel, C. E. 175, 177
Whacker, Henry (Indian) 144
Wheeler, Walter 119-120, 129
Whatley Bros. 74, 78
Wilkerson, Charley 46
Williams, Bertha (Mrs. Jim) 49
Williams, Ed xvi, 137, 164-166, 169-171
Williams, Jim 49, 146
White, Frank 46
Wolfe,Joe 54,57-58
Wolfe, John Jr. 54, 57
Wolfe, John Sr. 54, 57
Wood, Clarence 157
Woods, Jode 10
Woods, Kip 78

Young, Bertha 47
Young Family 47
Young, George 163-164



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