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Fairmount Cemetery Records 1890 - 1906+

[NOTE:  This information is being moved to this county site for Denver.  This material comes from a prior Denver County website, with the assistance of others.  The email links may not work as I have not yet checked them.  However, any communications regarding this material should be sent to me as the current county coordinator with access to manage this page and/or any additions. I am working to get this page updated.  Please be patient.]

Fairmount Cemetery Records 1890-1906 (Plus)
These records are generously transcribed & donated to the Denver County COGenWeb Project
Doreen Robinson.

*Entries with a red asterisk (*) were contributed from other sources, and do not fit into the 1890-1906 time frame.  (To add your family data to the index, please, send the information to me.

*Click on the bright blue asterisk (*); it indicates that there is a photo of the grave stone on the Colorado Tombstone Photo Project page for Fairmount.

Eventually there will be 17,000 (1890-1906) records on these pages; with a text only version on the USGenWeb Project Archives for Denver County, Colorado.  Until the transcription is complete, Doreen has volunteered to do lookups for any letters not yet posted (for the years 1890 - 1906 only).  Just e-mail her at; be sure to put "FAIRMOUNT CEMETERY" in the subject line.

Please understand that neither Doreen nor I have any additional information.  The source of these records is a 1949 transcription by Stella Irish which was found on the end of a microfilm reel which was filed under the wrong county in a Colorado Springs library.  There is no information on the film about how the records were transcribed or the source.  It is assumed that the information was derived from an old card file.  Some of the older records cannot be found by Fairmount Cemetery, possibly due to loss or misfiling.  Many others, however, have been located by the cemetery when people have inquired.  If you would like to learn the exact location of the graves for any of the ancestors and relatives that you find on these pages, please, write directly to the cemetery.  The address is:

Fairmount Cemetery
430 South Quebec Street
Denver, CO 80231
Phone: (303) 399-0692

These records are here to assist researchers.  The webmaster makes no claim of accuracy; primary records should be consulted whenever possible.

Abbee - Allen, Martha L. |  Allen, Mary E. - Andrews, Baby
Andrews, Annie J. - Ayers

Baars - Barth  | Bartholdi - Berens  | Berg - Bolen
Boley - Brier | Brierely - Bucknum | Buckton - Bywaters

Cabeen - Carter | Cartin - Clark, A. | Clark, B. - Collins
Collis - Cowgill | Cowie - Czarnowsky

Dace - Dermody  | Derry - Dyhr 


Fader-Flynn  | Flynt-Fynn

Gabbert-Goodwin | Goodyear-Gyer

Hager - Hunt | Ickis - Izor | Jack - Jurgens

Kachur-Kilton | Kimball-Kyte

Lacey - Lewis, Madeline B.  | Lewis, Marjorie - Lytle

Mabel - Maxon  | Maxwell - Montague  | Montgomery - Myres

McFarland - McWilliams | Nacessle - Nyquist | Oakes - Oyler

Pabst - Phelps  |  Philips - Pynchon

Quackenbush - Quinn | Rabbonootz-Ritchie |  Ritefish-Ryder | Schuyler - Symes

Tabor - Thornton, James  |  Thornton, Jennie - Tyack

Uhl - Uzzell | Vail - Vulgamot

 W--- - Webber | Weber - Willhartitz | Williams - Wynn

Yaeger - Yunels | Zaccharrinni - Zwinkman

Fairmount Gravestone Photos
(Includes many burials not yet listed in these records.)

Denver Area Cemeteries
Colorado Tombstone Photo Project

Colorado Gravestones
Colorado Tombstone Transcription Project

Other Fairmount Sites

Historic Fairmount Photos

(Denver Public Library collection;
Fairmount Cemetery (Denver, Colo.)
Fairmount Cemetery (Denver, Colo.)--1890-1910.
Fairmount Cemetery (Denver, Colo.)--1900-1940.
Fairmount Cemetery (Denver, Colo.)--1920-1930.

Fairmount Cemetery at Wikipedia